formerly cjelly
I can see Cena being a Lumia owner.
Not discounting the rest of what you say, but if Punk had no business in the mid card he'd be main event - even a title reign he should be proud of to make him main event level didn't do it. Is it his fault? Well, who cares whose fault it is - better men than Punk have been 'held down' in the past.
Fuck it man. I'm with you on a lot of this, I really am. That's why I watch NJPW.
I can see Cena being a Lumia owner.
Its the phone of underdogs.
Man, I can't wait - another 10 lbs to go then I go calorie-mad and pack on the muscle again. So excited, and I don't bother with fitness-gaf as it's demotivating in my case. Can't wait.
So what does the Shield do at Wrestlemania?
Cena's got his match, so that leaves only Ryback and Sheamus available for some kind of rematch.
I'd like to see Batista come back and team up.
What do you mean?
PM if need be as I don't want to derail (ha!) the thread.
So what does the Shield do at Wrestlemania?
Cena's got his match, so that leaves only Ryback and Sheamus available for some kind of rematch.
I'd like to see Batista come back and team up.
It's just a personal thing on my end, I find myself picking at myself and my shortcomings if I see other people on an internet message board talkin' fitnasss. It's no big deal. I just don't want to be a part of that thread because it hampers my enjoyment.
Gotcha. Message board or not, I'm always picking at myself and shortcomings. I try to stop but it is really hard too =/ There is always something I can fix or improve upon. I have ADD when it comes to lifting.
Hahaha, they're really going to go with XXX?
Wrestlemania XXX is official
Logo reminds me of the old nitro spaceship set
So at Wrestlemani XXX will we finally get #AJALL?
So, let's say I go buy an 360 Slim today. I can use my 120 gig hard drive in in, right? I just have to take it out of the casing? I don't want to lose all my sweet 2K13, Batman, and WWE 13 data.
How do they not realize that calling it Wrestlemania XXX is a bad idea?
How do they not realize that calling it Wrestlemania XXX is a bad idea?
I agree. That's is definitely not PG.
EDIT: I remember when they changed the Cena's finisher. F-U to Attitude Adjustment, because F-U could sounds like "Fuck you".
I usually never cut weight, period, but icecreamfitness managed to get me to cut weight first. He's pretty exciting to me and has rekindled my interest in lifting again.
Wrestlemania xXx if they dont do punk v austin they are missing a trick there (straight edge crosses)
I don't like to either but sometimes, I just want to? Again, no idea what I want. Get bigger and get stronger. Lean out. Always arguing with myself. At least I have a plan for the next 4-5 months.
What's icecreamfitness? youtuber? BB?
I never want to cut weight - eating is fun and a great social activity. It sucks when you hold yourself waaaay back. Haven't drank a single calorie all year, too, which is kinda neat. Didn't plan for it to be that way but hey.
icf is
I like his no bullshit, results only talk. Reminds me that the body is an honest machine and will always give you back what you give it.
I'd laugh if suddenly this hit mid way through an executive speech and all hell broke loose.
I thought xxx would be Dallas