
Developer: Obsidian Entertainment
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Release Date: OUT NOW!!
Rating: Mature, PEGI 18
Players: 1
That old saying - how you don't shoot the messenger - well, it's kind of a funny story...
Fallout New Vegas is the fourth (albeit non-numeric) canonical entry in the Fallout saga that began over ten years ago. It has been developed by a little company called Obsidian Entertainment. You may have heard of these guys. They're responsible for games like Knights of the Old Republic II and Neverwinter Nights 2, along with its expansions. Simply put, BioWare has twice put their faith in Obsidian to take their properties and turn them into something more. And if you've played either of those titles, you'll see the difference.
Now, in 2010, Bethesda becomes the next company to entrust a sequel to Obsidian, with New Vegas.
Fallout New Vegas takes us back west, to the sands of Nevada. The year is 2281; three years after Fallout 3, and two-hundred-and-four years after the Great War of 2077 destroyed nearly every living organism on Earth. Vault-Tec, with the permission of the United States Government, constructed a number of Vaults to house select citizens in the event of nuclear catastrophe. There are tales of several of these “Vault Dwellers” having made it to the world outside, and the incredible journeys they had. But those are for another time.
You are a courier. A dead one. You were shot in the head by a gang of three men and left in a shallow grave. But if the story ended there we wouldn't have a narrative now, would we? Fortune favors the bold, and thanks to the help of a few strangers, you are given a second lease on life. You regain consciousness several days later...
-- AND THEN... --
Will you track down the sons-of-bitches that shot you in the desert? Will you opt to control Vegas on a power trip? Will you stalk from the shadows and steal to get by? Will you become a great Scientist with a knack for explosives? Will you ally yourself with the New California Republic or Ceasar's Legion? Will you aid those in need and solve the troubles in the Wasteland? Or will you perhaps just take your rifle and and a few Squirrel Bits and go explore the abandoned-looking houses way over on those hills?
With New Vegas, you can do that, or anything else your imagination cooks up!
-- FEATURES... the cliff's notes version! --
New Vegas is host to a lot of new features...
Hardcore Mode - changes things up when it comes to survival in the Nevada Wasteland. For the first time, your character will be required to eat, sleep, and use more than a little proactivity when it comes to actual survival. Chris Avellone stated in an interview earlier this year that one of the playtesters for New Vegas died within twenty minutes or so of Hardcore mode. Here's what you can expect:
- The character must eat to maintain strength.
- The character must sleep to keep at full alertness.
- The character must drink water to keep hydrated.
- Ammunition has weight.
- Stimpacks DO NOT restore health instantly, nor can they heal crippled limbs.
- A Doctor or a specific item is required to heal said appendages.
- Enemies have increased health and, at times, aggression.
And more!
Other changes include, but are not limited to:
-Iron sights in First-Person Mode
-Better Follower AI; More options to manage their behavior
-Special VATS attacks; unique to certain weapons
-Customizable weapon parts
-Unique narrative paths; side quests galore... depending on how you play.
-a Reputation; uphold (or destroy!) your alliances with people, towns, and factions.
-- IN CLOSING... --
Fallout New Vegas is a difficult game to cram into an official thread opener. The main reason being that, no matter what I type here, your experience is going to differ vastly from probably every other player's. The goal of the game, as always, is to forge your own path. See what you like, and what you don't. Do some actual role-playing. Play any character you want and go out there and EXPLORE!
War. War never changes.