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Fat Princess |OT| Misogynistic Cake

For some reason I can now host 32, when yesterday I could only host 30. Strange.

Anyways, I start up a server and after a few games it becomes almost totally full of people and we have a couple of good rounds - then, I meet a new kind of irritation; people who are AFK. Seriousley, if you aren't playing - quit. I just had a match where EIGHT of my goddamn 'teammates' weren't playing and we were getting pretty much owned - this went on for half an hour or so before I said 'fuck it' and went solo into their base using the shortcut, I grabbed the princess and loaded her onto the catapult, but got killed before it launched - a second later the catapult fired, along with the princess and a good few enemies. I rushed over there to escort her back, but thankfully my teammates (the ones actually playing) were on the ball and we got her all the way back and won the round - it was a pretty freaking awesome end to a match that was for the most part damn frustrating, all because some people wouldn't quit and actually let someone who wants to play take their place.

Oh, and here's a tip for players trying to get the Fed Zepplin trophy - the Princess will NOT fire off if the catapult has been loaded by an enemy. I grabbed the princess, went to the catapult, found an enemy already charging it - it fired me & the enemy, but not the princess :lol


Bootaaay said:
For some reason I can now host 32, when yesterday I could only host 30. Strange.

Anyways, I start up a server and after a few games it becomes almost totally full of people and we have a couple of good rounds - then, I meet a new kind of irritation; people who are AFK. Seriousley, if you aren't playing - quit. I just had a match where EIGHT of my goddamn 'teammates' weren't playing and we were getting pretty much owned - this went on for half an hour or so before I said 'fuck it' and went solo into their base using the shortcut, I grabbed the princess and loaded her onto the catapult, but got killed before it launched - a second later the catapult fired, along with the princess and a good few enemies. I rushed over there to escort her back, but thankfully my teammates (the ones actually playing) were on the ball and we got her all the way back and won the round - it was a pretty freaking awesome end to a match that was for the most part damn frustrating, all because some people wouldn't quit and actually let someone who wants to play take their place.

Oh, and here's a tip for players trying to get the Fed Zepplin trophy - the Princess will NOT fire off if the catapult has been loaded by an enemy. I grabbed the princess, went to the catapult, found an enemy already charging it - it fired me & the enemy, but not the princess :lol

if you host the game you can kick people, so just kick the AFK'ers!

That could be a good strategy if you see the enemy running towards your catapult with your princess; just charge it up yourselves and watch all of them fly away while your princess stays :D
vehn said:
if you host the game you can kick people, so just kick the AFK'ers!

Damn, must have missed that in the options - I just asumed it was a missing feature, like the ability to change gametypes between rounds (unless, i've somehow missed that too?).


y'all should be ashamed
zaccheus said:
is there any chance they would add split screen coop to this game?
They did with Unreal Tournament III, so anything is possible. But for a smaller budget game like this...I really, really doubt it.
Well, I think I'm gonna take a break for a day or two. People not being able to connect to me pisses me off. Ice Mage spam ticks me off too.

Good games everyone.



Thanks for all the feedback, there a few known issues that we know about and are working on:

* Ice Mage abuse
* Difficulty joining games
* Rank and Point balance issues

Update from the Titan Studios blog, finally the era of ice mages is coming to an end.

If you have some time, and like writing. I really suggest sending some feedback to the Titan Studios.

Here's the address: [email protected]

Good games guys, although the amount of ice mages was staggering as always.


KilgoreTrout said:
Well, I think I'm gonna take a break for a day or two. People not being able to connect to me pisses me off. Ice Mage spam ticks me off too.

Good games everyone.

Sorry to hear that.

I agree that an excess of ice mages is bad, it gets annoying when people only use that class.

I like to mix it up between worker, mage, priest, and even archer. :D


Why is this game making it so hard for me to like it? It took forever to get into a game today, and when I finally did, the other team's Princess just up and fucking vanished, leaving us with no way to win the match.


At first I loved the ice mage, but now I kinda dislike him, he's good for racking up points but it get's annoying if everyone is playing as him and thus destroying the game.

xintin said:
Why is this game making it so hard for me to like it? It took forever to get into a game today, and when I finally did, the other team's Princess just up and fucking vanished, leaving us with no way to win the match.
The game would've ended after the timer and the team with the most points would have won.


Drame said:
Update from the Titan Studios blog, finally the era of ice mages is coming to an end.

If you have some time, and like writing. I really suggest sending some feedback to the Titan Studios.

Here's the address: [email protected]

Good games guys, although the amount of ice mages was staggering as always.

See keep sending your problems guys and make them aware.
I fucking love this game so much. I can get online but prefer the lag free bot games so far. The warrior class is so fucking fun. The huge sword is so sweet and the charge attack is so satisfying and powerful but still balanced in that you have to line it up really well. The worker class can be damn powerful if you always charge your axe swings and know how to use bombs well.



