cameltoe said:Nice, Ill be playing at 1920x1080.
Q6600 and a 8800gt 512mb so I should be good to go!
cameltoe said:Nice, Ill be playing at 1920x1080.
Q6600 and a 8800gt 512mb so I should be good to go!
Ubisoft Montreal has done some great things with Far Cry 2, the product of putting a gigantic development staff and what must have been a gargantuan budget behind developing a new kind of first-person shooter on a new engine. The formula still needs work in terms of enemy AI, quest structure, and giving the player more to do to fill in all that open space, but as it is, it's still a standout achievement. More importantly, it has nowhere near as many bugs as something like S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, a title that bears many similarities. Add to the roughly 25 hour single-player campaign a remarkably easy-to-use map creation tool and a full multiplayer suite, and you've got one of the most complete overall gaming packages of the year, as well as one of the most ambitious.
That was confirmed BS. That original source of that was a random user on a forum that claimed to work for Ubisoft. :\BruceLeeRoy said:I keep checking the reviews but none of them seem to make mention of the 25fps the PS3 has.
chubigans said:That was confirmed BS. That original source of that was a random user on a forum that claimed to work for Ubisoft. :\
Stoney Mason said:It's getting really annoying how all these reviews almost completely ignore the multiplayer which is sort of the deciding factor on whether I get this or not.
Eurogamer said:On much safer ground is the multiplayer, thanks to a careful raiding of COD4's encampment, making off with the levelling system and load-outs, while adding the single-player's flammable environment and vehicles. Elsewhere, the level editor is actually more of a full-blown level creator, allowing you to tweak the geography itself, and even telling you how smoothly the finished product will run.
Available: October 22nd, 2008
This game will unlock in approximately 17 hours Mason said:It's getting really annoying how all these reviews almost completely ignore the multiplayer which is sort of the deciding factor on whether I get this or not.
MrTroubleMaker said:steam pre-install would have been nice, but I'll wait![]()
Guy Legend said:Is there one main character to the game or do you choose a character to be? I thought it was the former, but it appears to be the ladder...
Hootie said:lawl
Anyway, I think you just play as one character, unable to edit his appearance.
I don't knowZeliard said:The fuck? 17 hours from now? Why are they unlocking it so late? Jesus.
That's like the end of the fucking day!!! Then I've gotta wait who knows how long for the goddamn thing to download. Anybody know the filesize?cameltoe said:I believe d2d is starting the download at 12am PST
steam unlocks at 7pm est on the 22nd
madmook said:That's like the end of the fucking day!!! Then I've gotta wait who knows how long for the goddamn thing to download. Anybody know the filesize?
And not a single mention of the map editor.Agent Ironside said:
Ah, thanks for the link. Seems I missed that one.MaritalWheat said:
Sounds decent, and they claim its 'polished and well-balanced,' but then again its only a preview. Personally I don't really see it standing head to head with something like CoD4 or H3, and though I'd love to be proven wrong, its not the reason I'm buying this anyways!
Guy Legend said:Is there one main character to the game or do you choose a character to be? I thought it was the former, but it appears to be the latter...
Edit: fixed
BobJustBob said:There are ten or so characters, you pick one and the rest are in your game as NPCs.
fps fanatic said:Earlier today I got the automated phone call from Gamestop telling me the game would be in by tomorrow afternoon but..... Jesus, they got a new voice for the message and god damn! I pick up the phone and this chick is yelling in my ear: " HI, THIS IS AUDRY FROM GAMESTOP TO TELL YOU THAT YOUR GAME.... FAR CRY 2 (FAR CRY 2..2..2..) WILL BE IN THE STORE TOMORROW AFTERNOON! IF YOU HAVE ANY GAMES TO TRADE IN, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH... WTF happened to that nice, pleasant soft spoken voice that used to call? The girl sounded like a super perkier version of "Max" who answers the 360 ring of death hotline.... I'm taking the lack of any reviews pointing out framerate differences in the 360/PS3 version as a good thing. The PS3 version sounds like it's on par with the 360 version, which is great. I'll find out tomorrow...
Oozer3993 said:Yeah, I got that call too. Audry sounds like she's hopped up on speed and Demerol.
madmook said:The 1up review crew has a video review up at
Watching now, its got Scooter and big fun Ellis.
Oozer3993 said:Yeah, I got that call too. Audry sounds like she's hopped up on speed and Demerol.
Oozer3993 said:Yeah, I got that call too. Audry sounds like she's hopped up on speed and Demerol.
So what frame rate does it run at ? Do you have the PS3 version ? How is it ? Make screenshots and videos !chubigans said:That was confirmed BS. That original source of that was a random user on a forum that claimed to work for Ubisoft. :\
To be honest it claimed the fps drop only at 25 fps in 'heavies' moments on ps3 and it also said that it's really hard to notice... however my friend who has purchased the game said graphically as good as 360, no tearing or frame rate drops he has seen. The only visible defect are a little pop up of texture and polygons when use the vehicles.chubigans said:That was confirmed BS. That original source of that was a random user on a forum that claimed to work for Ubisoft. :\
okrim said:To be honest it claimed the fps drop only at 25 fps in 'heavies' moments on ps3 and it also said that it's really hard to notice... however my friend who has purchased the game said graphically as good as 360, no tearing or frame rate drops he has seen. The only visible defect are a little pop up of texture and polygons when use the vehicles.
Well GTA IV on ps3 has the same problem of brightness; I don't know if it's a problem of the tv or a wrong default video setting of the game.Mohonky said:You get some pop in of textures in the 360 version too.
Game over all surpasses what I would have thought consoles would be capable of though. Looks amazing.
My only concern is the brightness, it's really weird. I turn off all my dynamic contrasting etc and used DVE to calibrate my tv and for the most part it's done the job as good as I could get. ie with brightness screens before games where it tells you to adjust till 'you just see the logo' it's always spot on without needing to adjust anything, Far Cry 2 in the shadows or buildings however, is really dark. I've had to go to the menu and pump the brightness up to 5 to see anything which is odd as other games like Dead Sapce are perfect. Whe the fuck is up with that?
Treo360 said:about 15% through and my only complaints thus far are;
Enemies are fucking snipers no matter what weapon they have.
Enemies are bullet sponges unless you use a sniper rifle. A Mp5 at about 4 meters takes approximately 15 rounds (half a clip) to down one. Same with the AR-15 (more like 9 rounds). I could see if they (the A.I.) were heavily armored, but these guys are sporting wife beaters and torn shorts.
Finding the suitcases takes me back to the days of crack down. Addictive!
Also this 30 hour length; Is it because it's so damned pedestrian? Taking buses is cool and at times can help speed up the travel, but I feel the whole Malaria thing is just a cheap way of extending the game.
Tr4nce said:Woohoo! It seems that FarCry 2 has officially been released here today in Holland! That means 2 days earlier! Going to get my pre-order now!!! Impressions within 3 hours bitches :lol