Mad_Ban said:Still not up on UK Steam![]()
Oh man, when sheHulud said:Doctor Dala is my new favorite character of the year. Hilarious.
Technosteve said:i still haven't beaten honest hearts =(, Ducky you should do a series of let's play videos. So i can be lazy and just watch someone else play and i get to see the story stuff.
Oh okay, so once you have that sweet looking minigun from Old World Blues I should be able to end up using that in the normal New Vegas world. Awesome.-BLITZ- said:In Dead Money if you don't take the special/unique weapons, you can't go back anymore to take them. Honest Hearts works fine and Old World Blues said you can go back after you finish the DLC. At the moment I can say that Old Blues is so massive. I got a feeling of being in Far Cry last level with all those creatures everywhere I step. Sweet!
And I want to tell that you don't need to take so much ammo, 100 bullets for each weapon is enough, I took 150 & 200 and I'm already full because you can find anything you need in the DLC with lots of ammo as well.
duckroll said:This is going to sound weird but... somehow I never got the Cyberdog gun. It sounds like it's supposed to be a really early weapon? I'm 4 hours into the DLC, and I've been upgrading the Sonic Emitter but somehow I must have completely missed the Cyberdog gun. Not that I really need it since I'm currently playing with a Melee + Energy Weapons character, but I wonder what I missed.
The Proton Axe... is awesome btw.
duckroll said:This is going to sound weird but... somehow I never got the Cyberdog gun. It sounds like it's supposed to be a really early weapon? I'm 4 hours into the DLC, and I've been upgrading the Sonic Emitter but somehow I must have completely missed the Cyberdog gun. Not that I really need it since I'm currently playing with a Melee + Energy Weapons character, but I wonder what I missed.
The Proton Axe... is awesome btw.
I think playing them in order would be a pretty good idea, yeah. I usually save them for the endgame, too: right before the battle of Hoover Dam.zkylon said:40 minute conversations? Man, that brings you back...
By the way, should i play all the DLCs in order? And what level should i be when starting each?
hemtae said:Yeah, its pretty earlyI got it when I first talked to the Think Tank robots and passed a skill check asking for something that "spits lead" I think you have to have a 50 in guns
Sub_Level said:![]()
Cazadors near the Securitron Complex
You can still get it in other ways, I found two other ones (apart from the one I got at the beginning through a skill check).duckroll said:Aaaaah this makes sense.So I didn't really miss the gun. It was tailored such that players would get what they needed based on their skill balances if they actually bothered with the dialogue trees. I remember using a Energy Weapons skill check to get extra ammo for the Sonic Emitter instead.
I'm at level 41 right now and things like Nightstalkers have 600 HP (I have anatomist), same with the Mark IV and higher roboscorpions. I ran into a cazador with 550 hp. Wish I brought an assault carbine to this, especially for the robots. Was not expecting everything to scale or something so much.Blue Ninja said:I'm not a fan of making enemies tough just for the sake of being tough, but I have to say I'm liking the variety of enemies I'm getting so far: the roboscorpions are hilarious (though deadly), and the Trauma Override Harness enemies are just... Well, pretty horrifying, actually.
The Night Stalkers appear to be tougher than I remember, though. I hate enemies suffering from the Point Lookout-syndrome.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, though, I just encountered a Securitron that, while tough, didn't do any damage at all. He kept firing at me, and I just shrugged the bullets off like they were rain.
Nice to hear about the level scaling, i was fearing my level would be too high for some of the DLC. I usually hate level scaling, but i feel it makes sense in this case.Sober said:I'm at level 41 right now and things like Nightstalkers have 600 HP (I have anatomist), same with the Mark IV and higher roboscorpions. I ran into a cazador with 550 hp. Wish I brought an assault carbine to this, especially for the robots. Was not expecting everything to scale or something so much.
