So, tonight we're going to test the hotjoining ?
Tonight we are going to test NORMAL joining first and hope that it flawlessy works now so we never need hotjoining again, leaving the thread title as an awful memory that fades over time.
So, tonight we're going to test the hotjoining ?
Do you think we can handle those additional 15 minutes of playing?![]()
Isn't that what we do every night?![]()
Isn't that what we do every night?![]()
And my request to play as France was ofcourse only a joke.
Of course =p
Is there a game going on right now? Could I possibly hotjoin as an out of the way nation to see how it works?
AAR - 24/09/13 - Kingdom of Naples
Not much happening initially, recovering from the AI playing for me previously, reducing the inflation they racked up. Releasing Byzantium as a vassal was a no-brainer, I get more money from having them as a vassal and it means I can potentially just take their cores back from the Ottomans for free.
Got called into a war by France at the end, thought I might as well accept and then just white-peace out with fanboi, unfortunately my diplomats were both tied up and I couldn't ask for an offer over the broken chat. After Morfeo ruthlessly went after my tiny vassals, I decided I should join in with my small army. I guess I'll piss off quite a few former allies, but something had to happen to spice this game up after all the connection troubles.
Ha.Okay, so, cleaning up after the AI time. On the good side: I'm now rich! (something like 450 ducats).
So uh, who is hosting next time?
Our relations are strained due to border friction and aggressive expansion penalties. I just got improved relation up to +100 and I should be able to send you an alliance offer as soon as I'm done with my war.After all the issues at the begining of the session, I found out that the AI broke the alliance with my dear neighbour Venice.
I can go back to hosting. The biggest issue is still getting everyone to join at once. If two people hotjoin after everyone else it is sure to mess up the synchronization process. I'm also hoping that our latest save is more compatible with v1.2.So uh, who is hosting next time?
Our relations are strained due to border friction and aggressive expansion penalties. I just got improved relation up to +100 and I should be able to send you an alliance offer as soon as I'm done with my war..
Sorry for those with slower connections
I have Illustrator installed on my home computer. Whenever I try to use Inkscape it feels like I'm about to get an aneurysm.
convert -size 9126x11737 -background none input.svg output.png
Oh, and here is the "code" if you want to refine the image yourself.
Code:convert -size 9126x11737 -background none input.svg output.png