I just finished writing my really long feedback email, I wrote about evey problem us gaffers have, and clicked send message.

Few minutes later,

Delivery Status Notification (Failure)‏

I might have been stupid, for not saving the feedback before sending, but still.

So I decided to go the official Fat Princess forums to see if they were giving feedback on the same things as I did.

And what do I see.

Wizards seem to be fairly weak. Dont take this suggestion too seriously, but perhaps you can give them an additional heart? Their attack is pretty weak (which is fine, they can do after-damage and can freeze players making them very useful) but it seems that they are relatively weak in defense too.

I really hope Titan Studios isn't getting mails like these a lot, but as they have commented on the ice mage abuse, so I think we will be just fine.

If joining to games with your friends isn't getting easier after the patch, or should we say if we don't get server list or lobbys, Fat Princess might be dead for me.

I just pray that Titan Studios can fix the problems, as it's really fun to play.
I don't think I'll stop playing the game completely, but until the Ice Mage problems are fixed, I don't think you'll see as much of me online.

It's amazing how much fun can be sucked out of this game by point whoring.

Until this is fixed, or people stop spamming Ice Mage, I'll probably play only a game or two a day.

Glad they say they're doing something about it though.


KilgoreTrout said:
I don't think I'll stop playing the game completely, but until the Ice Mage problems are fixed, I don't think you'll see as much of me online.

It's amazing how much fun can be sucked out of this game by point whoring.

Until this is fixed, or people stop spamming Ice Mage, I'll probably play only a game or two a day.

Yeah, I'm not stopping playing completely, but I'll play a lot less.

I really really hope that Titan Studios gets the patch right. Guilds are a far away dream, but if they get those in, with an upgraded netcode and class balance. With a Server list or somekind of lobby.

Fat Princess might become my favourite multiplayer game.


Neo Member
Haven't noticed a problem with people spamming Ice Mage, but then again haven't been looking for it. I came here to see if anyone else is having problems joining friends' games, and it looks like they are. I haven't been able to get a game except by choosing "Join In!"

Hopefully Titan can fix that - this is a great game!


Wowee 'Story Mode' is really bad. I think they put that in to keep early adopters busy until inevitable opening weekend connection problems were hammered out :lol Gladiator mode however is really fun and challenging. An online version could be awesome!!

Still not liking regular multiplayer though, but it is getting a bit better each time I try again. I appreciate Titan's attempt at single button simplicity, but for me, that's the game's downfall. Just can't get into to square-does-everything control.

Oh, and map design.. Bottlenecking players into 3 paths per map just to force confrontations is really bothering me. I would love an open field battle-royale map (without a soccer ball)! And seriously - that map where you're high in the cliffs with all the wood-rope bridges... The control isn't precise enough to allow for any kind of time saving jumps! You can make one or two, but your bound to just miss your landing and fall off eventually! :|

The volcano map - in a game where you're already ridiculously slow carrying the princess, do they really need floating lava to temporarily cut off your path? Allowing the 10 bad guys who you and your team just miraculously killed to respawn with full health and catch up to you right outside the castle :S

FPDF be gentle :)
Drame said:
Update from the Titan Studios blog, finally the era of ice mages is coming to an end.

If you have some time, and like writing. I really suggest sending some feedback to the Titan Studios.

Here's the address: [email protected]

Good games guys, although the amount of ice mages was staggering as always.

It's good that they are doing something about balance... the very few games I have been able to join have been way... way too long epic battles. I don't want to spend all night on one game.


TBH you guys posting it here only makes the problem worse (the only reason I started doing it is because I read about it here). I know I'm quite the offender in ice mage spamming (who isn't), but I'm very competitive in nature and it is pretty much the ONLY way to get Sir/ Dame +

If they would also fix the randomness of how you rank up and / or showing how it's exactly calculated, people would start to pick the classes that the game needs. Someone playing a worker and helping to build / defend the base sure isn't going to be #1 in points at the end of the game :/


My only real comments are:

16 is better than 32, IMO.

I think more focus on besieging and alternate entries would've been more fun than the catapult spam.

Ice Mage should just have an AoE snare as opposed to a total freeze, and it shouldn't grant points.

I also think AoE's are too strong in general. If walking into any battle wasn't just blowing the hell out of a pack of people in seconds the pace and contribution from the individual would feel better.

If you get both princesses in the base, it should just end. That timer is just frustrating, this may just be me though.

Also: You can't blame the internet or people at large for the issues folks are having when going in solo or in small packs. This game really doesn't reward combat at an individual level. In most good multiplayer games, Battlefield, WoW, whatever, two or three really great players can just completely dominate the outcome of a game.

The combat in this is just too arcadey for that to occur. It doesn't make it a bad game, not every game has to play out like that and I can appreciate the variety, but I do think other portions of the game could be adjusted more to that casual style

It's a fun game, and the concept for the game alone is fucking awesome, I just hope they stick with it and it sells enough to be nurtured and polished up more post launch.
Loving this game.....that is when I can get the online to work.

