duckroll said:This is definitely an Avellone DLC. If you enjoy the tons of in-depth dialogue trees and stuff you can do with the companions in Dead Money, this one is even better. The DLC basically opens with a longass conversation which can take up 40mins or more of your time. Soooooo yummy.
Also, lots of penis jokes. I approve!
hitoshi said:What about the setting and the gameplay areas? Is it as tight or totally linear as Dead Money was?
duckroll said:It seems relatively open. I'm way too early on to say for sure, but after a really long and hilarious exposition filled dialogue with the Think Tanks (you can actually choose how much you want to hear or what you want to hear about, but like all Avellone designed conversations, they're meant to pay off with exp bonuses and other bonus benefits if you actually bother to roleplay through the dialogue properly) there are a bunch of quests which open up. Some are optional, some are part of the main storyline.
You start in a sort of home base area, and when you exit out to the Big MT area itself there's a pretty large open facility hub area which has other in-door areas you need to get to.
duckroll said:This is definitely an Avellone DLC. If you enjoy the tons of in-depth dialogue trees and stuff you can do with the companions in Dead Money, this one is even better. The DLC basically opens with a longass conversation which can take up 40mins or more of your time. Soooooo yummy.
Also, lots of penis jokes. I approve!
jim-jam bongs said:I have never looked forward to DLC more than I do for New Vegas.
Expansions are what, 40 bucks? Once they're all done the DLC will practically be an expansion, and for the same priceDrazgul said:I'd still trade them all in a heartbeat for a proper expansion.
Drazgul said:I'd still trade them all in a heartbeat for a proper expansion.
Conflict NZ said:Still not up on XBL![]()
Drazgul said:Of course it is, it's made by Chris Avellone - He Who Can Do No Wrong.
zerotol said:I've bought every Fallout 3 and NV DLC as soon as they became available on Xbox market place, this will be another. I still remember the night waiting for Operation Anchorage to hit the market place!
hitoshi said:That must have been a terrible experience after trying it, because that is still one of the worst DLC ever released, in my opinion.
zerotol said:I would have to agree with you. But my hype for it at the time was pretty high. Point Lookout was the best and Mothership Zeta was the fucking worst. I still keep coming back though. It's like a tradition.
duckroll said:I find the style of how NV is handling the DLCs, and what they're doing with them very interesting and refreshing.
Wallach said:When he's writing, anyway.
Come across any new shotguns, duck?
duckroll said:Not yet, but I've come across what is probably the most unexpected Wild Wasteland encounter in NV or any of the DLCs so far. Lol. This DLC is definitely LOL.
Wallach said:I don't supposea whale falls out of the sky or anything? Haha.
Wallach said:I'm hoping the unwashed villagers make a visit again in some DLC. They deserve it.
woooooopBlackSalad said:its up on xbox live
Where? I can't find it on my Xbox or Xbox.comBlackSalad said:its up on xbox live
Let us know if you find a Ghost people hazmat suit.duckroll said:Old World Blues is pretty awesome. The design is definitely very different from Dead Money (and Honest Hearts). You have a ton of options of what you want to do at any given time, most of it completely optional.
You have a home base which has various err... appliances which you have to find modules for before they can be reactivated, and it seems that each of them have upgrades which you can subsequently install if you find those holotapes. You also have a gun which you can find different sound module tapes for, allowing you to basically upgrade the gun into more advanced versions.
Lots of wacky stuff, and interesting hooks to Dead Money and New Vegas so far. I'm actually quite surprised at the amount of characters and voice content in the DLC. It's definitely the liveliest yet. Tons of personality.
Sotha Sil said:Come on, Steam! Be a pal.
Wallach said:What's wrong?
Sotha Sil said:Still isn't up on Steam Europe. Unless I'm doing something horribly wrong.
Wallach said:Oh, Europe, I dunno why they don't have it up yet.
duckroll said:Old World Blues isn't "actually" out on Steam yet. For some reason, if you go to the direct link, it's available for US and Canada. For everywhere else (Europe, Asia, Australia) it will say it is not currently available in your region. There are no Steam Achievements for OWB yet either. So clearly there is some fuck up going on. Lol.
Sotha Sil said:Damn it to hell. Ah well, time to play Honest Hearts.
duckroll said:I wouldn't worry about it too much. It sucks that they're incompetent (again!), but within a day or so everything should be up and fixed. If you haven't played Honest Hearts yet, now's a good time to run through it before OWB!
Rickard said:Does the 360 version still crash all the time?