They don't need to. Not with Thor Girl, Namorita, Female Wolverene, Spider-Woman, Lady Deadpool etc. They make a female version of the male characters anyway.
And Thor Girl is more powerful that Thor
They don't need to. Not with Thor Girl, Namorita, Female Wolverene, Spider-Woman, Lady Deadpool etc. They make a female version of the male characters anyway.
Ugh, yeah, you're right. I doubt producers would be willing to take a chance on a superhero film (especially a female superhero movie) that was primarily funny, sexy, and clever, rather than action-packed. Sure, include some action, but have it be the side-dish to the superhero law entree, garnished with wacky Single Green Female adventures (inter-dimensional boxing match, anyone?). I honestly think it would work; it'd be fresh, interesting, and a much better fit for the character than the boring ol' "WE MUST STOP <villain> BEFORE THEY <evil plan> OR ELSE <dire consequences>" mainstay. Plus it lends itself well to cameos.
At best, we'd have something truly awesome. At worst, we'd get My Super Ex-Girlfriend 2. And as scary as it is to admit, I'm willing to take that chance if it means we might see a Shulkie feature that does the Jade Giantess justice. But knowing how these things usually go, we'd probably end up with She-Hulk starring Callista Flockheart. (Although I suppose Shulkie would need to be CG anyway, so casting someone petite as Jen would work. Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, on the other hand...)
I honestly wonder if an atypical plot would be considered less of a "risk" in a Hercules movie, just based on the fact that he's a guy.
if you plan on genderswapping mar-vell. why bother? you might as well just jump straight to carol
Gender swapping is about the lamest thing that can happen FOR women in comics, it's actually a step backwards than an actual female char or an original female char
They don't need to. Not with Thor Girl, Namorita, Female Wolverene, Spider-Woman, Lady Deadpool etc. They make a female version of the male characters anyway.
And Thor Girl is more powerful that Thor
I don't think race-swapping Nick Fury was a bad thing for black men in comics.
For that matter, "actual" female characters are generally weak/overlap significantly (almost all powerful female characters are magic users). Original female characters... heck, ANY original superhero in the marvel film universe would be hard.
He wasn't race swapped for the movie. He was made black and inspired from Sam in the ultimate universe. They reused that version for the movies.
Gender swapping is about the lamest thing that can happen FOR women in comics, it's actually a step backwards than an actual female char or an original female char
A Kate Bishop movie would be literally the best thing. Just make a Hawkeye movie about her.
He wasn't race swapped for the movie. He was made black and inspired from Sam in the ultimate universe. They reused that version for the movies.
I agree in principle. But then again, we've ended up with great female comic and cartoon characters through gender-swaps -- some that easily surpass their male counterparts. I stand by my belief that She-Hulk is a far better character than Hulk for a number of reasons. Fionna and Cake are awesome too, though it's impossible me for play favorites between them and Finn & Jake.
Overall it's more about the strength of the writing and the design of the character, I think. Just because a dude had the power-set first doesn't mean a gal couldn't rock it better. A character can definitely rise above a lame origin.
If it just about the power, why not just create a character with that power?
Because the whole point of the cinematic universe is to adapt characters to the screen. If you start creating new superheroes in the movies, you're kinda missing the point, and might as well just go off and make your own totally unrelated films.
Alexandra Daddario.I'm now trying to think of who'd be a good Kate
I'm bad at this
If it just about the power, why not just create a character with that power?
Alexandra Daddario.
Hire me, Marvel.
They adapted and stayed pretty faithful with the comics so far and been rewarded for it. Why stop now? They just need to add more minority characters. Which there are loads ready for film.
Gender-swapping would be a waste of the plethora of great female Avengers who have been created already and are just waiting for inclusion.
I wouldn't say it's just about the power, more like the power combined with the personality. For example (and not to overuse the word "Power"), I wouldn't consider Power Girl a gender-swap of Superman even though she has pretty much the same abilities (and a convoluted origin that ranges from "derivative" to "terrible and derivative"). How she thinks and acts helps to differentiate her from her closest counterpart, same with She-Hulk.
Ideally, these characters would have been conceived from the get-go as strong, independent women who didn't need to be propped up by a male superhero. But they're strong and independent now, and that's all I really care about.
The Ultimate Universe was part of Marvel's foray into the films. It was a soft reboot of the universe to get new readers into the comics. There's a reason why the biggest books for a while were Ultimate X-Men and Ultimate Spider-Man.