Yeah, the story mode....not so great, just basically an intro to the game modes for people. Which is cool actually

how does the leveling up work?


15 bucks honestly isn't too much, provided it was working regularly. It's obviously had some good energy put into it and there's a lot of content with maps and modes.

It's also not a puzzle game or a shooter, an event to be celebrated on these download services. :lol
So i bought this even though there was 0 in my wallet on the PSN, does it just automatically take the money from my card or something? I remember it used to prompt you to add funds but it didnt do that

Anyway, it's a lot of fun!
Bootaaay said:
For some reason I can now host 32, when yesterday I could only host 30. Strange.

This may sound dumb but how do you host? Their naming conventions for their menus while funny are confusing. I'm having no luck with Jump In and I'm getting desperate to play. The online bots are only so much fun.
OldJadedGamer said:
This may sound dumb but how do you host? Their naming conventions for their menus while funny are confusing. I'm having no luck with Jump In and I'm getting desperate to play. The online bots are only so much fun.

"control freaks" is the menu name to get into the options for hosting your own match
MikeE21286 said:
"control freaks" is the menu name to get into the options for hosting your own match

I got that far, but no matter how many players I make it or how many friends slots I reserve no one ever joins and I play with bots the entire time. I'm getting trophies this way but would like to play with humans.


Anyone have any pro tips on how to beat Gladiate mode? I've tried it with every class and the best is with the priest and worker for me. I've made it to round 11 but can't seem to get past that. Any tips?

And Yes I know to eat in between rounds


Maybe it's best I try playing this when the patch is released. This is ridiculous! One game found after a 20 minute search. fudge it.


Neo Member
Same for me - I'm just assuming this will be resolved with the patch as I have great bandwidth upstream and the PS3 is on NAT2.


TTP said:

Absolutely agree with there verdict but mad chaotic fan is also great, maybe even greater than some of the 10/10 games they reviewed, GTA IV for instance, so yeah agreed with verdict don`t agree with score....

uch like the cakes that the princesses so greedily scoff down, the game is delicious at first, an overwhelming confection of bright colours and varied flavours, but the sugar rush wears off much too quickly, leaving you bloated and exhausted. There's the basis of a really enjoyable and original multiplayer experience here, but it's simply too chaotic to encourage the co-operation required to keep the gameplay moving. Packed with lovely ideas, yet lacking focus, balance and pacing, it's little more than a guilty snack.


Info on lag and connection from the blog:


Players are sometimes experiencing significant lag in some games. Thanks to your feedback, we’ve identified a specific problem and already have a fix in testing. The matchmaking system will randomly pick potential servers bases on a number of criteria. As implemented, the results that are returned are fit in some regards, but sometimes have a high ping for your location. As a result, some players may be having a great experience, and others dealing with substantial lag. Leaving a particularly laggy game and joining a new one may result in a better experience. Unfortunately, it can be luck of the draw. The fix we have in testing returns a list of potential servers in such a way that it always favors the lowest available pings.

Connection Fixes

We have implemented a number of fixes for previously identified problems, focusing most of our efforts on connection failures. We have already tested this patch on our own client machines, and performance appears to be dramatically improved. We are working with Sony now to get the patch into the Sony testing process as soon as possible.

For those of you having trouble – thanks again for your patience. Fat Princess went through comprehensive testing with Sony in the US and Europe, and a beta, but these issues did not manifest until the game went live at scale. Rest assured, we’re working on it, and think we have it largely addressed.


TTP said:

At this point I don't really care what Eurogamer or Edge give out for review scores anymore. Maybe I'm alone in this, but I think they get A LOT of review scores wrong (mostly underscoring).

I know it's just a guys opinion but some of their reviews/review scores have made me lol.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Snipes424 said:
At this point I don't really care what Eurogamer or Edge give out for review scores anymore. Maybe I'm alone in this, but I think they get A LOT of review scores wrong (mostly underscoring).

I know it's just a guys opinion but some of their reviews/review scores have made me lol.

Well, I do totally support clusterfucks bitching by game critics. Some developers need to understand they are doing it wrong.


Tryckser said:
6/10 is fair, counting that it is almost unplayable if you don't join GAF games

The problem with this is that if they fix those problems (which they will) you kind of look like an idiot giving 6/10 for a really good game.

You could make an argument that the game should be at 100% at launch, but then I would counter that with that you need a baseline for your network to run efficiently. A baseline usually takes 3-7 days and then the network admins have enough data to fix the problems. Yes they should of had things under control from beta, but it's still a guessing game and they under guessed (which happens about 99% of the time). So for all online multiplayer games you should give the network admins about a week - week 1/2 to fix the problems.

If this isn't acceptable then by all means create something that allows you to know 100% how many copies you sell day one.
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