GQman2121 said:Looks like this isn't going to be out until tomorrow at GS or BB.
Since when have games started to come out on Wednesdays? I'm now convinced that it's to get you to visit retail stores more frequently.
GQman2121 said:Looks like this isn't going to be out until tomorrow at GS or BB.
Since when have games started to come out on Wednesdays? I'm now convinced that it's to get you to visit retail stores more frequently.
As far as I can remember, the average game ships on a Tuesday and arrives on store shelves on Wednesday (as in, the store receives their shipment on Wednesday).GQman2121 said:Looks like this isn't going to be out until tomorrow at GS or BB.
Since when have games started to come out on Wednesdays? I'm now convinced that it's to get you to visit retail stores more frequently.
burgerdog said:Okay so I read all these posts about Gamestop getting it tomorrow and I just randomly called them and they have it. BE RIGHT BACK!
burgerdog said:Okay so I read all these posts about Gamestop getting it tomorrow and I just randomly called them and they have it. BE RIGHT BACK!
burgerdog said:Okay so I read all these posts about Gamestop getting it tomorrow and I just randomly called them and they have it. BE RIGHT BACK!
^^This...God, this...^^xS1TH L0RDx said:WUT
i hope you bought it, i hope your copy is a ps3 copy, i hope you give us impressions, and i hope ps3 version impressions are positive as all hell.
burgerdog said:I got owned, the girl sure told me that they had it. Except for the part where they're not allowed to sell it until tomorrow.. At least they'll have it at 10am tomorrow :l
chespace said:STEAM STEAM STEAM STEAM unlock already.
madmook said:Fuckin' UBI should've let us pre-load our Steam versions.
dark10x said:As far as I can remember, the average game ships on a Tuesday and arrives on store shelves on Wednesday (as in, the store receives their shipment on Wednesday).
Occasionally, you'll have an exception in the form of a HUGE game where the shipment is picked up early, but that isn't the case for the majority of releases. Far Cry 2 isn't exactly a huge game from a marketing perspective and, as such, wouldn't receive such attention.
Zzoram said:Either 9am or 12pm PST tomorrow.
Zeliard said:Is it possible to have Steam auto-download something as soon as it becomes available?
chespace said:STEAM STEAM STEAM STEAM unlock already.
fps fanatic said:When I paid for the game last week, GS made no mention of a special "pre-order" edition. I hope that's the one I get tomorrow...
BobFromPikeCreek said:Lack of consistency in game reviews is shocking?
prodystopian said:Does anyone know how related this story is to the first game? I've been thinking about playing the first game beforehand (I'm not going to get to this game for a few weeks anyway), but I didn't realize how long both games are.
Agent Ironside said:Zero as far as I know, go play Crysis though.
sTaTIx said:How the hell do those IDIOTS at IGN give this game the same Lasting Appeal score (8.5) as Dead Space, a game that's ~10 hours long, with no multiplayer?
Sho_Nuff82 said:Well, I guess a mere 30 hours of SP with 9 different playable characters and an unlimited amount of multiplayer maps can be covered by most with an extended rental.
Chiggs said:Got my pc copy at Gamestop. Yay!
Y2Kev said:"Backordered" means it's shipping from EBgames...don't worry whoever ordered it.
edit: Gamefly's rentals are unlimited in duration, so I'm doing that. Game sounds fun but it looks like it has some nagging issues.
BobFromPikeCreek said:Anyone in Ontario got any luck with finding it today? I know it's supposed to be the 24th from a lot of sources, but who knows. I can't check today but I'll check tomorrow.
bee said:looks like any pc can run this maxed to me
I really hope I can find it tomorrow. Tomorrow and the day after are my last two days with decent free time.Mr Spliff said:No, and I consistently get my shit early. I'm in Toronto. My hook-up says he will follow up with his supplier tomorrow morning.