Walking Dead takes priority for me. Sorry double double E.
Hope it does turn out good though.
walking dead, wwe and all star game tonight.
jesus fuck
Walking Dead takes priority for me. Sorry double double E.
Hope it does turn out good though.
Walking Dead takes priority for me. Sorry double double E.
Hope it does turn out good though.
My friend is staying cause he's got no place to live, I showed him some $5 wrestling, he's a fan now.
I come to you guys because I know you're the best there is. I've been looking for the old "desire" videos that they made about specific wrestlers with music in the background. They are really tough to find. This was the Stone Cold Steve Austin one, but there were a bunch more.
Any help?
i kind of want to go to a CZW show one of these days
I kind of want to go to one of CZW's Tournament of Death shows - deathmatch shit so stupid, no venue will take the legal risk of hosting it, so it's in some field in the middle of nowhere. Also, they used to do junkyard brawls that were hilariously awful;
Love Zandig at the end there.
I decided to work tonight instead of staying home for the festivities.I have a feeling this PPV will be even worse than most
Hopefully TWD is better than last week.
If the shield match is as good as the last one that alone will be worth the watch IMO.I have a feeling this PPV will be even worse than most
I kind of want to go to one of CZW's Tournament of Death shows - deathmatch shit so stupid, no venue will take the legal risk of hosting it, so it's in some field in the middle of nowhere. Also, they used to do junkyard brawls that were hilariously awful;
Love Zandig at the end there.
If the shield match is as good as the last one that alone will be worth the watch IMO.
And the Punk/Rock will be solid like the first one, won't be a 5 star match or amazing by any means but it will be entertaining. That and the fact Punk is winning tonight![]()
Jack Swagger vs. Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Kane vs. Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton - Feel like he's getting a push soon. Feel it in my bones.
Is this where we will be discussing the Chamber ppv or is there going to be a separate thread?
I left the Youtube preshow video on too long. Now that EC song is stuck in my head.
the crazy ones
Nice! Is there an irc channel?
Two Fat Guys vs. Team Rhodes Scholars
Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Big Show
The Shield vs. Ryback, John Cena and Sheamus
Kaitlyn (c) vs. Tamina Snuka
Antonio Cesaro (c) vs. The Miz
Jack Swagger vs. Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Kane vs. Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton
The Rock (c) vs. CM Punk
Nice! Is there an irc channel?