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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle



Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
WWE Network needs the cameras on in DDP's home 24/7 and produce a full time reality show, but they wouldn't because it'd expose too much of the bad underbelly of the business. Still...
Scott Hall sounds like such a great guy that has totally imprisoned by alcohol. I almost lost it at the end when he was so moved by the offer that he said, "I'll sleep on the floor, man". It was really rouching hear Jake motivate him. What DDP's done with Jake is amazing. Jake's voice hasn't sounded that clear in years.

If DDP can really turn Scott around, this dude needs a Presidential honor or something.



WCW Monday Nitro 11/6/2000

WCW had Spring Stampede here with about 12K people. There are like 20 people there a few months later.

EARLIER TODAY. Steiner attacked Sting as he was coming into the building.

Coach and the Thrillers decide to make a tag match. Someone is going to be S.....O......L.....and you know what that means....WAH WAH WAH. What the fuck.

Starting the show out with Lex Luger might not be the best idea. However, having him come out and follow him around the ring shows how empty the place is. It's like 10 rows deep only on the side facing the hard cam and the rest is empty. You can see the entire upper level is blacked out and most of the rows from the announcers to the the bowl are empty. It's a few rows of people behind them and then all black.


That has to be depressing. Lex comes out and asks Madden to stand up. Last week, Madden said Lex had more body fat than he had recently. Lex doesn't like this and calls Mark a big fat fuck head endomorph piece of shit fat fucking fat fuck fat ass fuck. Lex is mesomorph magnificence. "So much for the heels working together." That seemed to go a little far even for a heel in wrestling. 10 minutes of Lex heeling is a terrible start to a show. He puts a writer from WCW magazine in the Torture Rack for not running articles about him. Bob Backlund did it better.

TO THE BACK. Goldberg arrives. During the break, Ross Foreman was wheeled out. Paula is with Nash and the Thrillers. Nash was reading Goldberg's book and wonders why he would be just standing in a cup. He talks about Meat and how he wants Booker in a title match tonight. Meat shows up and apologizes.

Lance Storm vs Kwee Wee


For real, TNA gets bigger crowds on the road than this. Tony says that Flair, the WW...WCW CEO, will have a big announcement coming up next. I think ECW were getting bigger crowds than this at the time and dying ECW might be worse than dying WCW. Chilly Willy and Belvis! Lance wins with the Maple Leaf. Lance won't let go of it, so Paisley calls "MAYDAY MAYDAY CODEWORD BAD HAIR DAY" which brings out Meng for the save.


TO THE BACK. Gene is with Goldberg. He's going to fuck Bam Bam up tonight. Lex interrupts and runs down all his accomplishments. Bam Bam ambushes Goldberg.

Show run down. Bam Bam vs Goldberg. BATTLEDOME! Holy shit, I forgot all about Battledome. DDP, Cat, Rick Steiner, and some other dude invaded Battledome. DDP spat on the title and now the Battledome people are challenging WCW wrestlers.

Shawn Stasiak vs Reno WCW Hardcore Championship

Meat tried to get out of this, but they didn't really go for it. Reno's music hits twice, but he doesn't show up.

TO THE BACK. We see Kronik walking off and the Thrillers find Reno laid out. Stasiak wins via forfeit.

TO THE BACK. Trainer and Thrillers check on Reno. Chuck Palumbo is no Columbo, but he is Chuck Palumbo, and he thinks he knows what happened. Whoever did this will be S....O....L....and you know what that means.


CEO Ric Flair comes to the ring. He says Mayhem will be the best PPV they've put on for a long time. Hugh Rection (which is muted) vs Lance Storm for the last time, must be a winner. Lex vs Goldberg. Scott Steiner vs Booker T for the WCW Championship in a cage match. Steiner's behavior has been unacceptable. This brings out Scott. Steiner grabs Ric and shoves him in the corner. Booker hits the ring to make a save. Now the cage match will also be a straight jacket match. A straight jacket cage match. If Steiner touches Ric or any non-wrestling employee again, he will be fired.

THE FOLLOWING ANNOUNCEMENT HAS BEEN PAID FOR BY JIMMY HART. Jimmy is still looking for DJs to fight. Mancow shows up. 2 Count attack him while Jimmy screams. Wat.


