To all the comments sayiing that FEAR does not hold up today and looks pretty bad, I think people should actually go back and play it. Sure it isn't Gears Quality, but it looks pretty clean through an HDMI connection.
Main reason why I am hesitating on jumping on FEAR 2 is because of how well I think FEAR/Fear Files holds up with their gunplay, good challenge, good A.I. and awesome sound. The quality of the graphics on these sure don't compare to recent shooters, but they service me just fine.
I'm more mad at the devs with some of the changes they made in FEAR 2 from what I have heard, such as unmappable controls, easier game overall, no Instant Action mode, no slow-mo in multiplayer, blue glow around replicas in slow-mo time (WTF)
I'm having a hard time justifying pulling the trigger on some tradebait games (fable2, soul calibur4) I have to pick this up today despite being a big fan of the 360 games in the series.
Still looking like a price drop game for me I think unfortunately with how this economy is...