Banning the Michael Jordan gif on his birthday is just cold.
i dont quite understand that ruling. Does that really mean just MichealJordan.gif? this doesnt span to R_truth.gifs does it?
Banning the Michael Jordan gif on his birthday is just cold.
We need somebody to test this.i dont quite understand that ruling. Does that really mean just MichealJordan.gif? this doesnt span to R_truth.gifs does it?
Posting gifs without anything else is getting people banned because they keep being annoying about it. Imagine if I posted "Hey, cats are kinda dumb right?" and everyone replied with the same fuckin' .gif like stupid asses. Said stupid asses would get banned because they aren't contributing anything to GAF society.
That's basically whats happening right now.
What are you guys talking about? Gifs are getting banned?
Wait, I didn't watch EC, why is Brock vs Punk happening at Wrestlemania?
They're both heels so it doesn't make sense.
Weren't the dirtsheets reporting that the plan was for Punk to turn face after WrestleMania anyway?
Punk looks like Zach Gowen compared to Bork. Majority of people don't even take Punk serious against Rock, imagine how they would feel about Bork. He's actually a threat and killed Cena/Trips. Rock can't even hang with Vin DieselThey're both heels so it doesn't make sense.
Jack Swagger still sucks at a lot of various things, but his new theme song is boss as hell. Sounds like the main theme for a Final Fantasy villain.
Don't even get how they can do a proper build. Bork reportedly has 4(?) weeks before working mania. Plus Rock leaves for 2 weeks after today. Plus gods knows if or when Taker appears. These part timers are fucking up the flow/hype to mania.
I hope not. CM Punk makes a terrible face.
Don't even get how they can do a proper build. Bork reportedly has 4(?) weeks before working mania. Plus Rock leaves for 2 weeks after today. Plus gods knows if or when Taker appears. These part timers are fucking up the flow/hype to mania.
Punk looks like Zach Gowen compared to Bork. Majority of people don't even take Punk serious against Rock, imagine how they would feel about Bork. He's actually a threat and killed Cena/Trips. Rock can't even hang with Vin Diesel
This would be the dumbest match on the card.
Was the Punk/Rock match any good?
Was the Punk/Rock match any good?
It was slower than all hell at the beginning. A ton of rest holds. And I couldn't tell if the Rock was doing Rock selling or if he was actually really gassed for almost the entire match. It definitely picks up toward the end though and I have to say it's better than their first match. Overall I'd give a 6/10
No, The Rock looked like an old man in the ring and it generally being so slow put folks to sleep.
The best part was when the Spanish Announce Table(TM) didn't break.
I'm so down on wrestling at the moment.
Thought the PPV was average as, talented guys are being wasted and I can't even fake interest in the ones who are there. WM getting diva level build in some cases.
Best bit was The Shield lol, gotta laugh at Cena's reaction he was like "OH WHAT? YOU NOOBS LOST??" if it was just him solo'ing them I bet he would have won.
Del Rio's botch was glorious lol.
Poor Big Show had to stand there pretending he didn't even hear/feel anything while Bert tried a do-over. :|
How embarrassing.
I'm so down on wrestling at the moment.
Thought the PPV was average as, talented guys are being wasted and I can't even fake interest in the ones who are there. WM getting diva level build in some cases.
Best bit was The Shield lol, gotta laugh at Cena's reaction he was like "OH WHAT? YOU NOOBS LOST??" if it was just him solo'ing them I bet he would have won.
Cena vs Dwayne 2 is gonna be unbearable.
Imagine last week's hour long rant about nothing but with BOTH of them doing it.
I think the only redeemable part of the match will be the lolamount of shit Cena gets from the crowd and seeing them trying to pass it off "WHETHER YOU LOVE HIM OR YOU HATE HIM!" no, its just hate.
Then he's gonna win and the place will riot.
Personally I probably hate Cena less than the Rock and that is saying something. :|
Everyone knows that in a future pvp this year Cena alone will bury the shield while he trollface the entire wresselgaf community
How about they give Punk a new gimmick where everytime someone kills him in the ring he just comes back twice as strong as before. So like, he becomes this unnatural monster where all his moves do so much damage even though they shouldn't?
You want Punk to become a Saiyan?
So HaloGAF just hit the fan with Spops, and Wrasslemania isn't looking all that great either. It's going to be one of those times of year isn't it?
So HaloGAF just hit the fan with Spops, and Wrasslemania isn't looking all that great either. It's going to be one of those times of year isn't it?
There's no way it's not opening the show. They've been shitting on that title for years now. Mark Henry, Daniel Bryan, and Big Show have made me care somewhat. They all had decent reigns. If Sheamus wasn't such a piece of fuck character then I might have enjoyed his reign, cause he could definitely put on some solid matches.Fastest Wrestlemania push ever.
I think Swagger's character could be interesting... but it's been six days. SIX DAYS. Swagger vs. Del Rio could work, but damn, it has like a month of build up. I wouldn't be surprised it it opened up the show and lasted like 10 minutes tops.
Quite surprised Ryback took the pinfall in the six man match. I would have easily predicted Sheamus. With that, they've still have a good thing going with The Shield. Just two matches, but they performed very well in both. Would be nice if they wrestled more.
As for WM, meh. They don't seem to be squaring much on guys like Daniel Bryan (vs. Kane?), Dolph Ziggler (been idling by since December), or Wade Barrett (dat IC title holder). So much focus on Cena, but that shouldn't color anybody surprised. Guessing afterwards, though, and when the Rock leaves - who will become their opponent for Cena? Punk again? I rather not. Would be great for somebody like Daniel Bryan, but I'm going to think Ryback. Seems they don't have much else go, and after his thing with Shield, he'll need something new.
And yes, Swagger's sudden push is downright awful. But the pick itself with a new mic piece isn't, simply the way the WWE really poorly push these guys is staggering. They did the same with Sheamus prior to the 2012 Rumble; feud with Jinder Mahal for months, win Rumble with no build, and bam, win the WM match in 18 seconds and you become Cena Lite. Whoever booked that needs slapped.
Yeah I like how Ryback just left. He was like "Fuck all of you idiots, time to eat"
Forgive me for shilling but I've got a blog where I review old wrestling shows with screen caps and everything. I do a ton of old MSG shows and a series of WWF Primetime reviews. Right now, I'm giving away the first of many prizes to come. Please feel free to check it out at I don't see too much stuff talked about from the 70's and 80's here so I figured I'd get in my own little niche!
I'm giving away an old Observer newsletter and I can't seem to get anyone to enter so maybe you guys would like to. Here's the info for it ripped from my site...
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Again sorry for the shill!
Weird photo. Surprised no one pointed out Brandon Stroud on the bottom left with Chris Trew. Focus up, people!