2 Count vs Jung Dragons vs Jindrak/O'Haire WCW Tag Team Championship


Leia is wearing an...interesting outfit. O'Haire hit a pop up Michinoku Driver that I would gif, but a giant THUNDER AT ITS NEW TIME bumper took up half the screen. Five minutes earlier. Why would they start their show at 9:05 anyway? I never understood why WCW always did that for years on Saturday night as well. The cruisers team up on the big dudes, who look positively massive in the ring with these guys. Yang eats a hilarious/gross DDT in the floor. Evan tried to cost 2 Count the match, but accidentally cost the Dragons the match. Thrillers retain. BATTLEDOME guys are at ringside. Evan gets the shit beat out of him until Jamie saves with a chair and CRUSHES Kaz's head.

TO THE BACK. SMOOV won't show us who he has in his limo.

DDP HAS RETURNED! Fuck that, I'm bummed this isn't Kanyon. "Now this is a SHOOT, for real." He talks about a house show title shot against Booker where he was in a terrible mood until he heard the crowd pop for him. "Okay, cheap pop, but it's a SHOOT!" DDP's Flair impression sounds a lot like Dusty Rhodes instead of Flair. DDP notices the BATTLEDOME guys. I forgot Terry Crews was one of them.


DDP brings out Buff, Cat, and Rick Steiner for back up. I'm pretty sure Buff called them queers. The guys jump the rail and security is everywhere trying to break it up. Lol, Daffney's boyfriend Ozzy is back to being a security guard.

TO THE BACK. Paula is with Meat. He says he had nothing to do with Reno or Chuck's attacks.

Jeff Jarrett/Scott Steiner vs Sting/Buff Bagwell

Wait a minute. Mike Sanders made this match. But last week on Nitro, he lost his commissioner spot back to The Cat, so Sanders has no powers to match a match. Madden says something about Steiner killing a fan and Tony gets his srs bidness voice on and tells Mark to never say anything like that ever again. Steiner grabs the ref so I think he probably should be fired. He does it again later in the match. He should be fired twice. I wish Terry Crews would come back and pec flex at Buff. What the fuck. The ref randomly goes to a corner where none of the combatants nor Midajah are to yell at someone, which gives Jeff the chance to hit Buff with a guitar. Steiner locks in the Recliner for the win. They couldn't have Midajah distract the ref or something? He literally just walked to where no one was to point so Jeff could use the guitar. And since he was right next to the guitar when it exploded, pieces were still all over the ring when he turned around, and he saw Jeff holding the neck, he obviously didn't care, so why bother having him pretend to get distracted by nothing?

Lance Storm is at the booth for the next match. Lance still has glitter on him. He wants to know why Alex Wright gets a title shot at Rection. Tony says Alex has proven himself. By losing a bunch of tag matches?

Alex Wright vs General Rection WCW US Championship


Alex does promos while Disco translates. Man, German is such a harsh language. Is there anything in German that sounds nice and sweet? WCW really should have dropped the goofy dick pun name and just called Hugh Bill Demott. It's hard to take a dude seriously when his name is an intentional dick joke. There is a PPV coming up in Germany. I don't believe it is included in this package and I'm sure it was never released in America. The MIA chase Disco off. Hugh retains with the moonsault.

TO THE BACK. Bam Bam heads to the ring. Hacksaw cuts a promo about what's wrong with America. This was just a subtle "get out the vote" thing. Paula is with Booker. He says he'll die before giving up the title...but he lost the title twice already and didn't die either time.


Bam Bam Big Yellow vs Goldberg

Goldberg has a heavily taped up right thigh. He's got a whammy in his hammy. Luger saunters out to watch from the stage. It goes on for a few minutes of Goldberg selling his eyes when he decides to stop selling his legs and his eyes and hits a spear and jackhammer for the win.

Scott Steiner is in the ring after a break yelling about something. He's going to be on color for the title match.

Kevin Nash vs Booker T WCW Championship

Again, Mike Sanders made this match despite losing 100% of his commissioner powers last week. This is a nothing match. Ref bump after a few minutes. Booker was going to hit the Book End when Stasiak arrived with brass knuckles and lays Book out. He also lays Nash out. Booker retains. Due to Shawn Stasiak. RU4REAL? Start the show with Lex Luger, end the show with Shawn Stasiak. WCW. Never Forget.



I just had a weird moment. Was in a meeting at work, watching one of those promotional videos where they show you that you're only held back by your own attitude and they showed this with a Gulf War veteran paratrooper whose back and knees were so destroyed by his job, he couldn't walk. He'd given up hope until one day...



