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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


That's the only way I can see it happening, unless they monitor whoever makes the new side plates 24/7 until it debuts on the show.

I'd say they'll pick out a bunch of people, like quite a few, and get their artists to design side plates for them all, so that they have a "store" of them that doesn't indicate future champs.

I mean like, Cena, Punk, Bryan, Sheamus, Orton, Ryback, Jericho, Barrett, Ziggler, all sorts. Doesn't matter if they're not planned to win the title soon, any upper mid carder, former champion or main event guy MIGHT hold the title again, and to stop spoilers they might as well just have plates done long in advance, even if the designs don't get used.
I hate these customized belts because the new champions always looks stupid celebrating with it when they win it. I still laugh at Undertaker celebrating with the Smoking Skull title.


I mean like, Cena, Punk, Bryan, Sheamus, Orton, Ryback, Jericho, Barrett, Ziggler, all sorts. Doesn't matter if they're not planned to win the title soon, any upper mid carder, former champion or main event guy MIGHT hold the title again, and to stop spoilers they might as well just have plates done long in advance, even if the designs don't get used.
So what you're saying is that Zack Ryder's not getting a pre-designed mock-up sideplate then?
They should just make a new match type where you win by screwing in your logo onto the WWE title first
Sideplates on a pole match.

As others have echoed in this thread, they need to get rid of the current scratch logo. It doesn't fit today's product at all and just reminds people too much of the Attitude Era.


Belt is ok. Makes you wonder what each superstars logo is. What is Cena's logo. The last time he had one was the "Chain gang" thing.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
^ That logo looks better than the WUBWUB Network logo but it's still too similar to the scratch one.

WWE fucked up with Hassan when they started having dudes in camo and masks attack people for him.

I remember hearing that UPN wasn't too happy to begin with with Hassan's character, but what really fucked up Hassan was during the Smackdown that aired the same day as the London bombings, Hassan had his masked men attack The Undertaker. Really bad timing.

That looks really bad.

As much as I want them to change the logo, whatever they replace it with probably won't look much better.
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