I actually got a question about WWE PPV's. Is there anyway I can watch them live on my Xbox 360?
I actually got a question about WWE PPV's. Is there anyway I can watch them live on my Xbox 360?
Nope...unless IE on Xbox gives you access to wwe.com and you buy it there. Too complex. Too many places where something can go wrong.
No which I'm suprised since UFC has an app were toucan watch ppv's maybe next gen!
lol noon the show? Is he booked to do anything at EC?Ziggler
Remember when heel champs didn't wrestle on every show and they had their cronies wrestle for them?
Probably going tocash in on Del Rio, hence he's being minimalised to maximize surprise or something
In my experience, those are 3 very long months.
I genuinely have no idea what the WHC match is going to be for Mania...
Right now there's Del Rio, Shoe, and Ziggler who could be champion after Sunday. Looking at the number one contenders in that chamber all three of those guys have a few natural potential feuds.
Ziggler could fight Jericho for obvious reasons, maaaybe Orton if they feel like going back to that well.
Del Rio could fight Jack Swagger, who is being primed as a natural villain for him or Mark Henry who deserves a Mania title match
Big Show could fight Daniel Bryan, as he never really got back at Bryan for taking his title last year and I could easily see them throwing Kane into a triple threat with those two due to Hell No breaking up or whatever
They seem to have completely abandoned Orton vs Shaemus. They could get back to that after EC, but it seems like Cena being involved with the Shield threw Orton to the back of the line.
For this Wrestlemania the big question is how long with Daniel Bryan match be this year. The over/under is a minute as of now. I don't think the fans will like a 3rd time of the WWE screwing them out of a Daniel Bryan match at Wrestlemania especially in New York.
i think it's kinda obvious they'll have Kane vs D. Bryan at WM.
i think it's kinda obvious they'll have Kane vs D. Bryan at WM.
For this Wrestlemania the big question is how long with Daniel Bryan match be this year. The over/under is a minute as of now. I don't think the fans will like a 3rd time of the WWE screwing them out of a Daniel Bryan match at Wrestlemania especially in New York.
WHC will be a triple threat with ziggler/ADR/Big Show
Considering Bryan and Kane will likely have a match, and since Vince is obsessed with "breaking" records it'll be 7 seconds; beating Chavo vs. Kane at WM24.
I rewatched the El Generico vs. Nick Jackson vs. Jigsaw vs. Kota Ibushi four-way from Chikara's King of Trios 2009 on Chikara-Podcast-A-Go-Go last night. Has Chikara released any other full matches on Chikara-Podcast-A-Go-Go?
Good news guys, I have every Kanyon Cutter clipped out. I will edit them together later today and post the full library of Kanyon Cutters. BANG!
You think they would make Kane tap in 7 seconds? Makes sense
Eh... I'd still reserve judgement on that one until after Elimination Chamber. They really subverted the whole "tag team attacks each other at the Rumble which leads to one/both getting angry so they split" by making it a team that functions on being angry at each other.
It's still the most likely thing to happen, but I would say there's a reasonable possibility of SHIELD fighting them for the titles as long as they aren't too decimated by the Super Best Friends.
He already did at SS, and he'll likely let Bryan's concession stand beat his at WM.I think Good Guy Glen would put D Bry over.
Bold prediction: it's the year 2017 and the spinner belt is still the title
Yeah I forgot how fun Dragon Kid was to watch till my Japan trip. Wish he's come back and wrestle Del Sol.
And now it spins again.That's not bold.
Punk brings his stolen title.
Rock bring the new belt design, wins, and retires the Cena belt.
Punk brings his stolen title.
Rock bring the new belt design, wins, and retires the Cena belt.
Cena vs Rock at WM.
Cena wins.
Brings back spinner belt at Raw the next night.
WrassleGAF says Fuck this company.
It's written in the stars.
so im assuming that Big Show won the avatar rumble??
Man, Nagata can still MOVE. What an awesome dude.
so im assuming that Big Show won the avatar rumble??