formerly cjelly
Remember Ziggler?
Was that one of Glenn Jacobs' gimmicks?Remember Ziggler?
The guy is trying to get DBrine and she's too busy rolling on the floor. No wonder the Big Show is always pissed off.Get out of his way AJ jeez
Watched the Kayfabe Commentaries & Botchamania shoot 'Wrestling's Most...Botched!' - pretty poor effort this time around, didn't much like the format. Guests are Waltman, Nash, Meanie, New Jack, Sandman, Stevie Richards, Finlay, Russo, Apter & Tammy. Here's the botches they talk about;
#5 -?How much does this guy weigh
#4 -.Vince tears his quad
#3 -.Jeff Hardy wrestling Sting while high
#2 -!Hogan, we comin' for you nigga
#1 -!The Shockmaster
Sandman is a really sad sight to look at, half incoherent and covered in what look like meth scars. New Jack is the only one bringing the funny on this shoot, fucking love listening to Jack talk about anything. Waltman proper despises Dixie and gets mad as hell about the Jeff Hardy thing. DDP is such a nice dude, doesn't have a bad word to say about anyone.
Watched the Kayfabe Commentaries & Botchamania shoot 'Wrestling's Most...Botched!' - pretty poor effort this time around, didn't much like the format. Guests are Waltman, Nash, Meanie, New Jack, Sandman, Stevie Richards, Finlay, Russo, Apter & Tammy. Here's the botches they talk about;
#5 -?How much does this guy weigh
#4 -.Vince tears his quad
#3 -.Jeff Hardy wrestling Sting while high
#2 -!Hogan, we comin' for you nigga
#1 -!The Shockmaster
Sandman is a really sad sight to look at, half incoherent and covered in what look like meth scars. New Jack is the only one bringing the funny on this shoot, fucking love listening to Jack talk about anything. Waltman proper despises Dixie and gets mad as hell about the Jeff Hardy thing. DDP is such a nice dude, doesn't have a bad word to say about anyone.
He may be a nice dude, but......RKO is better than the Diamond Cutter. Yep I said it and I won't take it back.
Strogo: Because Sting is a tall mother fucker. You wouldn't think so until you stand near the guy (apologies, Chriswok). He's huge.
Guys, I'm working on a complete Kanyon Cutter montage. Should I leave the original audio or put music behind it? And if music, should it be DDP's, Kanyon's, or something unrelated?
Sup wrassle Gaf, just here to deliver the message. Aiii will be back in two weeks.
People without a Big Show avatar are not really a part of WrassleGaf.
I don't play by your rules.
You're just made because our guys' chair is cooler than Clint's.
I want to sit in that Big Show chair.
Me too. I'm a big dude at 6'7" and I would like to feel what it's like to be a normal person sometimes.
How do you all watch WWE PPV's? I'm going to be away this weekend due to a three day weekend. I want to be able to watch Elimination Chamber though. The place I'm going to doesn't have any cable boxes rather just cable through the wire... I don't think it has any PPV channels.
Fight to eat spaghetti with every man...I am a real Italian...
:lol @ how the Big Show avatars had people feeling all warm and fuzzy a few pages back.
WrassleGAF gone soft. Not a fan of the PG era.aul
Will you have access to the internet? You could always order the PPV on Also, while checking the website, I noticed Cesaro vs. Miz for the US Title has been officially announced. It actually gets to be on the PPV and not just on the pre-show this time too.
People without a Big Show avatar are not really a part of WrassleGaf.
He's been hit by with a wellness policy violation?
And here's some boring Smackdown spoilers.
* Big Show opens SmackDown and is pissed off. He gets interrupted by Chris Jericho and they have words. Jericho challenges Show to a match. Out next are Booker T and Mark Henry.
* Mark Henry beat Randy Orton by DQ after Orton grabbed a steel chair and hit Henry in the back with it. Orton wailed on Henry with the chair until Henry turned it around and left Orton with a World's Strongest Slam.
* Tamina Snuka defeated Layla.
* Tensai and Brodus Clay beat 3MB. The Shield come out after the match and beat Tensai and Clay down to big time heel heat. Dean Ambrose cut a promo on Elimination Chamber and said it will be just like tonight for John Cena, Sheamus and Ryback.
* The Miz beat Cody Rhodes with a Figure Four.
* Jack Swagger beat Zack Ryder by submission with The Patriot Act.
* WWE Champion The Rock is out next to a big pop. Rock cuts a promo on CM Punk stealing the WWE Title belt and wants it back. Rock promises an ass whooping for Punk. Punk and Paul Heyman appear on the big screen. Punk says Rock stole the title from him at Royal Rumble. They have words and Rock ends it with some of his signature catchphrases.
Damien Sandow comes out and disses Little Rock and The Rock. Rock puts over the fans and ends up giving Sandow a Rock Bottom and The People's Elbow.
* Big Show beat Chris Jericho in the main event. Good back and forth match. Show blocked Walls of Jericho and hit the knockout punch for the win.
I wonder if Shield were able to powerbomb either of the Hip Hop Lord Hippos.
lol noon the show? Is he booked to do anything at EC?Ziggler
I'm very excited about this.Good news guys, I have every Kanyon Cutter clipped out. I will edit them together later today and post the full library of Kanyon Cutters. BANG!
Any more big show avatars?
First signs of the Kane cycle, with Al Snow.
Good news guys, I have every Kanyon Cutter clipped out. I will edit them together later today and post the full library of Kanyon Cutters. BANG!
hell yeah.
hey stro, why not do WCW till the very end? it's only an extra 3 months of pain and suffering.
Stro, how did you manage to get every episode for that entire year anyways? As bad as I feel for you sitting through that, I feel worse for the guy who actually recorded it every week and paid for the PPVs.