So I canceled my pre-order (that was delayed) and managed to track down a copy after visiting three-four stores. It cost me 200NOK (~30USD) more than if I had waited, but money isn't really an issue. I didn't have any plans this weekend anyway, so it's a small price to pay for not being bored.
DevelopmentArrested said:
played some multiplayer as well in between.
Ah. Still, I've played the first three missions now and averaged around 45 minutes on each, compared to your ~25 minutes per mission. I know I'm a turtle, but I'm surprised I spent almost the double amount of time on those missions than you (even though I played on hard). Speaking of difficulty, it is possible to change difficulty on the fly, so I don't understand why you didn't change to hard once you discovered that normal was too easy.
As for the game, it's as good, creepy and fun as I expected it to be. And even though it's only been corridors so far, it's oh so much better than the first game (which I played through earlier this week). I do understand the complaints about the difficulty though, but it's not really an issue for me (as I'm not the kinda guy who plays CoD on veteran). And unlike Varna, I find F.E.A.R. 2 to be much more immersive than F.E.A.R. precisely because of the HUD. Having every visual indicator as part of the Visor makes a lot more sense than just putting icons and numbers all over the screen. It can even explain why there's a cross sight in the middle of the screen.
I also played a couple of team deathmatches, and it was, well, team deathmatch. My main issue is the matchmaking, or, actually, the lack of it. Ranked games without matchmaking fucking suck. It consists of *Server refresh* -> *find game* -> *join* -> *Already full* -> *try again* and so on. And when you finally manage to join a game, the host has filled up his team with friends against your team of lone wolfs. As I said, ranked games without matchmaking fucking suck. It didn't help that I didn't get my "more kills than deaths" achievement either, even though I was +2 when the match ended. The leaderboards and ranking system are also poorly thought through, and I've yet to figure out how to change my model. Too bad, because the core gameplay is actually quite fun, and I really like the loadout system. I'm going to play some more though, so hopefully it will improve. Now, I just have to figure out the optimal loadout.