I just had a weird moment. Was in a meeting at work, watching one of those promotional videos where they show you that you're only held back by your own attitude and they showed this with a Gulf War veteran paratrooper whose back and knees were so destroyed by his job, he couldn't walk. He'd given up hope until one day...


DDP is invading real life!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Wonder if DDP was 'enlightened' during Kanyon's troubles. Would have been nice if he could have helped him deal with all that emotional stress. Though most of that wasn't even Kanyon's fault.
Wow the plane ride from hell lived up to its name

-Veteran road agent Michael Hayes was stripped of his clothes and had his mullet (hairstyle) cut off while passed out on the private charter jet. No one has publicly claimed responsibility, but Bradshaw was involved in an altercation with Hayes on board the plane prior to the haircut. A source said Hayes had instigated the fight by hitting Bradshaw in the forehead and reopening an old cut, only to be decked by the 6-5 Texan. Hayes reportedly was irate when he awoke and discovered that his hair had been cut, and was even hotter the next evening when he found his ponytail pinned to the wall in the locker room at Raw. “Michael was out of his mind,” said one performer.
- Curt Hennig and rookie Brock Lesnar also tussled on board the plane after arguing over who was the better “shooter.” Sources say Hennig, an infamous ribber, had been spraying shaving cream into the hair of Big Show and others, and goaded Lesnar into a collar-and-elbow test of strength. Paul Heyman and Hunter Hearst Helmsley both attempted to break up the inappropriate sparring session, and at one point Triple H reportedly was thrown into an emergency door on the plane.
“It was a work, but Curt just wouldn’t stop,” commented one WWE performer. Hennig, one of the company’s top stars during the late ‘80s who was rehired in January, was later fired over the incident. A frequent traveling partner of fellow Minnesotan Lesnar, Hennig reportedly has been warned on other occasions about his behavior.
- Goldust (Dustin Runnels) also received a stern reprimand from WWF management for what was described as unprofessional conduct aboard the plane. According to reports, an inebriated Runnels sang “love songs” to former wife Terri over the plane’s public address system. Terri, who was said to be uncomfortable with the attention, reportedly asked WWF talent director Jim Ross to order her former spouse to cease the serenading. Ross later said that the company would stop serving alcohol on its overseas charter flights.
Ross, commenting Friday on his Ross Report, said the flight “was low-lighted by a handful of people who consumed too much alcohol and consequently acted like children whose parents were away and left the liquor cabinet unlocked. The conduct of this inebriated minority was unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Procedures have been put in place to ensure such conduct does not occur in the future. The bottom line is this: yours truly is the person in charge of the talent roster and the buck stops with me. We will do all we humanly can to solve the problem.”

Perhaps the biggest news resulting from the European tour was the firing of Scott Hall, who was released after Monday night’s show. Hall, who has been on probationary status with the company since being hired earlier this year, reportedly had been impaired at a number of recent shows and had even fallen asleep backstage at the aptly titled Insurrection PPV in London last weekend
. When he showed up in little better shape Monday night for Raw, the decision was made to sever ties with the controversial performer. Ross later stated that Hall agreed that he wasn’t ready for the “road life” again.
I feel like Punk should take a few months off after wrestlemania. He hasn't really had a vacation other than his surgery. I mainly want him to fix those bags under his eyes. Its not as bad as it was before, but still. a bit of a pet peeve. And yes Nexus Punk was rather handsome.


Okay okay hold the phone. I've been away from WrassleGAF for a while. What's the deal with all the Big Show avatars?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Okay okay hold the phone. I've been away from WrassleGAF for a while. What's the deal with all the Big Show avatars?

You didn't see the Raw where Big Show called out Punk and McMahon for having a 3-way with Stratus? He was our personal hero for that, then got released from WWE.

Actually 39 of us lost a bet to Bean Breath.


Okay okay hold the phone. I've been away from WrassleGAF for a while. What's the deal with all the Big Show avatars?

There was an event called the Rumble.
39 others took a tumble.
The one left was Paul.
He outlasted them all.
Now Big Show fuck us make us humble.
Hearing DDP putting Hall under his wing warms me up.

Someone recommend me some DDP up in this thread. I never really got to fully appreciate him. I mean was he actually good?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Hearing DDP putting Hall under his wing warms me up.

Someone recommend me some DDP up in this thread. I never really got to fully appreciate him. I mean was he actually good?

Eh. He was basically Dusty Rhodes without as good promo skills. He was just a blue collar guy that managed to get over. He wasn't terrible, but he wasn't great either.
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