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Fat Princess |OT| Misogynistic Cake


I had a bitch of a time getting into some games on Sunday. I managed to get into 1 out of 5 attempts. First game was laggy as hell. Second and third weren't bad. I guess it largely depends on the host connection. Peer to peer is all I expected for a $15 game anyways.

It was fun when I got to play though. Frankly I didn't even know about the ranks so I just played my game. I didn't feel like I could make much of an impact though. Do many people use mics? I didn't have mine on (it's in a box somewhere) but I didn't hear anyone talk at all.

Will give it more of an attempt. I like the concept a lot. With some teamwork this could be a blast of a game. Unfortunately it's usually tough to find that kind of teamwork on public games.
garath said:
I had a bitch of a time getting into some games on Sunday. I managed to get into 1 out of 5 attempts. First game was laggy as hell. Second and third weren't bad. I guess it largely depends on the host connection. Peer to peer is all I expected for a $15 game anyways.

It was fun when I got to play though. Frankly I didn't even know about the ranks so I just played my game. I didn't feel like I could make much of an impact though. Do many people use mics? I didn't have mine on (it's in a box somewhere) but I didn't hear anyone talk at all.

Will give it more of an attempt. I like the concept a lot. With some teamwork this could be a blast of a game. Unfortunately it's usually tough to find that kind of teamwork on public games.

if you play with gaf, a lot of us use mics, but i haven't found many other people that do. it's a shame because it makes the game so much more fun.


I tried getting into a gaf game multiple times Saturday night but just kept getting the can't connect to host crap.

I'm batting about 15% on successful connections. The last one I played started lagging so bad it wouldn't let me lock-on anymore.


Trying to get GAF Game going again, but as always we have a one problem,


If you can host big games, 20+ players and are available right now, please reply here!

We would really like to get the game going fast as possible, so if you're up for the task let us know!


Drame said:
Yeah, the ranking system doesn't have any meaning, when the ranks are rewarded by mindless farming. It doesn't even matter does your team loses or not, if you have the highest points, you will possibly rank up, and that is just stupid. I know I'm repeating myself, but it is so stupid that you will drop in ranks, if you win the game and end up like 4th or 5th.

Anyway, I'll post soon info about todays GAF Game.

Even if you have the highest amount of points, there is no gurantee that you will rank up, or even keep your rank.

I've had many times where I would rank down even after getting 1st place, the only way to insure that you don't go down in rank is by scoring very high.

I believe this encourages point farming, and can be a deterrent to enjoying the game. Titan definitely needs to fix the ranking system.


All right, problems solved in few minutes, whee!

Big thanks to TelemachusD for hosting again! We owe you big time!


If you want to join the game, and don't have the chat invite, check if I'm (Halba) on your friend list, and just ask for a invite!

Good to know:

The side GAF will be playing on is RED

How do I join the game?

- Choose the same game as I'm playing and you should be good to go, if you can connect of course. We are aware of the connection problems but we can't help it.

How do I change the teams?

- At the beginning of the match, there is a 60 second timer. During these 60 seconds, you can change your team by pressing start and then pushing triangle, easy as that.

I didn't get into the red team, I hate this game!

- Whoa! Calm down! At the end of the round you can change to RED team, so please stay in the game, and don't reconnect / quit!

That's about it what's to know!

And like always,

Let there be cake!


I think I won't join today I'm already feeling quite tired.
And the fact that Fat Princess still feels like the beta with minor improvements is bugging me.


Needs more


Drame said:
I didn't get into the red team, I hate this game!

- Whoa! Calm down! At the end of the round you can change to RED team, so please stay in the game, and don't reconnect / quit

This doesn't work when the red team is already full of GAFfers and the blue team is full of pubbies who don't use headsets and you get shut out in a game of Invasion and choose to quit rather than throw your controller through your TV.


Awesome moments tonight, fellow Gaffers ^^
- The burst of lava while escorting the princess, totally unexpected and clearly hilarious.
- And of course, the Chicken Army escorting the princess in our castle after my wonderful throw of potion \o/


Quixzlizx said:
This doesn't work when the red team is already full of GAFfers and the blue team is full of pubbies who don't use headsets and you get shut out in a game of Invasion and choose to quit rather than throw your controller through your TV.

I accidentally landed in the gaf game and got put in the blue team. What kind of crap was that. Shit was totally unbalanced, but ppl on the red team must have thought it was fun in some kind of perverted way because nobody felt like balancing the teams.
But whatever, joined another random game and that was a lot better. Too bad not many ppl use a headset, it makes the game so much more interesting.


GAF Game is officially taking a break now!