The Ultimates was them preparing for the Avengers series. They started work on this stuff in about 2001.
How many characters are there that could go toe-to-toe with Hulk or Thor, male or female, that Marvel could use in a movie, and actually have a chance of being used in a movie?
Wasp basically tied to Hank, and Marvel wants to avoid the abuse angle, it seems. They're trying very hard to keep him out, in case you haven't noticed.
Also, I kinda think Songbird overlaps with Falcon too much as "character who can fly with wings on.".
So you just want woman to beat up the hulk? It ain't all about the raw power, it si how you use it.Well, first, they have changed a LOT. Simplified it, for one thing. They've also ensured very little overlap between characters. Rhodey's never going to get a solo movie like he has a solo comic, because we don't need two movies featuring guys who basically have the same equipment.
Almost all the women suggested so far are weaker than men. Which is the entire reason I came up with the thread. I want characters who are equal with the men. Having a female Sentry is way different than bringing Tigra on the team. One of them can fly and shoot laser beams. The other is... um. Whatever Tigra does. Honestly, I don't think I've ever actually seen her do anything in comics aside from wear a bikini.
Wasp basically tied to Hank, and Marvel wants to avoid the abuse angle, it seems. They're trying very hard to keep him out, in case you haven't noticed.
Already mentioned Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk. Don't want to run into the overlap with Hulk though, would rather just see a solo She-Hulk movie.
Photon's powers are to "blast light at people" and she should headline Agents of HATE, which needs to be a thing, because it's the greatest comic book of all time.
Spider-Woman can't really go toe-to-toe with Hulk or Thor as explained in the OP, and also I THINK Marvel either can't use or is trying to avoid her due to confusion with the spider-man movies.
Mockingbird got the super soldier serum at one point, but more likely than not, they'll just have her as "woman who does random kung fu."
Firestar's a mutant, can't be used.
Tigra, Hellcat, and Songbird are all like C-tier characters (Hellcat's comic by Katherine Immonen is amazing). None of them fit the requirement to go toe-to-toe with hulk/iron man/thor. Also, Hellcat's origin story is absolutely INSANE, and Tigra's just kinda stupid all-around.
Also, I kinda think Songbird overlaps with Falcon too much as "character who can fly with wings on."
This is one of the reasons why I wouldn't mind a gender swap with Sentry (because of the interesting 1960s thing, convincing people she's not crazy, etc) or Mar-Vell (because of the body swap thing, where two distinct people function in the same role). There's a much more interesting person behind there. Sure, I could just go with Power Princess, but that name is dumb, and the background is "basically just Wonder Woman." Wonder Woman's entire backstory and stuff is stupidly bad.
Very odd planning I would made most of the characters assholes to prepare for the movieverse? then didnt use all but a few aspects of said universe in their movie universe? that doesnt make sense
Define toe to toe.How many characters are there that could go toe-to-toe with Hulk or Thor, male or female, that Marvel could use in a movie, and actually have a chance of being used in a movie?
Define toe to toe.
Whatever the OP defines it as. It's one of the hardest to work with constraints put forth. Number of heroes that are capable of putting them down, aren't c-listers, and aren't mutants seems really small.
Sersi could turn him into a cat , Carol could drain his gamma energy, Mantis can calm him down with her space hippy bullshit, etc. People need to get beyond punch, kick, fights.
Yes. I would love to see a male Phoenix.
Gender swapping is about the lamest thing that can happen FOR women in comics, it's actually a step backwards than an actual female char or an original female char
This is one of the reasons why I wouldn't mind a gender swap with Sentry (because of the interesting 1960s thing, convincing people she's not crazy, etc) or Mar-Vell (because of the body swap thing, where two distinct people function in the same role). There's a much more interesting person behind there. Sure, I could just go with Power Princess, but that name is dumb, and the background is "basically just Wonder Woman." Wonder Woman's entire backstory and stuff is stupidly bad.
lame ass quentin quire exists. have at him
How many characters are there that could go toe-to-toe with Hulk or Thor, male or female, that Marvel could use in a movie, and actually have a chance of being used in a movie?
So you just want woman to beat up the hulk? It ain't all about the raw power, it si how you use it.
Define toe to toe.
Jean could go toe to toe with Thor, but that's outside the params. Lots of really neat female X-Men.
Beyond that, if 2 Elektra movies can happen and a Green Lantern movie, I do not see a single problem with a Ms. Marvel movie.
