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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


so The Rock is WWE champion again mfw ??? X)

why are they holding WMXXX in New Orleans? should be @ the garden

WM29 is going to be completely boring and crappy except for the match which has The Rock and Brock Lesnar in it

I hope Stone Cold comes out and stunners The Rock

I may watch wrestling next week IDK tho


so The Rock is WWE champion again mfw ??? X)

why are they holding WMXXX in New Orleans? should be @ the garden

WM29 is going to be completely boring and crappy except for the match which has The Rock and Brock Lesnar in it

I hope Stone Cold comes out and stunners The Rock

I may watch wrestling next week IDK tho
- Yup, because Rock draws like a motherfucker.

- Because WrestleMania XXIX is in the New York area (with this year's Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony at the Garden). So they can't do it two years in a row, especially with the Super Bowl being there only a couple months prior. That's why the Super Bowl and WrestleMania are swapping venues for XXX.

- CM Punk's match will probably be good, as will the World Title match after Ziggler cashes in.

- If Stone Cold appears, it would be to confront CM Punk, and if that would happen it'd be next year.

- Watch next week, since the only thing they did this week was set up things for next week.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
new WWE fave five

1. Mark Henry
2. Antonio Cesaro
3. AMERICA Jack Swagger
4. Damien Sandow
5. PTP though I wish they'd give them the titles



best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
The rock said the title shouldn't look like a toy, so he makes it look like a crappy advertisement instead. Good job


Rock gets a Brahma Bull symbol on the belt. I wonder what everyone else might get.

Orton? snake


looks like already discussed.


maybe because i've seen that ugly ass Cena title for the past 3 years I think the new belt is great. Maybe its because that was the ugliest title ever (besides these penny tag titles )so anything is a huge improvement.

Fave 5
Mark Henry
D Bryan
CM Punk

Honorable mention : Jack Swagger, mainly his theme and Zeb


Nothing but to echo the sentiment that the new title looks better than the old spinner belt, but it still looks like cheap plastic. The black background and the giant W just looks bad.

Its not just nostalgia the reason people loved the old title, it actually looked a lot like boxing heavyweight title belts which people were used to for decades.

Make the W much smaller on the new belt and put in a globe in the background to cover all the black, and you might have something decent.

As for the show, well nothing else to say, this whole Punk vs Cena thing is pointless since we know Cena will win as the main event is set, they are just wasting time to get to Mania.

Jamie OD

When Del Rio Vs Swagger happens at Mania I might try and sing the Canadian national anthem during the match. Because why the hell not?


Hey, if the Money in the Bank contract is on a USB drive within the case, why doesn't Dolph Ziggler just have Big E. make like a shit load of copies and spend a Raw cashing them all in until he finally wins?


I think the new belt looks interesting. Too much leather in the middle, but I like the big logo and that it actually says "Champion" now. The side plates could be interesting, but the bull ones look so sloppy. They look like splotches, you'd think they'd make it look more like The Rock's actual logo. The default globe side plates on the replica belt look pretty cool.

Best belt though:

It had a nice shape, a good size, a lot of gold, and had a classic look.
Hated the spinner belt, gave the impression that people were only holding the belt till cena gets it back. Funny how long it took for them to change it.


Junior Member
I decided to pick the best quotes from the thread during last night's RAW:
Punk vs Bruno Sammartino
At least it is something progressive.
starting with the dough
This was in reference to Cena starting off the show.
Que the end of Wrestlemania: "He did it, Cena finally won the big one". Fucking puke
Feeling sick.
John Cena can't win the big one, people! He definitely has never won any big matches before! He's an underdog!
Punk vs Rock
Brock vs Cena
Honestly this is better booking.
Sin Cara didn't pay the bill!
Western Union didn't come through.
Are you fucking kidding me? That is one of the dumbest booking decisions I have ever seen
Don't remember what this was in reference of but this statement best describes wrestling on tv right now.
So...is this ever happening? Fandango is vaporware.
Duke Nukem came out.
Flair rolling in...a pool of his own bladed blood.
He bought the blades on credit right?
Swagger looks so badass now.
Nick Nolte in 48 hours vibe.
Maybe they're excited to see Dutch Mantell?
Due has been through so much like I would hope so.
Doesn't Orton love Barney?