Big thanks to TelemachusD for hosting! Games will continue possibly later on, if TelemachusD can continue hosting,
if you didn't get into the first game, maybe you'll get into the second!

Great games everyone, although once again the teams were "slightly" unbalanced.

We really gotta sort these balancing issues somehow, if everyone would be talking to their mics it would be helpful, but as the rumoured patch arrives, I'm sure that the balancing and team changing are made more accessible.
With a server list, we would get balanced game going from the start, so keep the thumbs up!

I agree we should have balanced the teams somehow, but as our chat room only had 11 people, I thought that everyone was on the red team.
Next time, I'll try to get the teams balanced as much as possible.

Anyway, good games guys. There were connection problems again, but atleast people managed to join the game after a while.

Again big thanks to TelemachusD, for hosting.
Some great games tonight, only we have now encountered a new problem: GAF is getting too good at this. What I mean is because we keep winning all our games, all of the human opposition keeps on leaving to be replaced with bots. This was especially prevalent after capturing the princess within 5 minutes, twice in a row. This shows that in the future we might be better off with more GAF v GAF games with either 8 or 10 players on each side.
Fox1304 said:
- And of course, the Chicken Army escorting the princess in our castle after my wonderful throw of potion \o/
That moment was priceless, if only we had a video.


STG said:
oh yes! thanks tele!

was an awesome battle royal today

Yup, great battles!

But now I need some sleep, it's 3:00am!

Good night everyone, maybe I'll grab some cake before the bed.


i just realized that when i am playing a game, less then half of the sprites running around on teh screen are real people and the rest are all computer players.

wow, im retarded.
I'm done for today, so somebody else will have to host. Of course, kilgore and Halba/Drame have most of the people on their lists so you probably need one of them around.

I agree a smaller GAF vs. GAF game would be better, perhaps keeping randoms out entirely and letting the rest be bots. That way we could balance ourselves between rounds.
Posted this in the meetup thread, but I think we should start a banned players list. A person with the PSN ID banditfrog carried our princess to the other team. I reported him to host and if I see him again he will be kicked if I am hosting. I defended the princess for like 20 mins :\


Drame said:
Update from the Titan Studios blog, finally the era of ice mages is coming to an end.

If you have some time, and like writing. I really suggest sending some feedback to the Titan Studios.

Here's the address: [email protected]

Good games guys, although the amount of ice mages was staggering as always.

I really like the fact that they are actually listening and, most importantly, acknowledging the main bugs and possible improvements with the game.

Here is an exerpt from their blog, which was partially posted earlier in this thread.

We’ve received a flood of emails in the last 36 hours. We’re humbled by the incredible outpouring of appreciation and support from the community, and by the number of fans who have invested staggering amounts of time and effort in writing thoughtfully about their experiences and offering suggestions. Many of you are also actively contributing to forums all over the web.

Ninety-five out of a hundred emails are from gamers loving the game, even though some of them are experiencing varying degrees of networking problems and other bugs. Some of you have have serious troubles and are rightfully frustrated. We’re frustrated too, and we’re on it. Regardless, we thank you all. Titan loves you back.

Patch in Testing

We have implemented fixes that should substantially improve critical connection and lag issues. A patch has now entered testing. No ETA yet. When we have information to share, you’ll get it.

Known Issues, Bugs, Imbalances

The following bugs and imbalances have been well reported and documented. In general, there is no need to send additional information. If you come across something new – please send it on.

* Failed Game Connections
* Lag
* Hosting Problems
* AoE Scoring Exploits
* Stalemates
* Missing Princess (on certain levels)
* Dead Hat Machines
* Scoreboard Issues (only top 1000 scores shown)
* Ranking System Problems

Balancing, Feature Requests, Other Comments

We have also received hundreds of great suggestions, some of which will directly result in changes to the game at some point down the road. Among those that have been well documented:

* Changes to Ranking System
* Changes to Scoring System
* Stalemate Breakers (e.g. – Finite Cake, Slim Fast Princess)
* Server Lists
* Clan Management
* Hosted Servers
* Class Balance
* More Classes
* More Class Upgrades
* More Maps
* More Modes
* More Sports
* Even Fatter Princesses
* Unbelievably Fat Gargantuan Princesses

Please note: we have so many emails coming in that though we’ll read it all, we will not be able to respond to everything. We only have so many hours in the day, and I am sure you’ll all agree that work on the game takes priority. Thanks for your understanding.

FAQ Coming

We’ll be working on a FAQ in the coming days. The FAQ will address the game, technical problems, systems, etc. Stay tuned.