Sersi could turn him into a cat , Carol could drain his gamma energy, Mantis can calm him down with her space hippy bullshit, etc. People need to get beyond punch, kick, fights.
We don't need to genderswap anybody. Just give us a Monica Rambeau movie and we're golden.
I agree -- honestly, at face value, the concept of "superheroes" is kind of boring. It's just a collection of brightly-colored spandex and capes with mix-'em-match-'em powers drawn from a stock library. The people in the costumes are what give the characters depth; they make the characters who they are, they make them relatable to us mere mortals.
So I don't really see it as an issue of swapping genders, because that's (usually) not the only thing going on. She-Hulk and Power Girl don't work because they're The Hulk and Superman in women's bodies; they work because they're unique people with their own personalities, desires, ways of approaching problems, and so on. Same with the female / male versions of Sentry, even though they share a name and costume. I'd love to see a woman Sentry if the character ever shows up in a film.
Congratulations, space magic. We already have that with Scarlet Witch. Magic is one of those things that rarely works well in comics to begin with. Back in the OP, I suggested Mar-Vell and Sentry for a reason. They have a deeper story than just "oh hey I can punch some stuff. Mar-Vell had a physical swap with another person. Sentry is a hero who forgot he was a hero, someone out of sync with the universe. There's neat storytelling potential there that we don't have elsewhere.
so you want a drug addict schizophrenic as a character? theres no amount of scrubbing that can be done for him. you might as well make an all new character
so you want a drug addict schizophrenic as a character? theres no amount of scrubbing that can be done for him. you might as well make an all new character
I am like 80% certain I said something about before Bendis ruined his character.
I'd like to see a Power Girl movie, incidentally, but DC's continued insistence on grimdark hurts them significantly. If you make a Power Girl movie, you have to make it fun. A lot of people will want to default to I AM WOMAN, RAAARGH, PUNY MAN. Lots of men going "you can't be that awesome" and her proving them wrong. Really boring storytelling. What works best for her is just... her being really happy with who she is. It's why the Palmiotti/Gray/Conner run was so fantastic. Instead of "a lot of dudes underestimate superman-lite," it was "so this totally awesome superheroine does totally awesome things like saving New York and taking her subterranean friend out to watch horror movies just to freak her out."
Gender swapping is about the lamest thing that can happen FOR women in comics, it's actually a step backwards than an actual female char or an original female char
No it is NOT.
It is the easiest way to put a woman super hero on screen, which will make MUCH MORE PEOPLE KNOWN THE CHARACTER than creating a new character, marketing it to a market who as sexist as gamers only acepting hot women and then trying to pitch it a movie about her.
Give cate blantchet or tilda swilton a non sexualized robe and call her Stephanie Strange.
THEN you will have girls seeing in the big screen something they can relate and feel they can be superheroes too.
Not in a niche cult comic book that needs to survive in a world full of big names
Original female characters? What are those?Gender swapping is about the lamest thing that can happen FOR women in comics, it's actually a step backwards than an actual female char or an original female char
No it is NOT.
It is the easiest way to put a woman super hero on screen, which will make MUCH MORE PEOPLE KNOWN THE CHARACTER than creating a new character, marketing it to a market who as sexist as gamers only acepting hot women and then trying to pitch it a movie about her.
Give cate blantchet or tilda swilton a non sexualized robe and call her Stephanie Strange.
THEN you will have girls seeing in the big screen something they can relate and feel they can be superheroes too.
Not in a niche cult comic book that needs to survive in a world full of big names
I think it wouldn't work the way you're saying it will. There are plenty of interesting female characters that Marvel has. You don't need to gender swap characters to make them interesting. You just... need to adapt them well and make them interesting enough to watch.
Shit, I've never read a Captain Marvel comic, but if Marvel delivers a badass film with space fights and DBZ style ass kicking and heavy doses of sarcastic wit, I'm in.
For characters that are somewhat more obscure like Doctor Strange, I don't think you'll get much reception whether the character is male or female. Most of the people I'd ask would probably not know much about Doctor Strange other than he does magic. Making him into a woman wouldn't change much.
I don't think you're thinking like a movie person. The goal here is to keep these movies streamlined. You get about four hours of footage a year, every year, to tell a story. From now to 2028, that's 56 hours of footage. As a result, you need to pick your battles. You need to have characters that don't overlap with others, so female versions of male characters already in the films won't work (She-Hulk's got the best chance).
She's starting to show her age :'(