well everything was going well until that ninja boss, lost 3 character and main char died too lol.
RIP. I don't know anything about SoSC so I don't know how far in "ninja boss" is but it sounds like you didn't get very far![]()
The ones done by Fuji Mogeo, the character designer for Ray Gigant are quite nice.
Very, very nice indeed. But seriously, not sure why I assumed it was one or the other for the original vs new art style but really glad I can mix.
Migmy fighter...? Gimp that, gimp this wth (?_?)
finally made it to the final dungeon of the main story. was a bit stressing the last few boss that can target back row. there's only 1 or 2 boss now that scare me in the final dungeon, other than that it should be fine. I'll probably class change again a bit soon.
Are you still doing your full Migmy run? If so, bravo. How much post game is there and will you do all of it with your Migmy party?
finally made it to the final dungeon of the main story. was a bit stressing the last few boss that can target back row. there's only 1 or 2 boss now that scare me in the final dungeon, other than that it should be fine. I'll probably class change again a bit soon.
finally beat the main story. got scared at one boss, I used the wrong divinity skill and it was a bit ugly, good thing I had a few doll or else I would of lost a character.
main character
front row
back row
(I plan to change her to ranger and wizard eventually)
clear time(it's a bit less, maybe 2-3 minutes less because I killed the guy at the entrance of the post game dungeon).
and the characters that permanently died: Rip Rose,viki and serah.
they were lvl 13 class changed them and then died to a boss.
I think I'll go eat a bit and relax lol.
Well done! I think the worst part of a full migmy run is you have to use 2 portraits twice :/
What's the ETA for SoSC western OT?
Both XBO and Vita will share threads since the game is niche enough that it won't get enough attention to need multiple.
Demon Gaze and Stranger of Sword City developer Experience, Inc. will host a 10th anniversary commemoration event on May 1 from 17:30 to 19:30 JST at the UDX Gallery in Akihabara, Tokyo, the company announced.
In addition to a first look at new titles, the event will feature upcoming titles and the latest information on various projects. Yurika Takagi and Rika Tachibana will MC.
will be nice to see new stuff. and congratz to them, 10 years already...
Are Japanese developers really that welcoming when people go into their HQ?
I remember an old online friend of mine about 10 years ago when to the CyberConnect2 HQ and got a picture with their CEO and his autograph too.
If they are it makes me want to visit Japan even more.
I made a thread. It's confirmed that Exp Inc has multiple games for xb1 in development for the west
I know this thread is more about news and stuff but I've been putting down Demon's Gaze at Ether Mirage due to the healing being absolute BS and tonight I finally beat the damn thing. I last played the game in November...
Ether Mirage the mid-boss before entering the castle? That one's a serious difficulty spike that put a lot of people off I think.
Yeah that was the one. Just irritated me, mostly cuz' I'd made it through most of the game no problem up to that point.
I hate to be a port beggar but I really hope they come to PSV as well. Didn't know Chikami was an XBox fanboy. Care to confirm Parakeetman?
I'd say the thread is for anything EXP related, since Dorarnae posted about his challenge run. I don't really remember but is Ether Mirage the mid-boss before entering the castle? That one's a serious difficulty spike that put a lot of people off I think.
I know this thread is more about news and stuff but I've been putting down Demon's Gaze at Ether Mirage due to the healing being absolute BS and tonight I finally beat the damn thing. I last played the game in November...
Not the best idea as you have no idea what kind of schedule said company has along with it is never appreciated just to show up unnounced and without official reason. Regardless of country.
The simple reason why they have supported the Xbox is just due to having developed games on windows and such originally.
Hey I remember, on several occasions, where I showed up at Avalanche to visit an old friend. They where very friendly and showed me around and even gave me a bun. Actually I always got coffee and a bun if I wanted one. Then again I always called him and set up a date before I swung by(by or bye?)
hmm, always assumed MS Japan helped them with money for an exclusivity window in return. Well whatever makes them survive![]()
that and you actually knew someone in the company. along with what you said about having scheduled in advance.
i dont recall them ever mentioning actual paid exclusivity during any of their streams outside of saying ms has helped support them which usually can be taken as support through getting the product released.
