Good morning. EC PPV predictions!
WWE Championship Match:
The Rock (c) vs CM Punk - Rock gets DQed by outside interference attacking Punk, and McMahon restarts the match... again.
World Heavyweight Championship Match:
Alberto Del Rio (c) vs Big Show - I don't see a cash in by Ziggler just yet, even though he's not on the card. I think Bertie holds it until Wrestlemania.
United States Championship Match:
Antonio Cesaro (c) vs. The Miz - Miz has been taking some wicked bumps lately... anyway Antonio Cesaro is currently the Best Thing Going right now and I don't see why he would lose to Miz.
The Shield vs John Cena, Ryback and Sheamus - Oh God I want to be wrong so badly but I can't see how they don't let Cena win the show before WM. It's like the Shield was put on this earth to be built up to this moment, and then be turned into Nexus 2.0 shortly thereafter. God I hope I'm wrong.
#1 Contender's Elimination Chamber Match:
Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan vs Kane vs Chris Jericho vs Mark Henry vs Jack Swagger - I honestly have no idea who is going to win this match. I can see Orton, Jericho (assuming a Ziggler cash in before WM), or even Swagger winning it but Mark Henry has just been a monster since he came back. He is going to dominate this thing. Because THAT'S WHAT HE DOES.
WWE Diva's Championship Match:
Kaitlyn (c) vs Tamina vs. Bathroom/Sandwich Break - Yeah.
YouTube Exclusive Pre-Show Match:
Brodus Clay & Tensai vs. Team Rhodes Scholars - There's no other reason to get Rhodes Scholars back together for one night only, except to job to these guys. Why? I have no idea. RS should have never broken up in the first place.
WWE Championship Match:
The Rock (c) vs CM Punk - Rock gets DQed by outside interference attacking Punk, and McMahon restarts the match... again.
World Heavyweight Championship Match:
Alberto Del Rio (c) vs Big Show - I don't see a cash in by Ziggler just yet, even though he's not on the card. I think Bertie holds it until Wrestlemania.
United States Championship Match:
Antonio Cesaro (c) vs. The Miz - Miz has been taking some wicked bumps lately... anyway Antonio Cesaro is currently the Best Thing Going right now and I don't see why he would lose to Miz.
The Shield vs John Cena, Ryback and Sheamus - Oh God I want to be wrong so badly but I can't see how they don't let Cena win the show before WM. It's like the Shield was put on this earth to be built up to this moment, and then be turned into Nexus 2.0 shortly thereafter. God I hope I'm wrong.
#1 Contender's Elimination Chamber Match:
Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan vs Kane vs Chris Jericho vs Mark Henry vs Jack Swagger - I honestly have no idea who is going to win this match. I can see Orton, Jericho (assuming a Ziggler cash in before WM), or even Swagger winning it but Mark Henry has just been a monster since he came back. He is going to dominate this thing. Because THAT'S WHAT HE DOES.
WWE Diva's Championship Match:
Kaitlyn (c) vs Tamina vs. Bathroom/Sandwich Break - Yeah.
YouTube Exclusive Pre-Show Match:
Brodus Clay & Tensai vs. Team Rhodes Scholars - There's no other reason to get Rhodes Scholars back together for one night only, except to job to these guys. Why? I have no idea. RS should have never broken up in the first place.