Yeah, I'm mainly using the All American, though I have my Assault Carbine with me as well. My hunting rifle and hunting shotgun served me well during Honest Hearts, but they can't help me now.Sober said:I'm at level 41 right now and things like Nightstalkers have 600 HP (I have anatomist), same with the Mark IV and higher roboscorpions. I ran into a cazador with 550 hp. Wish I brought an assault carbine to this, especially for the robots. Was not expecting everything to scale or something so much.
It's not too bad, well at least not Broken Steel levels of crazy where Ghoul Ravagers or Uber Mutant Masters have like 2k hp or something ridiculous and spawn every 30 seconds in groups of 8.zkylon said:Nice to hear about the level scaling, i was fearing my level would be too high for some of the DLC. I usually hate level scaling, but i feel it makes sense in this case.
Sober said:It's not too bad, well at least not Broken Steel levels of crazy where Ghoul Ravagers or Uber Mutant Masters have like 2k hp or something ridiculous and spawn every 30 seconds in groups of 8.
zam said:Finished the DLC, and I enjoyed it a lot, best one so far for New Vegas, they just keep topping themselves. Loved the old-school sci-fi feel, the writing in this DLC is really funny as well, the Think Tank, Dr Mobious, the talking appliances in The Sink (the toaster and biological research machine especially).
You can still get it in other ways, I found two other ones (apart from the one I got at the beginning through a skill check).
You can find it in X-12 Research Center but you need to have upgraded the Sonic Emitter to disable force fields.
lol yeah, she's great!Hulud said:Doctor Dala is my new favorite character of the year. Hilarious.
I didn't bother trying to unlock it, just shoot the field with the upgraded sonic weaponBlue Ninja said:Also discovered a Hazmat suit like the ones the Ghost People wear in Dead Money, but couldn't get to it yet, as it's locked inside a forcefield.
I was able to understand 8 after a science check, but I couldn't find anything to make him talk normally again.JerkShep said:Some questions
Are there more quests after the three main quest "Recover something in X-something"? Is it possibile to "cure" 8 completely?
I've done the X-2 and X-13 part and completed some sidequests to upgrade the home base (the toaster is hilarious btw).
I missed that somehow! Maybe I can go back and talk to him to see it.Sober said:Just started, right now Borous is utterly hilarious and the Cram and ducttape joke just ... wow.
Yes! Probably my favorite NPC interaction in the entire game.Sober said:Oh man, when she.started making those sounds and then I got drained energy ammo I just lost it hahaha
Blue Ninja said:Yeah, I'm mainly using the All American, though I have my Assault Carbine with me as well. My hunting rifle and hunting shotgun served me well during Honest Hearts, but they can't help me now.
I alsojust encountered a hostile pet Deathclaw. I want a friendly pet Deathclaw, and I want him stat.
Blue Ninja said:Yeah, I'm mainly using the All American, though I have my Assault Carbine with me as well. My hunting rifle and hunting shotgun served me well during Honest Hearts, but they can't help me now.
I alsojust encountered a hostile pet Deathclaw. I want a friendly pet Deathclaw, and I want him stat.
Lakitu said:How's the Stealth Suit?
I don't have it yet. :lol I've been exploring, though I'm going to have to re-explore everything once I get that gun.MrTroubleMaker said:I didn't bother trying to unlock it, just shoot the field with the upgraded sonic weapon![]()
Have you activated the auto-doc? You need to find the activation holo-tape and put it in, then you can upgrade different machines.BlackSalad said:is there something else I specifically have to do to upgrade various things in The Sink? I've found the auto-doc tape, but when I go up to auto-doc, it doesn't act as if I've done anything
I think OWB is the best one so far, the environment, the items, the writing, all top notch.Lakitu said:So I take it people like this more than Honest Hearts and Dead Money? I loved both of those so that's good. Have to wait until next week to play it, I can't wait.
How's the Stealth Suit? Any cool new stealthy weapons, like a new sniper rifle?