Really? I think both settings are superb, and suprisingly underused for the possiblities they offer. As for gameplay, FC2 is infinitely more entertaining that AC, though they both share the annoying "ride horse/drive car across map to point x, complete objective, ride/drive all the way back" mechanic.jakershaker said:Me too, not because it was any better really but the setting is far superior and interesting.
Zeliard said:People seriously need to stop whining about the traveling. Buses will take you instantly to all four corners of the map, and then you have the streams that criss-cross the center of the map. So you can get wherever you want quickly. If missions for you are "90% traveling", that's really your problem, not the game's. You don't have to drive all the goddamn time, especially when you're also going to whine about the enemy checkpoints.
And as a true sandbox game, it's only as repetitive as you allow it to be. Vary it up. Don't blame the game because you lack imagination and creativity.
The only real issues with the game are the A.I. and the voice acting, and they are pretty big issues, but they aren't game-breaking since it does other things quite well.
Sectus said:Another tip is to increase the difficulty. The game is really challenging on the higher difficulties and that forces you to play better and find more inventive ways to clear out camps.
Yet another tip is to try other weapons. Either pick up weapons from enemies, or use the occasional rare weapon you find in safehouses. Just about all the weapons feel very different but are surprisingly versatile and effective.
How soon do you get the hanglider, and can you literally fly across the map with it?Shake Appeal said:Ha! I just found a diamond you have to hangglide to. Awesome.
Ha, neat. Makes me wonder if I missed out on a hanglider earlier, there was a case on top of a buillding and I swear it was impossible to get on the roof, and blowing the building to pieces didn't work either. Guess I should have searched the surroundings instead of resorting to stacking jeeps. :lolShake Appeal said:There's a few of them around, they're pretty difficult to control, and hard to keep airborne for long.
I found a diamond on a high outcrop by a river and I couldn't work out how to get up there despite circling around for quite a while. I thought to myself: "The only way I could get up there is if I could... fly!" Then I flipped open the map, looked at the contour lines to find a steeper area nearby, noticed that there was a dead end road leading to it, and said: "I wonder..."
Sure enough, when I drive up there there's a hangglider sitting waiting. Great moment.
Chiggs said:What's the difference between DX10 an DX9? On Ultra High they both look the same.
Chiggs said:What's the difference between DX10 an DX9? On Ultra High they both look the same.
Is there any fix yet for that color problem with the 48XX cards? I'm scared to switch back to DX10.Zzoram said:DX10 runs better so use it if you can.
MaritalWheat said:Is there any fix yet for that color problem with the 48XX cards? I'm scared to switch back to DX10.
Oh; +5 fps, here I come!Zzoram said:I only saw it once, I think it only happens during a specific time of day on a specific type of environment. I've played about 3 hours in DX10.
chespace said:So I saw some screenshots on the last page that had an ACOG scope on an AK47.
Is that an upgrade or what? And can I attach a scope to all ARs? <drool>
Hazaro said:Probably some lightning & shadows. Oh and it runs faster. Apparently.
chespace said:So I saw some screenshots on the last page that had an ACOG scope on an AK47.
Is that an upgrade or what? And can I attach a scope to all ARs? <drool>
MaritalWheat said:How soon do you get the hanglider, and can you literally fly across the map with it?
Note to self: Do this first thing the next time I boot up FC2.TTG said:I only know of one location so far. There's a safe house way out to the north. It's shielded by a mountain from one side and is pretty high up, below are some lakes and there's a farm or something nearby. The hang glider spawns right outside the door.
Those are much better than some of the pics I've seen before on the PCKrawlMan said:good screens
Stoney Mason said:Those are much better than some of the pics I've seen before on the PC
VaLiancY said:I want this game now since everyone is posting some good impressions but I meet the exact minimum requirements and I don't want performance to hinder my gameplay in anyway.
And that's a Tabuk rifle in the screenshot, It's a DMR(Designated Marksman Rifle) like the Dragonuv. Which is pretty much a battle rifle with extended range to engage multiple targets(semi-automatic) but not enough range to match the power of a bolt action sniper rifle.
/end gun nut.
AgentOtaku said:Pretty sure that isn't an AK47 it's a Dragonov
Stoney Mason said:Those are much better than some of the pics I've seen before on the PC
Zzoram said:Some people are bad at picking good times to take screenshots.
Zzoram said:Minimum specs? Do yourself a favour and pick up a cheapo modern video card, and you'll be super happy.
PCI-Express x16 - HD4670 512mb - $79.99
AGP x8 - HD3650 512mb - $79.99
AGP cards are scarce so you are paying the same for less performance, but it's a capable gaming card at lower resolutions nonetheless.
Gotta progress the story.Tom Penny said:Why is it that the dude in the weapons shop is suddenly never there anymore? I can't unlock any more weapons. Do you have to unlock the rest of the map or something. I don't get it.
Tom Penny said:Why is it that the dude in the weapons shop is suddenly never there anymore? I can't unlock any more weapons. Do you have to unlock the rest of the map or something. I don't get it.
BobFromPikeCreek said:Gotta progress the story.
Red Blaster said:Is the PS3 version up-to-snuff? My PC can't even dream of running this and I'm fearful of my 360 biting the dust.
Red Blaster said:Is the PS3 version up-to-snuff? My PC can't even dream of running this and I'm fearful of my 360 biting the dust.
VictimOfGrief said:Some of the screenshots sans the FOV hack makes me cry.
Here's just a few quick ones I snapped:
chespace said:Also, no zebras were hurt in the taking of my screenshots.