Zzoram said:Your buddies show up in different order, depending upon who you picked to be, I think.
I know, I just wanted to know which one is Josip
Zzoram said:Your buddies show up in different order, depending upon who you picked to be, I think.
Hazaro said:Be content with 40fps :lol
He's the Russian bear that makes Putin look like a kitten.Ledsen said:I know, I just wanted to know which one is Josip![]()
Hazaro said:It's Guru3D. Or who are you talking about? The game has an ingame benchmarking utility.
35fps in Crysis = 50 fps in other games. So awesome.
Kabuki Waq said:Bought this game played it for a while and then returned it. How can something so polished have so many HORRIBLE design decisions?
Zzoram said:We don't get detailed settings information from the Guru3D bench marks. Judging from the numbers, it's probably set to Very High with 0xAA.
Kabuki Waq said:Bought this game played it for a while and then returned it. How can something so polished have so many HORRIBLE design decisions?
MacBosse said:For how long did you play it?
MacBosse said:For how long did you play it?
Kabuki Waq said:to be honest 2 or 3 hours max.
AI was pretty horrible either they saw me from miles away some how or they didnt notice me shooting them while standing next to them.
driving and getting ambushed just wasnt fun because the AI was pretty crap.
I mean i can see the game being a nice bargain game but it does not deserve my $60 considering the competition.
I did like the intro and the world design tho.
Oh why would the devs think Malaria is fun?
Uh yes there ispainey said:I played the 360 version for half an hour and its pretty unimpressive. Graphically it looks very dull, worse than CoD when I was expecting Crysis quality.. I guess the PC versions look better. Theres no save anywhere, the sensitivity is weird even when adjusted and worst of all is the voice acting that has absolutely no pauses at the end of sentences. I hope it gets better further on.
Uh no there isn't.Insane Metal said:Uh yes there is
dhelfric said:Ok, I got the PS3 version.
I played about half an hour today and I'm not very impressed so far. But hearing that it picks up later motivates me to put more hours into this game.
And anybody else having a really weird sensitivity ingame?
It's like two seperate sensitivities at the same time depending on how far you move the stick. Doesn't control well at all.
tahrikmili said:^
What the hell is wrong with your aspect ratio?..
Insane Metal said:Uh yes there is
painey said:I played the 360 version for half an hour and its pretty unimpressive. Graphically it looks very dull, worse than CoD when I was expecting Crysis quality.. I guess the PC versions look better. Theres no save anywhere, the sensitivity is weird even when adjusted and worst of all is the voice acting that has absolutely no pauses at the end of sentences. I hope it gets better further on.
Joke post?painey said:I played the 360 version for half an hour and its pretty unimpressive. Graphically it looks very dull, worse than CoD when I was expecting Crysis quality.. I guess the PC versions look better. Theres no save anywhere, the sensitivity is weird even when adjusted and worst of all is the voice acting that has absolutely no pauses at the end of sentences. I hope it gets better further on.
there are certain times of the day when the lighting looks a little flat... but those are rare and of course don't matter at all. the game looks great by any measure. my guess is the people who are complaining are trolls.okrim said:Forgive me but I can't resist, some post of graphic impressions are really ...annoying! 720p native, fps almost perfect (ok 30 fps, ok), 50 km areas, physics of object and environment and it isn't so impressive ?! Not so good? WHAT?! REALLY?! Meh...what's your problem ?
I really hope so...dk_ said:Joke post?
painey said:I played the 360 version for half an hour and its pretty unimpressive. Graphically it looks very dull, worse than CoD when I was expecting Crysis quality.. I guess the PC versions look better. Theres no save anywhere, the sensitivity is weird even when adjusted and worst of all is the voice acting that has absolutely no pauses at the end of sentences. I hope it gets better further on.
okrim said:Forgive me but I can't resist, some post of graphic impressions are really ...annoying! 720p native, fps almost perfect (ok 30 fps, ok), 50 km areas, physics of object and environment and it isn't so impressive ?! Not so good? WHAT?! REALLY?! Meh...what's your problem ?
Clearly he hasn't:lolZeliard said:You were expecting Crysis quality? On a console? Have you ever even played Crysis? :lol
Lebron said:also, that cameo pak is garbage. If I wasn't getting 30 diamonds a mission, I would be pretty pissed I wasted 45(or 40?) diamonds on that useless POS.
Zzoran said:This game is most certainly not a GOTY candidate. Games that are awful for the first few hours are automatically disqualified, because the majority of people will be so turned off that they'll stop playing, unless they feel somehow obligated to keep going.
jakershaker said:And the awful parts don't really stop either. People just get used to them.
Yeah, it indeed is. For some reason, a lot of the firefights I got into recently have been weird as hell. Let's say I'm coming straight at a guy firing, he'll be shooting off to his right(normally) or left, yet somehow the bullets will be hitting me dead on. It's like something straight out of Wanted:loljakershaker said:Yeah sneaking is broken as is the AI. Sometimes I can walk right into a camp and shoot people point blank without them reacting and sometimes they shoot me from miles away. When doing my last mission one guy had got stuck between a barrel and a wall making him almost invisible and being able to shoot in any direction as he clipped through the objects. Good work Ubi.
Zeliard said:Wrong. The gunplay improves a lot once you start unlocking better weapons. The game gets more interesting the more you get into it and adapt to what works, and what doesn't. The buddy system is very cool and improves as the game goes on. This isn't even close to Assassin's Creed, where literally nothing changed for the entirety of it. The comparisons are baffling.
Lebron said:Yeah, it indeed is. For some reason, a lot of the firefights I got into recently have been weird as hell. Let's say I'm coming straight at a guy firing, he'll be shooting off to his right(normally) or left, yet somehow the bullets will be hitting me dead on. It's like something straight out of Wanted:lol
Granted it's not as frustrating as AC. It's still one of the best FPS I've played this year, despite the bugs.
Zzoram said:It's better than Assassin's Creed, but still not the best game this year.
Zeliard said:Wrong. The gunplay improves a lot once you start unlocking better weapons. The game gets more interesting the more you get into it and adapt to what works, and what doesn't. The buddy system is very cool and improves as the game goes on. This isn't even close to Assassin's Creed, where literally nothing changed for the entirety of it. The comparisons are baffling.
Zzoram said:This game is most certainly not a GOTY candidate. Games that are awful for the first few hours are automatically disqualified, because the majority of people will be so turned off that they'll stop playing, unless they feel somehow obligated to keep going.
jakershaker said:What? The weapon part is true, you get to snipe people wohooo.
But the rest of the shit just keeps coming. Checkpoints, padded gameplay, stupid additions, crap AI, repairing cars, lack of real story just a collection of GTA style missions, everything is sooo repetitive, traveling is a pain.
Some of the missions described in this thread as WOW moments was 10% mission gameplay and 90% traveling to get there.
And design wise the game is really close to AC. There is no real difference in what you do. Arms dealer is the same all the time. Radio towers is the same all the time. Main mission aren't that different either.
Story -> Buddy says something else -> Destroy/kill/get something -> Buddy in trouble -> Mission completed
I haven't finished it yet but something tells me it will be the same all the way to the end. This game has some good moment but all the shit needs to get patched, I don't have much faith in Ubi though.
-viper- said:Too damn repetitive. Ironically I enjoyed Assassin's Creed far more.
jakershaker said:What? The weapon part is true, you get to snipe people wohooo.
But the rest of the shit just keeps coming. Checkpoints, padded gameplay, stupid additions, crap AI, repairing cars, lack of real story just a collection of GTA style missions, everything is sooo repetitive, traveling is a pain.