I really hate the random red stones around the center plate
No way Jeff Hardys shit belt cost 20K. though i true i gues that is why they bought it back!
That's the only way I can see it happening, unless they monitor whoever makes the new side plates 24/7 until it debuts on the show.
Gotta get the merch ready.I bet they already have punk, cena and proabably one more person(sheamus?) already done
I think the default sideplate would make a better centre plate.
Thank you for this.
i dont think the black is that bad, but CHAMPION is solid gold under it so it looks weird.i actually dont mind the belt but there is too much black in the middle
That was $20,000? Damn.
So what you're saying is that Zack Ryder's not getting a pre-designed mock-up sideplate then?I mean like, Cena, Punk, Bryan, Sheamus, Orton, Ryback, Jericho, Barrett, Ziggler, all sorts. Doesn't matter if they're not planned to win the title soon, any upper mid carder, former champion or main event guy MIGHT hold the title again, and to stop spoilers they might as well just have plates done long in advance, even if the designs don't get used.
I think the default sideplate would make a better centre plate.
Now that makes sense. No wonder it cost that much.It came with already filled "secret compartments"
So what you're saying is that Zack Ryder's not getting a pre-designed mock-up sideplate then?
They should just make a new match type where you win by screwing in your logo onto the WWE title first
The genius is now they can sell the same belt multiple times when a new wrestler gets it, instead of once
I can't wait until King makes the joke that Daniel Bryan would put Goat heads on his belt. Hurr derr.
So what you're saying is that Zack Ryder's not getting a pre-designed mock-up sideplate then?
new belt should have come with a new logo. THe attitude logo needs to go. It's old and WWE is not about "attitude" anymore.
Sideplates on a pole match.They should just make a new match type where you win by screwing in your logo onto the WWE title first
Belt is ok. Makes you wonder what each superstars logo is. What is Cena's logo. The last time he had one was the "Chain gang" thing.
I can't wait until King makes the joke that Daniel Bryan would put Goat heads on his belt. Hurr derr.
Whatever is on his recent t-shirts.Belt is ok. Makes you wonder what each superstars logo is. What is Cena's logo. The last time he had one was the "Chain gang" thing.
What the hell happened to Ithil?!
WWE fucked up with Hassan when they started having dudes in camo and masks attack people for him.
That looks really bad.
Don't tell me he bad mouthed Android too!
His post history hasn't been updated yet, but I can't imagine it was his comment on King just now.What the hell happened to Ithil?!