The total lack of empathy in this thread just validates everything he said.
What total lack of empathy? Are people glorifying death threats? Are people enjoying or saying devs should enjoying assholes online?
Get out of the “oh critics of the mothership, must make it stop”. What do you hope to achieve?
Every time there is some controversy expected (or you released Fallout ‘76 and then do not completely hit the ball out of the park as you hyped it up with your next game) attempting to silence any criticism conflating assholes, critics, and death threats sending criminals (“oh get fu&£d!” is not a death threat not a rape threat btw, pretending it is anything but an insult starts crossing into weaponising your discomfort to shut off any criticism… it will not make what you made better nor will help you feel better in the end).
Then again, your selective outrage is selective and undermines your point… but surely anyone can find you in the TLoU threads outraged by people calling the creator Cuckman, making crude jokes about the voice actors and characters, and transforming ND related threads in a vitriolic woke vs anti-woke war of words… or any other similar thread on Sony’s side… you know showing empathy for those devs…