That -is- funny, since at the time (april 2002 when that issue was published) the plan at MS was for a monthly fee. Thats funny, because I remember talking about the annual subscription with people on forums months before then.
I don't see where you are getting not believing that Xbox Live would launch in Nov from, but I don't see why it'd be important anyway. Your right, I should have said games. QUOTE: "We figure the network goes live in November, when the first online titles (right) start hitting." Sounds like EGM was sarcastically saying there would be no LIVE games ready to me.Speaking of red herrings, as for questioning a broadband only network (which would honestly be perfectly valid anyway), I assume you're refering to us asking Charles Bellfield "MS' strategy depends on gamers having broadband. Bad move?". To which he says yes, Sega believes dail-up is the future. You might notice that is an interview, but I guess we did ask a question ergo questioning, right?! One has to wonder whether if PS2 online was broadband only, would it be considered a 'bad move' on EGMs part.Also, you somehow forgot to mention the part where we talk about how much better the XBox Live mic is than the PS2's SOCOM one, how all the games will use it, how you'll only need one name and password for Xbox Live, and a quote on how easy it will be to join a game ("as simple as a few button presses"). Yet there was TWO PAGES devoted to SOCOMS headset, and the LIVE communicator has hardly mentioned, and never given as much attention since. hmmm..
And still nothing about the PS2 online being better than Xbox Live.
Blazing Sword you are full of shit, plain and simple. Just admit it, you'll feel better. You're full of shit if you try to get us to beleive the mag is balanced.