Operation Abyss will be PSTV-compatible, that info is on the cover.
Thats good they will have it squared away from the start. Since in Japan initially there was issues with it not working correctly with the PSV TV even though it was supposed to be compatible. They had to wait for the publisher to clear the patch release is what I remember from my conversation with Chikami-san. They got it fixed pretty fast and everything was fine after that.
How did you get to talk with him?
Ive visited their office before so we had a conversation then. Nothing work related, just to talk for a bit bout various things.
It'd be nice if there was that info, which games are PSTV-compatible, in the OP.
Not necessary since they are all compatible.
So how was it laid out? Pits, wall traps, dark rooms?
I half expect a chimera to be guarding the place.
I hope that Namco Bandai doesn't conclude that Ray Gigant isn't a big enough property to be worth localizing. I always get nervous when smaller IPs are attached to larger publishers.
Not really seeing how they have been better with localizing things than in the past and they would not have gone to Exp Inc to make a new game if they did not see the potential behind the name considering how Demon Gaze did worldwide. Basically produce a smaller scale title which can pull in revenue if localized.
Bandai Namco has been a lot more aggressive too with Asia, so could see them doing an Asian release also before a US one. Which seems to be the case with them in general.
So think we can all feel fairly positive about the chances of it being localized.
Though the question is, will they do digital only for the West or not. Seeing how SAO:HF kept selling regardless of folks complaining on the internet about no physical copies basically told them that the "voices" on the internet do not mean too much when the numbers show otherwise lol. So with that being said, to cut down on costs for localization they might got a digital only route much to the dismay of fans that like to collect physical copies...
It's not weird at all. Exp obviously thought making the characters less realistic would sell more copies, and they're not wrong. That said, I love Stranger's art style. That's a much better balance.
No because this is not a thread to support someones elses project. I left that type of content out on purpose and have zero intention to include it in the OT itself.
People are more likely to go looking for illegal downloads rather than actually trying to get their hands on the actual product itself, which the original copies are harder to find, just to play the "fan translation".
It's very nice, I hope that with this new renascence of the genre here in the west, folks go back and experience more of their titles. Also, the more members we have on here, the better.Thanks man, it took a bit, since Im not exactly the type that follows up with the history and whatnots as Im more about game design than company history lol.
I still need to update some other stuff including the Xbox One project that is still on paper, but planned for the future. It was the one they had announced during one of their Cross News broadcasts which is supposed to be another title in the Students of Round series though the settings will be with Samurai and such. So that should be something interesting.
Some post-game stuff from Stranger of Sword City
Well done OT! Picked up Demon Gaze during the Golden Week sale and have been really enjoying it; enough to throw down the preorder for Operation Abyss. Just really like what I've read/seen from Experience Inc.
Those screenshots of Stranger of Sword City are terrific! hoping we get it soon enough![]()
It would be like localizing Persona 4 Dancing and Arena and not Persona 5. NIS can't be that crazy.
If anything, Operation Abyss belongs to their "mainline" IP.
Maybe you were trying to make a snarky remark about relative quality, although have you even played Operation Abyss yet?
I'd rather have a physical copy, but I'm fine with buying it digitally if that's the only version. I don't want the localization to be half-assed like it was with SAO, though.
Well done OT! Picked up Demon Gaze during the Golden Week sale and have been really enjoying it; enough to throw down the preorder for Operation Abyss. Just really like what I've read/seen from Experience Inc.
Those screenshots of Stranger of Sword City are terrific! hoping we get it soon enough![]()
For the Operation Babel Disgaea 5 character portrait DLC the following 6 were decided on after the community voting finished.
Samurai, Sage, Heavy Knight, Archer, Magic User (Female), Thief
Release date of this DLC is yet to be announced.
For those who want to see what the other choices were check the link below.
With NIS and 5pb working together, Operation Babel is all but confirmed for localization.
MAGES is the one that controls things. 5pb just lives on in name apparently, but the company itself is MAGES after the merger. So its Exp Inc dealing with MAGES along with NISA.
I guess its like the Koei Tecmo situation, where Tecmo basically is Koei now, but they kept the name for brand recognition.
I know that, it's still the same thing though and you got what I said.
Stranger's demo is seriously breath-taking, but it runs like garbage on my CPU.
Intro kept lagging, and the cursor is hard-locked to keep moving upward, like it's the touchpad or something.
The issue we had was just not being able to enter English characters for names so we had to enable Japanese input. Performance was fine for me.
The issue we had was just not being able to enter English characters for names so we had to enable Japanese input. Performance was fine for me.
Hopefully it should be ok since they improved the quality of Lost Song after the massive fuckup they did internally with keeping the Asian script for the most part. Plus they came out and officially made a statement about their next game would not have such horrible localization, which is pretty rare for large companies to do. Since yeah the SAO:HF was a mess.
Its stuff like this which is why am never too big on PC gaming as its always a crap shoot with if something will work or not on ones rig regardless of system spec reqs. lol
Its like for example the updated re-release of students of round. Dorarnae has it in his collection picture, for whatever reason that one will not install correctly on my PC or laptop, where the original game did no problem.
Didnt seem to be a faulty disc too as everything was reading ok?
Since I already had the original title just said fuck it and didnt bother to go looking further into the issue. lol
yeah I had problem with one game too. I can run Generation xth Code Hazard and Code Breaker full screen but Code Realize only work in window mode.
Asian English version of Lost Song is due out this week, so we'll see if they kept their word or not. I don't think there have been any English screenshots yet, so I'll wait until my copy comes or someone else gets theirs first.
After how pleasant a surprise Demon Gaze was, I'm fully onboard for more Experience Inc. games. Got Operation Abyss LE preordered for months. Though I do wonder what that delay was all about. April to June seems pretty long.
Don't have too much experience with DRPGs. Looking forward to Stranger of Sword City and Ray Gigant. The artstyle for those looks more up my alley. Willing to give Operation Abyss a try though. Is there anything remarkable about that series? Story any good?
Don't have too much experience with DRPGs. Looking forward to Stranger of Sword City and Ray Gigant. The artstyle for those looks more up my alley. Willing to give Operation Abyss a try though. Is there anything remarkable about that series? Story any good?
Packed March schedule most likely. So packed that people might used their April gaming budget and time for those games instead, not to mention that some releases overlap with NISA. Should've been May, but The Witcher 3 and Splatoon might make June better tims fod release.After how pleasant a surprise Demon Gaze was, I'm fully onboard for more Experience Inc. games. Got Operation Abyss LE preordered for months. Though I do wonder what that delay was all about. April to June seems pretty long.
Packed March schedule most likely. So packed that people might used their April gaming budget and time for those games instead, not to mention that some releases overlap with NISA. Should've been May, but The Witcher 3 and Splatoon might make June better tims fod release.
For what it's worth, I'd pick Operation Abyss over Demon Gaze any day. Demon Gaze is great, but there's something special about Operation Abyss. It's totally subjective of course, but the setting alone is much more interesting to me. The cast of characters as well. I think I said in the Operation Babel OT that I might think that because it's a four game series instead of a single title. And while some of the mechanics, especially related to items, are more complicated, they're by no means difficult to figure out and give you more ways to gear out your squads.
The Xth squad has quite a foul mouth, don't they?
The woman in black isn't an Xth member, but I think there were a few other English "shits" in the game, haha. I wonder how they'll localize the language switch. There's also one character in particular I'm really interested to see how they localize.