Elder Scrolls 6 revealed early due to fans’ “pitchforks and torches”


they'll either reskin the same game in creation, which will feel like a total relic in 2030.
or do a complete engine transition to release in 2038

decisions, decisions
About ten years ago I was wondering how insane would be the new TES on the then nextgen consoles. Nowadays? I don’t care anymore, not interested in seeing modern propaganda in a medievalish fantasy setting with a decades old engine.
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I like games being announced early. I'd rather know I'm getting a game in the next 10 years than have no idea what's ever going to come out.

For instance Sony right now. Other than Wolverine I've no idea on their future slate. I'd much rather know what's to come even if it's 5+ years away.

I know others feel the opposite but I'd just rather know if there is anything to look forward to.
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Bethesda is absolutely gonna keep using the Creation engine because they're relying so heavily on modders to patch their games for them. If they switch to a new engine they won't be able to say "Eh, mods will fix it" because it'll be new waters for everyone.


Still hyped about TES6.

Starfield killed the feeling of exploration for me, by :

- Having loading zones constantly, it kills the feeling of a connected world
- Having zones on planets that are procedurally generated, but especially making them completely separated from one another, adding to the feeling of an amusement park and not a coherent world
- Having basically no feeling of exploration in a SPACE EXPLORATION game, where you actually don't explore space but click on a planet to land, and have zero threats by going from one system to another since it's just a click, and no feeling of travel.
- Way too much repeated content when you explore off the main path.
- No weather / acid / temperature threat either on planets, I mean even on supposed harsh planets you can give zero fucks.
- I get that planet are barren by design, but the whole game design is borked then. Because when your biggest generated surface on a planet could be explored completely in 10 minutes by running on foot, and most of it is spent running from a point of interest to another that's ALREADY showed on your map, well the exploration doesn't feel good. You discover basically nothing by yourself. It's a GPS game. And to add to that, you can't have vehicles because it would show that the generated zone is tiny and empty.
- Of course, no flying ship on planetary surface, where you could potentially get a great point of view of interesting zones to land in. Adding to immersion and feeling of adventure.

TES 6 will normaly resolve all those problems (probably aside from exploration being a threat in itself), by having a cohesive and connected world even with procedural generation. And of course, only one planet and no ships :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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All y’all ppl saying not to use their engine. I hope they do. Not many, if not at all make games like them. If ES6, is an improve and updated version of Skyrim. I’m gonna be happy. That all it need to be.
That's all I wanted, if all the better engines they explored are not as moddable, then I'd rather have the same creation engine. If people just wanted improved game engine, there are enough sony games for them. I certainly don't want to lose the last big AAA dev studio releasing games that are so moddable. Larian and CDPR's games will likely never be as flexible for mods.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Lmao utter horseshit. They wanted to pad out a presentation with excitement so they shoved two logos at the end to get people excited about products that were YEARS away (and still are).


"The best time to start talking about it is six months before release"

Morrowind - Announced 2000 - Released 2002
Oblivion - Announced 2004 - Released 2006
Skyrim - Announced 2010 - Released 2011
Fallout 3 - Announced 2004 - Released 2008
Fallout 4 - Announced 2014 - Released 2015
Fallout 76 - Announced 2018 - Released 2018

Starfield - Announced 2018 - Released 2023

At this point I fully expect the first loading screen of TES6 to look something like this:

!!! 0% !!!


Honestly, I hope Starfield humbles them a bit. The success of Skyrim seems to have gone to their heads. FO4 honestly felt a bit phoned in and Starfield seems to have had many of the same problems. The latter not setting the world on fire might actually bring them back down to earth - here's hoping anyway.


Not to be a mean guy, but I feel like Starfield killed a lot of the hype for TES6, at least for now.

Nah, devs should be able to try something new.
They should but not when it takes 5-10 years to create a new game.Development times have gotten outrageous.
If you thought you were getting ES6 less than 5 years from the launch of Starfield then that's on you.

It's like getting pissy GTA6 didn't launch immediately after RDR2, you know how these studios operate.
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