Hornswoggle being the Anonymous Raw GM.What is "the incident"?
Someone Photoshop an arcade stick or something rather than pizza box..wth?This showed up in the Outdoorsmen thread - what in the name of god is happening here?
Belding and Batista, I know Belding is a wrasslin mark but...what the hell
In the segment breakdown, the show opened strong with a 3.33 quarter rating with Paul Heyman and CM Punk. Mark Henry vs. The Great Khali lost 328,000 viewers. Daniel Bryan vs. Chris Jericho gained 84,000 viewers. Sheamus, John Cena and Ryback vs. 3MB in the 9pm timeslot gained 267,000 viewers for a 3.34 quarter rating.
Zack Ryder vs. Jack Swagger lost 253,000 viewers. The Miz vs. Cody Rhodes lost 19,000 more viewers. Tensai and Brodus Clay vs. Primo and Epico lost another 242,000 viewers. The Shield speaking and the brawl with Cena, Sheamus and Ryback gained 392,000 viewers in the 10pm timeslot for a 3.25 quarter rating.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Damien Sandow lost 419,000 viewers and Wade Barrett vs. Kofi Kingston lost 37,000 more. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane gained 186,000 viewers. The final segment with The Rock and CM Punk gained 578,000 viewers for a 3.48 overrun rating.
You guys need some cheering up!
Post your favorite valentine WRESTLER
You guys need some cheering up!
Post your favorite valentine WRESTLER
Raw Ratings Breakdown:
Kane gained 186,000 viewers
Did someone say VALentine?Sunflower said:You guys need some cheering up!
Post your favorite valentine WRESTLER
I have no idea what your asking for? Greg "the hammer" Valentine?
that's uncanny, Sunflower, holy shit.
I almost forgot about it being Valentine's day.
My contribution:
Here it is guys, the complete masterworks of the Kanyon Cutter. Both the Youtube and Dailymotion links have been provided. Enjoy!
Kanyon Cutter Montage Youtube
Kanyon Cutter Montage DailyMotion
Well, this domain has been idle since "the incident": http://wasrawgoodthisweek.com/
Same chest, too, I'll wager.
You guys need some cheering up!
Post your favorite valentine WRESTLER
People were joking during the match that Kane vs. ziggler lost 400K viewers.Nice.
Raw Ratings Breakdown:
"Bloomberg reported that Take Two Interactive will take over THQ's WWE series, the company will develop and publish future WWE titles; previous agreement between THQ and Yukes' will be terminated and Yukes' will no longer be working on the series."
Shocking swerve!
I hope this is true!
Shocking swerve!
I hope this is true!
New Agreements
Under the accord, the WWE and Yuke’s contracts will be terminated and the companies will be allowed to enter into new agreements with Take-Two, which will hire THQ’s employees that work on the wrestling games, according to court documents.
People were joking during the match that Kane vs. ziggler lost 400K viewers.
Where are they now?!?!
I almost forgot about it being Valentine's day.
My contribution:
Is it weird that the Luigi DLC makes me want to buy that new Mario U?
Is it weird that the Luigi DLC makes me want to buy that new Mario U?
Luigi's Mansion is the best mansion.
Remember when big show broke the ring
Big show vs lesnar(ring breaks)-http://www.youtube.com/#/watch?v=LuEOIajTYxc&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DLuEOIajTYxc
Nah man, it's good but uh...
the Resident Evil mansion, well, that's the king.
They have learned their lesson!It's understandable Soul that people thought Ziggler's lack of star power would drag Kane's ratings drawing power down, of course they underestimated Big Red Ratings as usual and that's unforgivable.
WTF is Valentine even doing there :lol
You paid to take a picture with Kevin Nash? Damn, Nash is smart.Well, I paid for a picture with Nash but Valentine hijacked it.
As part of the Former Talent Rehabilitation Program, WWE has sent Tamara Sytch to rehabilitation numerous times, with all costs covered by WWE. Unfortunately, Ms. Sytch has continued to make poor personal choices and is ultimately responsible for the consequences of these decisions. WWE has always provided rehabilitation at a certified treatment center; however, given Ms. Sytchs inability to change her lifestyle and successfully complete treatment, WWE will no longer fund her rehabilitation.
For the first time since instituting a policy where they would assist former contracted talent with rehabilitation, WWE has released a statement saying they will no longer cover the costs of WWE Hall of Famer Sunny's rehab.
Saw that earlier. I definitely understand where they're coming from, but at the same time, this is kind of turning their back, yknow? Won't be good in the future if they do this more often.
How was the match? I remember a really good one between him and Brodie in Philly.Best one yet from Adrian Neville;
Good match too, overall a fun episode of NXT this week.