you are doing god's work strobogo.Currently saving the Kanyon Cutter montage. It's 10 minutes long. I included all of them, even the ones that were technically off camera. There are also at least two instances of Tony yelling SWERVE. It's quick and dirty. No transitions, no effects. A lot of them took place on Thunder, and if you've read any of my recaps, you'll know that a lot of the Thunders had sound issues. A number of them are out of synch with the audio and/or very quiet. I wasn't going to go through and normalize all the audio for every individual one. Don't get mad or surprised when you go from a super quiet Thunder to a loud Nitro with no warning.
I'll try to put it up in a few places in case WWE gets dicky with it. I'll put it up on YT, Dailymotion, maybe Tudou, and tumblr itself if the file isn't too big. I think you guys will like it.
Big show, big show everywhere. So many Big shows you must stop and stare.
I gone did a poem.
Hey those are the most must see posts in Wrasslegaf history.
Is this Poem Time with Laserfrog?
It's really easy to normalize the entire audio if you want I can do it for you, just export the project as mp3 instead of video and I can do that and some noise reduction and get it back to you and you can plug it in. PM me with a sendspace link if you'd like.
Your mum is the most must see posts in Wrasslegaf history.
Paul Wight is right.
while also being white..and consistantly knocking out people's light.
Standing seven foot tall he's quite the sightwhile also being white..and consistantly knocking out people's light.
. . . what the hell is wrong with you people?
. . . what the hell is wrong with you people?
If I had been in the rumble I would havesad nobody has a Big Show smoking a cigarette avatar
so apparently Ziggler just promised on Main Event that he would cash in sometime between now and Wrestlemania
It would be great to see a ful page of slightly more zoomed in avatars until eventually its just Big Show's nose.
Is this Poem Time with Laserfrog?
There once was a giant named Paul,
500 pounds and seven feet tall,
known for his menacing stare
and a head free of hair,
plus an unfortunate tendency to bawl.
There once was a giant named Paul,
500 pounds and seven feet tall,
known for his menacing stare
and a head free of hair,
plus an unfortunate tendency to bawl.
[img ][/img]
really Harry??
really Tom?
Big Show and Mark Henry once fought
On a Pay-Per-View that no one bought
They fell from the top rope
The ring replied, "nope"
and broke while we the ref got got
The Big Show is sized to proportion
His wife had to get used to contortion
When he gets all frisky
She hits the whiskey
His favourite Power Rangers are Mighty Morphin'
Dragonzord said:apparently Generico debuted in NXT as Generico
apparently Generico debuted in NXT as Generico
apparently Generico debuted in NXT as Generico
apparently Generico debuted in NXT as Generico
apparently Generico debuted in NXT as Generico