Did Sunset Overdrive really not chart? That's surprising to hear
SO did have a bundle though. Although it was very limited
Did Sunset Overdrive really not chart? That's surprising to hear
Nintendo Won Feb. 3DS Best-Selling Hardware for February.
Sony promotes single SKU
Nintendo promotes "3DS family"
Math is not hard. Last February, every Xbone costed $500. This February most popular Xbone SKU is $350.
I am confused though at how they can combine the whole 3ds family and say the won hardware. The new 3ds is a stronger version so in my opinion it should be separated. Media create keeps them separate i would imagine npd does the same.
Why does that matter? The 3DS outsold the PS4 this month. That's all there is to it.Precisely... however everyone seems to be oblivious to that little nugget... the 3DS "family" as in combined sales... not just the N3DS model alone. That makes me think that the PS4 did indeed sell more than the new 3DS model.
Didn't someone in an older NPD thread claim Order pre orders were very high?
Charting at number 9 doesn't seem to back that up....
Who in the world cared about hours played? :/
Didn't someone in an older NPD thread claim Order pre orders were very high?
Charting at number 9 doesn't seem to back that up....
Didn't someone in an older NPD thread claim Order pre orders were very high?
Charting at number 9 doesn't seem to back that up....
The order 1886 charted #9 and people saying it bombed? Wtf?
For a new IP that's good. I mean... Lbp3 didn't chart and it has a good community, FH2 didn't chart and SO being a new IP like 1886 didn't either.
I didn't buy the order but I'm impressed it even charted
It is still a 3DS.
Why does that matter? The 3DS outsold the PS4 this month. That's all there is to it.
If you see the full PR from Sony, they state "leader in cumulative hardware sales worldwide". Doesn't that clash with 3DS' installed base WW? Like, a lot?
Did Sunset Overdrive really not chart? That's surprising to hear
Combining sales of both HW configs though?, they're not the same model, not even the name's the same, sales shouldn't be lumped together as they are not the same. Simple as that...
Didn't someone in an older NPD thread claim Order pre orders were very high?
Charting at number 9 doesn't seem to back that up....
FH2 sort of bombed but it was helped by overseas sales (Europe is the predominant market for racing)
They are the same. It isn't a new generation of handheld. It's a slightly upgraded model. The DSi was counted with the DS back in the day.
How can that be when the game under it sold 290K?
Did Sunset Overdrive really not chart? That's surprising to hear
New 3DS was released in February.
Right now Sony can either drop the price by 30 bucks or IMO just bundle a download code with every system like TLOU
I don't get this statement...
Is this official? Pretty good month if so.
Is there something wrong with what they said? Am I missing something?
But if it can play a games that are powerful than the other one than i feel like it should. Media Create separates them which is the right thing to do. Couldn't the Ds and Dsi run all the same games? I feel like that is saying back in day you can count gameboy, gameboy color , and gameboy advance and say gameboy won a month. When the hardware is upgraded enough to the point some games can't be used on both it should be separated.
That it came out later in the month definitelly have some impact on the sales, so i'd say that this is a valid reason at least and not really an excuse in that sense. That 9th place isnt that bad is kinda subjective without knowing Sony's expectations for it. In the end, it doesnt really matter outside of these threads though. For the publisher and developer, it is the total number of sales that matters and how much money that they make or lose on something, regardless of how much it did sold in the 1st month or 2nd month etc..So what are the excuses for The Order going to be?
- It came out on the 20th
- It was bundled (it wasn't)
- 9th isn't THAT bad
Probably those of us that posted in the February Console Hours Played Predictions Thread?
Okay then people do care. However release those number after they lost NPD is pure BS PR and ridiculous.
I am confused though at how they can combine the whole 3ds family and say the won hardware. The new 3ds is a stronger version so in my opinion it should be separated. Media create keeps them separate i would imagine npd does the same.
LMAO!!! Dat PR!!!The official MS statement:
Late as always but I would like to thank you.So long, GAF. It's been a wild ride.
- Aquamarine
Well...this is unfortunate.
So long, GAF. It's been a wild ride.
- Aquamarine
Oh wow I did worse in predicting total units compared to last month.
I think I'll get a better ranking this time though![]()
February 2015 Overall 2015 Top (2/2)
01. Welfare 113.57 Welfare 203.26
02. Final Verdict 98.98 donny2112 202.61
03. RexNovis 98.26 astrogamer 199.48
04. Untalkative_Bunny 97.09 Final Verdict 195.95
05. Trust me, I'm a PhD 93.05 archnemesis 193.15
06. Mpl90 91.82 BlackBuzzard 192.07
07. Mr. Giggles 91.53 RexNovis 186.27
08. andy_lhc 91.25 madp0k 186.24
09. BlackBuzzard 91.22 Untalkative_Bunny 185.37
10. RespectThySole 90.94 slavesnyder 184.87
11. WooHooAlex 90.81 KillerMan91 184.81
12. allan-bh 90.75 doicare 184.80
13. Gonzo The Great 89.96 skedar897 184.63
14. slavesnyder 89.75 allan-bh 184.53
15. KillerMan91 89.75 RespectThySole 184.51
16. TheCarrotKiller 89.61 Xando 182.71
17. Zero-Crescent 89.51 jayu26 182.32
18. skedar897 89.23 Javin98 182.01
19. Bgamer90 88.97 Zero-Crescent 181.11
20. jayu26 88.41 Bruno MB 180.75
21. michaelius 87.51 wachie 180.71
22. doicare 87.51 Jamix012 180.64
23. Javin98 87.26 michaelius 180.27
24. theprodigy 87.20 shinra-bansho 180.09
25. Rand6 86.60 Road 179.99
26. Hammer24 86.56 jjonez18 179.12
27. astrogamer 86.49 Trust me, I'm a PhD 178.35
28. Gbpackers31 86.34 Gbpackers31 178.29
29. I2amza 86.30 Aquamarine 178.11
30. jjonez18 85.89 GamerJM 178.00
31. monegames 85.75 Kill3r7 177.83
32. Bruno MB 85.54 vinnygambini 176.96
33. Sterok 85.04 Rymuth 176.87
34. small44 84.55 Crimson_Gold 176.34
35. shinra-bansho 84.51 Chobel 175.87
36. Chobel 84.31 theprodigy 175.70
37. DrWong 84.27 CorporateClown 175.58
38. Aquamarine 84.10 prag16 175.49
39. pip77 83.93 noobie 174.86
40. orfax 83.87 Muzin 174.64
41. Kill3r7 83.66 John Bender 172.99
42. wachie 83.24 Megadragon15 172.97
43. Road 82.70 Darth Smurf X 172.81
44. TomShoe 82.47 Apt101 172.07
45. donny2112 82.33 Ombala 171.82
46. Vena 82.03 Maxxan 171.77
47. IAmRandom31 82.00 andy_lhc 171.64
48. Rymuth 81.94 ConfusedGamer 171.60
49. Elfstruck 81.93 TomShoe 171.10
50. Maxxan 81.72 Duxxy3 170.39
Everything was underestimated heavily this month.
72. vinnygambini - 319,000