fps fanatic said:Anyone else who played the demo on console turn up the sensitivity? Or did it feel good to you as is? I turned it up one space on the bar and it felt right...
TheRagnCajun said:I don't think I've ever seen Eurogamer gush over a shooter. I'm not sure if that's just representative of the continent that they are catering too, or if it is specific to that publication, but I don't think I've seen anything higher than an 8 from them.
While not a perfect game by any means, FEAR 2 is an intelligent and frightening experience that also features extremely enjoyable combat. On balance its the best FPS Ive played since Half-Life 2 Episode 2 Paragraph 2 Subsection 2, and a real step forward for Monolith. Teddy bears on standby, everyone. Youre going to need them.
Router said:Nope... Its not night. It's the middle of the day. The smoke was making things very dark.
Mr. Durden said:Yeah but it's a Games for Windows game so?
Mohonky said:Also, don't understand why everyone is digging this game, I didn't think alot of the demo, just seemed really ordinary. Didn't like the originals all that much either though.
But for anyone who's been running down corridors with shotguns for most of their adult life, this is so uninspired that you worry for the spark of Monolith's soul. You guys made No One Lives Forever, remember? You're smart. You're better than this.
If you have a capable PC, then its not even up for debate bro.cameltoe said:gonna pick this us today...not sure which platform though.
Brakara said:Armored Front - standard conquest, but where each team has one mech
Brakara said:Maybe I should've put a bigger caveat in the mp post, but nothing there is really confirmed since there is no official information (and which is why it's not in the OP). The one mech is something I've read in a preview and could be wrong, so at least wait until it's been confirmed before giving up on the game.
Edit: it's definitely not 8vs8 mechs though, if that's what you hoped for.
Edwood said:At least the same as Lost Planet, or more. Some of the maps sucked because there was only a few mechs.
Did they not review the PS3 version of this? I watched the review and they go back and forth between the PC and 360 versions, not even acknowledging there's a PS3 version. To prove my point, I go to the PS3 page on this game: http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/fear2/index.html What? No score? What gives?Solideliquid said:Gamespot Review
The video review pretty much trashes the game, especially the MP.
fps fanatic said:Did they not review the PS3 version of this? I watched the review and they go back and forth between the PC and 360 versions, not even acknowledging there's a PS3 version. To prove my point, I go to the PS3 page on this game: http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/fear2/index.html What? No score? What gives?
Yeah, weird. Well, the IGN review pretty much gushes over the PC version also. Though at least he acknowledges both console versions...Solideliquid said:Well, and the thing is if you watch the video review he says the PC version is the superior version of the game graphically, but the score is still a 7.0.
Personally, I think I will play this until Killzone 2 then probably trade it in for store credit, and you can't do that with PC games.
I have a feeling most of the console reviews of the game will mostly be based on the 360 version of the game. I mean, I'm just really curious to read more reviews of the PS3 version due to the fact the demo was a little rough in the framerate dept. IGN does say the game is a wash on both consoles so that's a good sign cause from impressions the 360 version seemed solid.IGN said:I played the game through on the console, and it's a wash between the PS3 and Xbox 360 in terms of visual quality. It's a detailed game, though the graphics seem a bit workmanlike. As I noted earlier, though, there are some outstanding lighting and special effects going on. However, what struck me was just how much better the game looked on the PC.
godhandiscen said:I want to finish FEAR 1 before I jump on the second one, however, I get motion sickness. What do I do to eliminate the movement of the gun when you walk?
Solideliquid said:The video review pretty much trashes the game, especially the MP.
I got through F.E.A.R. 2 and started a second run before leaving for NYCC but there wasn't a chance to get in any mulitplayer. So, I spent the plane ride back from NYC putting down all my thoughts on the single-player. I'm going to guess I'll probably be one of the higher scores when it's all said and done, but yeah, I really like it -- so well that I'm pretty sure I'll play through it again here at home on the retail version. Anyway, here's my take:
By the approach to the climactic final encounter Monolith has taken you from bombed out city streets, over roof tops, through apartments, into the bowls of secret manufacturing facilities and everywhere in between. And along the way you've been scared, startled, creeped and grossed out (lest it go unmentioned, with the gore turned on this is one of the bloodiest and violent games around), had hundreds of white-knukled shootouts with everything from soldiers to grotesques to specters, and tromped around in mech as a complete bad ass. And most importantly, loved every minute of it.
Sean said:Do we know the average length of the game yet?
When did you last play FEAR? It looks and feels like shit. I was never impressed with it, but it's aged very poorly. FEAR 2 greatly improves on so many aspects of the original and at least seems to offer some decent location variety this time around.godhandiscen said:Wow, FEAR 1 on PC is definitely way more scary than anything on the FEAR 2 demo. Also, the combat feels superior. I am going to boot up the demo of FEAR 2 right now, but all my memories of FEAR 1 are coming back. It is not nostalgia. FEAR 1 is a fucking great PC game.
DevelopmentArrested said:Completed the first 3 levels and played a little bit of multi-player.
There are only 6 mp maps - mp seems fun but kind of throw-away.
godhandiscen said:Wow, FEAR 1 on PC is definitely way more scary than anything on the FEAR 2 demo. Also, the combat feels superior. I am going to boot up the demo of FEAR 2 right now, but all my memories of FEAR 1 are coming back. It is not nostalgia. FEAR 1 is a fucking great PC game.
Yeah, areas that I originally found to be creepy in FEAR have aged poorly and are not. I mean, I still think games like System Shock 2 and Silent Hill manage to pull off their scares pretty well even today, but not FEAR. The whole game just feels really cheap.Varna said:Having just played through FEAR 1 just days ago, I have to strongly disagree with it being more scary. The scares in FEAR 1 were so cheap and predictable... not saying that there won't be plenty of those in FEAR 2, but the ones in the demo were all well thought out and a bit more then just seeing a shadow or flickering lights.
EDIT: Gunplay was definitely better, but not if we go by demos.
Returners said:Oh crap, what happened? Never followed the updates but I thought the demo was pretty fun.
I don't get it. Did they remove melee attacks from the final version or are some critics just being idiots?Gamespot said:The cool melee attacks of the first F.E.A.R. are gone, but other varied gameplay mechanics are here to fill the gaps.