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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle

I've just watched Raw and been hit by crushing disappointment, NEW BELT finally arrives and its barely better than the spinner, boooooo.

And what the heck was up with that Barrett segment, the whole idea that the IC champion only gets 3 minutes of show time before being shunted off screen to make way for squash tag match is the silliest thing on a silly show.

WWE can at least somewhat restore WM main event hype if they go for the triple threat angle, it's the perfect solution to Gassed Rock.

Also Aiii, Sandman, Ithil, they've all been entered into the Hall of Pain!


Undertaker has been wrestling for 29 years. It's time for him to stop before he gets seriously hurt. Granted 47 isn't that old but he should be enjoying life with McCool and living out his dreams.

20-0 is a fucking amazing record. 21-0 is cool but at that point feels repetitive and there's literally nobody I can think of worthy of breaking the streak that hasn't already fought Taker. I'm sure the WWE would only ever let JOHN CENA do it, anyway.

Edit: Actually, I would love to see Maven end the streak. When I was a kid, I seriously thought he was going to fight Taker at WM after the first Rumble incident. Then the second one happened and I was dead set on Maven beating Undertaker at WM and was pissed when he didn't.
Actually, I would love to see Maven end the streak

I would love to see Maven end the streak

Maven end the streak

Undertaker has been wrestling for 29 years. It's time for him to stop before he gets seriously hurt. Granted 47 isn't that old but he should be enjoying life with McCool and living out his dreams.

20-0 is a fucking amazing record. 21-0 is cool but at that point feels repetitive and there's literally nobody I can think of worthy of breaking the streak that hasn't already fought Taker. I'm sure the WWE would only ever let JOHN CENA do it, anyway.

Edit: Actually, I would love to see Maven end the streak. When I was a kid, I seriously thought he was going to fight Taker at WM after the first Rumble incident. Then the second one happened and I was dead set on Maven beating Undertaker at WM and was pissed when he didn't.

I wouldn't mind Cena breaking the streak as long as they did it the right way. Just like I'm ok with him winning the title at WM if they do it properly.

Properly = heel turn

So, won't happen.


I can't believe they let Rock unveil the new title...................................................................

Punk must be pissed.
I can't believe they let Rock unveil the new title...................................................................

Punk must be pissed.

Yeah it really should've been Punk to bring the new title in. I remember I saw it playing out like this: The Raw before Punk surpassed Cena's title reign they should've had one more match for the title and Punk won 100% clean and then revealed the title the week after. I wouldn't even have cared if he lost after that point. He could then constantly bitch about how it's his title.


Hmm, new belt design isn't bad. But a better design of the "WWE" logo would improve it a ton. Anything is better than the Spinnerbelt, though.

Also for RAW, bit disheartening to see Daniel Bryan in the spot he's in. I don't think they have any idea what they're plans are for him, same for Zigs.


Hmm, new belt design isn't bad. But a better design of the "WWE" logo would improve it a ton. Anything is better than the Spinnerbelt, though.

Also for RAW, bit disheartening to see Daniel Bryan in the spot he's in. I don't think they have any idea what they're plans are for him, same for Zigs.

Bryan's plans are to give Kane one hell of a retirement match and start feuding for the WWE Championship.

The plan for Ziggler is to have him hilariously lose forever as punishment for being liked by internet wrestling fans.


No One Remembers
What's funny about Taker's streak is that they didn't even realize he had one until around WM17.

Didn't they casually drop "Taker is undefeated at Wrestlemania"? They didn't do the huge circle jerk over it till later of course.

Also, I wouldn't want Punk ending the streak. He's 34 years old. He has 6 years left of wrestling in him (if he's smart to retire before getting too old and banged up). Gotta give it someone younger... Bo Dallas.

And now we have Cody Rhodes to fill that hole.

Cody filling holes? Hot.


Why did Khali come out after Mark Henry's match? We get it, you got destroyed last week. Please don't be angry about it and start some feud.


Oh shit!

I missed Elim Chamber and the post-PPV Raw.