Strategy / Tips

Titan Studios is also working on a Fat Princess strategies and tips page. Some of them were by design, and some have emerged from live play. Until then, play as a team, use voice chat, and know that a piece of virtual cake has 150 calories.

beast786 said:

Sweet! 9/10 from IGN and it looks like they share the same opinion I have on the game.
Maybe instead of screwing around with GAF members vs. random matchups, we should just create smaller matches and do GAF vs. GAF. That way we can balance the teams ourselves, both sides will have more people using voice chat, and we'll have less people playing so it'll be less of a cluster fuck.

I dunno about you guys, but I'd much rather have an 8v8 GAF private game than continue dealing with match making problems, team balance problems, overly crowded games, and headsetless players.

Who's with me holla back

Mikey Jr.

Just got the game.

Ummm, wow, they werent kidding about the connection issues. I havent been able to play online yet. Just keeps saying "sorry, cant connect to that host. try again" over and over.


Can anyone recommend a rudimentary communication device? I want to talk to people, but don't want to spend a lot of money.



autobzooty said:
people could keep you perpetually frozen with nothing you could do about it if they had good timing. very annoying.
i thought they were talking about how ice mages can get a ridiculous amount of points from freezing opponents over and over instead of the actual freezing mechanic.

Kimosabae said:
Can anyone recommend a rudimentary communication device? I want to talk to people, but don't want to spend a lot of money.

Just pick up a cheap PC mic, it should work on the PS3


Contempt For Challenge
shagg_187 said:
What was wrong with Ice Mage? How was it abused?
If you spam the AE blast with the absolute minimum charge it hits people with miniscule stuns again and again that basically prevent them from ever doing anything.


finally got in an online game, had alot of fun despite a decent amount of lag. there was about 16-20 human players, rest was bots
got 1st place on the winning team in my 2nd game :D ice mage is the way to go


Kimosabae said:
Can anyone recommend a rudimentary communication device? I want to talk to people, but don't want to spend a lot of money.

any usb mic will work. you can also find bluetooth headsets for like 10 bucks sometimes. quality isnt great though. nothing tops the socom/official sony headset, but htats like 50 bucks. sometimes you can find the socom bundle in the budget bin though


AbortedWalrusFetus said:
Posted this in the meetup thread, but I think we should start a banned players list. A person with the PSN ID banditfrog carried our princess to the other team. I reported him to host and if I see him again he will be kicked if I am hosting. I defended the princess for like 20 mins :\

Ugh, that sucks.


One question about the gameplay: In trailers it always seem so hectic, which is fun ofcourse, but will that result in mere luck gameplay? For example you have two warriors going at eachother, wouldn't the first one to buttonbash his way through the other win? Since I think they all move at the same speed so running away won't do alot unless you perform some manouvres.


MNC said:
One question about the gameplay: In trailers it always seem so hectic, which is fun ofcourse, but will that result in mere luck gameplay? For example you have two warriors going at eachother, wouldn't the first one to buttonbash his way through the other win? Since I think they all move at the same speed so running away won't do alot unless you perform some manouvres.
Well the warrior for instance has a shield and if you use it wisely you could win because of your skill and not because you got lucky.
MNC said:
One question about the gameplay: In trailers it always seem so hectic, which is fun ofcourse, but will that result in mere luck gameplay? For example you have two warriors going at eachother, wouldn't the first one to buttonbash his way through the other win? Since I think they all move at the same speed so running away won't do alot unless you perform some manouvres.
Everybody certainly does NOT move at the same speed, especially while charging an attack. A worker can charge bombs while keeping away from a warrior quite easily.

A lot of the fights come down to having backup arrive for one team or the other. If two warriors are fighting and a priest shows up, the guy on his own is screwed. If you have a tower nearby you're also going to have a better chance, since you can jump into it to regain some health. You do have to sometimes realize when you're outnumbered and back off until you get some reinforcements. It's also good to get control of the resources on each map. Getting your side upgraded first is a big advantage in combat as your workers and priests (somewhat) can then defend themselves.
Finished single player last night. Was alright, kind of like a training mode to get you into the gameplay but have to say on the whole the AI sucks. Some just stand there like they are stuck, while you're almost left on your own to capture the princess. The last level I found a bit of a pain in the ass getting the princess due to no help from my "teammates".

Anyways had a bash of multi with connections being hit and miss. First game I got connected straight away but it had lag. Nothing seriously laggy but it didn't matter because it was unplayable regardless. Next couple of games were much better. Zero lag and I was getting into it and enjoying myself. Managed to work my way up the score board nicely. Couldn't get connected to any games after that so just left it for the night.
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