True enough. Hey I'm tired. I've pulled my hair out sitting at work for 50 hours this week only. Going on a mini vacation and everything just had to go to shit
Anyway, yeah, support. I might jump the gun but to me it spells "money". Now that doesn't need to mean cash but promotions, dev help etc etc.
that and you actually knew someone in the company. along with what you said about having scheduled in advance.
i dont recall them ever mentioning actual paid exclusivity during any of their streams outside of saying ms has helped support them which usually can be taken as support through getting the product released.
the studio is only around 30 something people i think and with what we have seen over the years constantly working on something. since realistically we all know the xbo situation in japan is not going to improve and relying on the unknown market of the western xbo audience as a business decision they eventually will have to make their way to the ps4 i reckon. though a matter of when is the question seeing how they already have things in development for this year. Demon Gaze 2, The updated ihoujin which they talked about in live streams and the unknown xbo title that they are talking about here.
If we are to think from a development standpoint thats pretty much a full year. Plus no idea how far along that unknown XBO title is. Cant imagine too far considering we just got SOSC on the XBO and they are working on DG2 now since they showed those graphics and did an announcement at the kadokawa event.
murphys law man.
always fun when a final build has a ship sailing through terrain as the whole ocean has become a landmass then finding out that old code was combined with new code breaking everything lol. good times.
i kinda wonder what ms japan their gaming division even looks like at this point. would imagine with how things are now it must be on a skeleton crew
Maybe they will port some of their older 360 games over to XBO and release them internationally as well. Would open them to a wider audience and would be a good small project while in the planning stages for something bigger.
Hmm, not sure how the people have reacted to the BC but if it sells why spend time porting as I assume the games wouldn't look much better either way?
Instead release it as a BC game and try to bring their already existing XBO ports over and updating the physical ones to be able to have English language options?
Fake edit: I like you Para, I really do![]()
not too sure if they would do that as stated their schedule is packed and releasing older titles in the west would require everything that has to do with localization then the other issue of rights management depending. in the situation of if SOSC does not sell well it would be a sign to them that there might not be a market for the genre on the system which would stop the thought on localized ports.
not even sure if they are doing domestic bc for their older titles considering how dead the market is.
Maybe they will port some of their older 360 games over to XBO and release them internationally as well. Would open them to a wider audience and would be a good small project while in the planning stages for something bigger.
It can't be very robust but dev support probably doesn't need a huge staff.
That's because I know people would rather buy the game as an XONE port, even if it's originally a 360 game. It's the same as selling PSP games for Vita owners for the first couple of years, that even though both Vita and PSP would run those games, most people would rather buy Vita games for their Vita.
hmm, I guess I'm the weird one then. As soon as I could I bought many of my older PSP games on the Vita as they released. Same for PS3 and PS1/2 games and even some ports on PC as they came :/
But you are probably right though.
EDIT: anyway, OFF TOPIC!
On Topic:
The west is getting more games. It's effing great ^^
Is it actually getting more games?
We only know that unknown titles are in development, not whether localisation will occur. Just tempering expectations.
Is it actually getting more games?
We only know that unknown titles are in development, not whether localisation will occur. Just tempering expectations.
Is it actually getting more games?
We only know that unknown titles are in development, not whether localisation will occur. Just tempering expectations.
If they are making XBO games I would have to assume they will release them internationally. The domestic market for Experience is a burning tire fire. I think LTD of XBO in Japan was around 65k.
there's multiple way to kill him, it just depend on what you use...
lol everyone hates that boss apparently. Since if you do not have the DPS it just becomes impossible due to the healing.
Oh? What do you mean?
Seeing as a lot of earlier stuff can be cheesed due to God Mirror and stuff it's a bit of a surprise if you haven't been working hard enough
Beat Demon's Gaze game this morning, had a few false starts with the final boss but tore through it pretty quick ultimately. Fun game, I've got Operation Abyss sitting on the side from ages a'go so I may give that a shot before I consider Stranger![]()
Ha, I nearly went through the game without ever using God Mirror. Didn't even realize what it did until I was looking for strategies against Quasar.Seeing as a lot of earlier stuff can be cheesed due to God Mirror and stuff it's a bit of a surprise if you haven't been working hard enough![]()
The final elimination target (Omega Wyvern?) was like that, with the constantly regenerating limbs. But it is thankfully optional, so you don't have to take it on until you're ready.Thankfully off the top of my head Abyss does not have any really irritating bosses like DG did.
Ha, I nearly went through the game without ever using God Mirror. Didn't even realize what it did until I was looking for strategies against Quasar.
The final elimination target (Omega Wyvern?) was like that, with the constantly regenerating limbs. But it is thankfully optional, so you don't have to take it on until you're ready.
And yeah, I'd agree the hardest thing about Abyss is how obtuse and overwhelming the interface can be at first. Affix FauPar? Type Mus? There's a lot to take in. Also there are some puzzle dungeons that are a fair bit more complicated than anything in DG, though the player messages can help in a lot of these cases.
Oh? What do you mean?