apparently Generico debuted in NXT as Generico
Thats just a NXT house show. They can still change him until he makes it to RAW
apparently Generico debuted in NXT as Generico
apparently Generico debuted in NXT as Generico
I don't see why not. Miz uses the brainbuster now.I wonder if they'll let Generico keep the BRAINBUSTAAAAAHHHH!!! It's probably a bit too much for WWE. His normal brainbuster is pretty awesome looking too, he could just use that as his finisher, plus he does have that weird double-pumphandle orange crush bomb he uses occasionally;
Look at all these bandwagoners and johnny-come-latelies hopping on the Generico train now. I've been here since day one.
He should debut as Ricardo's long lost ginger brother.
I read somewhere that Generico was in the corner of Brodus Clay. Take that how you will.
I wonder if they'll let Generico keep the BRAINBUSTAAAAAHHHH!!! It's probably a bit too much for WWE. His normal brainbuster is pretty awesome looking too, he could just use that as his finisher, plus he does have that weird double-pumphandle orange crush bomb he uses occasionally;
I wonder if they'll let Generico keep the BRAINBUSTAAAAAHHHH!!! It's probably a bit too much for WWE. His normal brainbuster is pretty awesome looking too, he could just use that as his finisher, plus he does have that weird double-pumphandle orange crush bomb he uses occasionally;
Please son. I've been on this Generico train since 2007.
Same here - I knew of him from his brief stint in ROH in 2005, and a few DVDs of his home promotion IWS I picked up around then, but it wasn't until the King of Europe Cup in 2007 that I really took notice. Incidentally, here's his match with Evan Bourne from that tournament;
El Generico vs Matt Sydal - (04/28/07)
Not a bad pairing IMO. Generico is an act that would be big with the kids, Brodus Clay is big with the kids.
apparently Generico debuted in NXT as Generico[IMG]
Thank You, Based Hunter.[/QUOTE]
Doesn't that mean that WWE now owns the Generico IP?
Just Generico right, not El Generico
Just Generico right, not El Generico