Shield won? :O
New belt? :O

Was it good guys? EC I mean

It wasn't bad. Shield match and EC were definitely very good. Main event Rock didn't look so hot, but Punk was booked pretty strong despite the loss. He kicked out of both the Rock Bottom, People's elbow and even got the pin on Rock when the ref was "knocked out."
There was also an epic Del Rio botch worthy of Sin Cara in the Big Show match.


No One Remembers
Oh shit!

I missed Elim Chamber and the post-PPV Raw.

Shield won? :O
New belt? :O

Was it good guys? EC I mean

The EC match itself was pretty good. Mark Henry went on a terror, it was awesome. Swagger winning surprised everyone but thank god it wasn't Orton.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Belt looks like an oversized high school graduation ring. Well, at least we got a new one.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Orton's work last night was pretty decent. Most amusing shit I've heard out of his mouth in pretty much forever.

I'm still waiting for that big turn so I can love Orton again. He was white hot with his last big heel feud with Trips. I want that Orton back.


More importantly why have Henry walk away? He demolished him twice last week a feud now would achieve nothing

It just wouldn't work. Throw him and Orton together or something. Mark Henry, a guy who looked amazing at EC, should not be feuding with Khali - or walking away from him.

I'm still waiting for that big turn so I can love Orton again. He was white hot with his last big heel feud with Trips. I want that Orton back.

I liked the Orton and Kane match. I was getting a heel vibe from his talk with Kane. Dbry laughing at his joke was excellent, though. I want Orton to go back to being a heel. It'll at least give him some direction right now... or I would hope.

Ziggler trying to cash-in last night was hilariously fantastic. I will never get tired of that. And that poor briefcase ...

I thought that worked out perfectly.
I'd rather not have Mark Henry in a throwaway match

Have him keep going berserk that he's not in a match and just have him randomly come out and destroy people at Mania


No One Remembers
I'd rather not have Mark Henry in a throwaway match

Have him keep going berserk that he's not in a match and just have him randomly come out and destroy people at Mania

Brilliant idea: He comes out every week and wrecks people... as he does it, the people he wrecked the previous week come out and saves the person he's currently splittings wigs on.

This leads up to a gauntlet match!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I need to stop playing so much Planetside 2 and watch more wrestling :( I'm missing good CMLL.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
How is PLanetside 2? I have it but haven't put much time into it.

Since it'll be 'bundled' with the PS4, now is a great time to get into it and get a leg up on all the fresh meat that'll be incoming later this year. It's great. Scratches my "large scale warfare" itch so much I haven't touched BF3 since I started playing :|


Since it'll be 'bundled' with the PS4, now is a great time to get into it and get a leg up on all the fresh meat that'll be incoming later this year. It's great. Scratches my "large scale warfare" itch so much I haven't touched BF3 since I started playing :|


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

It's f2p. Also in this day and age with f2p being what it is, there's no need to have people buy a system AND buy a game with it. SOE developed and maintains Planetside 2 and it'll be available on PS4 on launch. It's a smart move.


It's f2p. Also in this day and age with f2p being what it is, there's no need to have people buy a system AND buy a game with it. SOE developed and maintains Planetside 2 and it'll be available on PS4 on launch. It's a smart move.

I must have missed that. Is there a link?


Orton is one of my favourite wrestlers and has been for a long time, so it pretty painful seeing him in his current state... a heel turn will definitely help him, though I want him to be the cocky heel he once was, not the monotonous one we saw last time.

It's been said many times, but Alberto is such a good face. His match with Big Show was top notch at EC. Sure, he did have that awful botch, but outside of that the match was as good as it's gonna get between the two. Big Show played the part of the giant well and Alberto played the part of the champion well. Del Rio definitely knows how to get the crowd involved and him being a face finally means he can start doing more of his flashy moves that make him so great of a wrestler.

And Swagger... I have to say, this is one of the best repackages the WWE has done in a long time. It's been only a month, but Swagger's lost the jobber feel he once had and now looks like a serious competitor. His appearance is more rugged, his moveset's more ferocious, his music more threatening and his overall character is a lot more engaging. WWE has hit all the right notes with Swagger and I hope they can keep this train on its tracks because he has the potential to be a big time player.
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