2013 Records:

Daniel Bryan 7-5
Cesaro 7-7
Ziggler 4-8

Now 4-9. Next world champ folks :/
That is really fucking sad.
Holy shit Ziggler cashing in had me dying. Vince is on grade A coke tonight.
The booking of a 67 year old man baby.
The best angle in WWE today
Zeb is good right now... but I think the wwe will fuck it up.
Crowd doesn't know if they should boo, lol.
Yeah.... yeah.....
Well i just tuned in I just got financially raped by the government damn Taxes
Ignoramuses rejoice, Kofi will need to make preparations in his anal cavity for this wrestling encounter
I realy hate Kofi too much because he is putting over better wrestlers and making them look good in the process.
Kofi/Truth vs. Team Rhodes Scholars on Mania pre-show.
Hey we could do anything with these guys..... ughhhh.
I liked the first GI Joe. The Baroness was damn sexy.
Starting off with a high note on that movie seriously.
If only CM Punk had a Cobra tattoo maybe he could feud with The Rock and promote the Movie at the same time
Well wwe doesn't recognize them. How isn't there a Pepsi deal?
Punk was right, the new belt wasn't much better
Until he wins it right. He probably knew he wasn't going to be the first wearer.
I assume the sideplates are going to be tailored to each champion now. That's sort of neat I guess, but no nameplate is bullshit.

It's...eh. It's a major improvement, it doesn't look like absolute dogshit, but it's not great either.

HAHAHA at Cena beaten with his own belt for the last time. Punk gets to bury that belt finally.

Lol Punk!


No way Jeff Hardys shit belt cost 20K. though i true i gues that is why they bought it back!
He is TNA's biggest star guys.
That sounds a bit off. Sounds like a knock-off someone made. For reference, here's a clip of what it sounds like on TV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vhUH7xEwmI
Not bad.


So is Taker not doing anything for Mania? If he's done for real I'm surprised they haven't just come out and say it. I wouldn't be disappointed though. Reached 20-0, ended on a good match, and now he can retire, relax, and get into movies with a senior discount.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
The title switch was strictly because of The Rock so when he goes on talk shows or whatever so they can make sure WWE is shown.

That's why the logo is god damn big. The spinner belt didn't look professional enough for hollywood.

Fuck The Rock.


So is Taker not doing anything for Mania? If he's done for real I'm surprised they haven't just come out and say it. I wouldn't be disappointed though. Reached 20-0, ended on a good match, and now he can retire, relax, and get into movies with a senior discount.

As I posted PWInsider's info here months ago, he's taking a break this Mania. Not retiring yet.
So is Taker not doing anything for Mania? If he's done for real I'm surprised they haven't just come out and say it. I wouldn't be disappointed though. Reached 20-0, ended on a good match, and now he can retire, relax, and get into movies with a senior discount.


There's just nothing left for the guy to do. Nobody left to face. Anything else would be forced at this point.

Though I wouldn't say no to Taker v. The Shield.


So is Taker not doing anything for Mania? If he's done for real I'm surprised they haven't just come out and say it. I wouldn't be disappointed though. Reached 20-0, ended on a good match, and now he can retire, relax, and get into movies with a senior discount.

They're probably pushing it as far as they can. If Taker was magically ready the last Raw before WM, they'd dedicated 3 hours to why CM Punk would suddenly pick a fight with Grandpa Undertaker.
He should have been sacrificed to Bork. He's the only guy I could legitimately buy breaking the streak, and it'd be great seeing Taker getting demolished by Lesnar.
Nobody wants to see Punk vs Taker.

Nobody at all.

Yeah I certainly wouldn't.

In fact I don't want to see another Taker match unless the person he faces is breaking the streak. So on second thought I wouldn't mind Punk and Taker if Punk was breaking the streak. I just don't want to see it this year. Save something like that for xXx


Yeah I certainly wouldn't.

In fact I don't want to see another Taker match unless the person he faces is breaking the streak. So on second thought I wouldn't mind Punk and Taker if Punk was breaking the streak. I just don't want to see it this year. Save something like that for xXx

It has to be Punk vs Austin next year. PLEASE! :(
It has to be Punk vs Austin next year. PLEASE! :(

If Punk is in the title match at Mania i can see him winning it just so he can say he beat everybody on the RAW after mania and Austin can come out and start the feud. Thats if Austin has agreed for the match. Other than that i can see them putting Punk in some filler match if Taker is out of mania
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