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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


Haha Swagger well he's never getting pushed again. Way to go WWE wellness policy

They have no wellness, all you had to do was look at Zeke Jackson and Mason Ryan a few years ago to see that. It's a joke, like WWE's Be A * program.

Jack is an idiot either way. I'm sensing they'll just have him lose through Mania and then, or at least hopefully, instead of attaching Zeb with him in his eventual burial/possible release, they give the gimmick to somebody else.
Could totally see this chain of events:

-- Swagger gets killed in 15 seconds at WM
-- Released the next day
-- Zeb comes out on Raw and said Swagger was weak just like his Daddy in Vietnam and introduces someone else to fill the role


Could totally see this chain of events:

-- Swagger gets killed in 15 seconds at WM
-- Released the next day
-- Zeb comes out on Raw and said Swagger was weak just like his Daddy in Vietnam and introduces someone else to fill the role

I'd want it to be a bald Zack Ryder, with a sick-ass beard Max Payne 3.


Hear that border-hoppers? It's the siren of immigration police coming for your ass!


I could see somebody like Alex Riley having that spot. Okay speaker, has the look, but the ring work needs to be sharpened up. And who knows if Cena still hasn't forgiven him up that incident they had.


formerly cjelly
Why Swagger?! WHY?!

Only hope he has is Vince sees all the press they're getting for the angle as too good to pass up. Otherwise I guess he's fucked. Right before WM, as well.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
All the Jack Swagger potential that they won't ever do...

Give me a shirt that's got a scowling Zeb on the back 'If you don't stand behind us'
and then 'Feel free to stand in front of us' with Swaggie Time Swagger on the cover.

I would wear that shit unironically, and everyone else would wear it unintentionally ironically.
"I was going to get a great push, but then I got high.
I was going to Wrestlemania, but then I got high.
Now I'm in the Impact Zone, and I know why.
Because I got high, because I got high, because I got high.

-stolen from here-



WCW Monday Nitro 11/27/2000

TO THE SPECIAL BULLETIN. A press conference announcing the presidential election had finally been decided. A man introduces the next president...and Jeff Jarrett hits the guy with a guitar. Wat. He forgot to count Jeff's vote.


2 Count vs MIA

This is a match. I think there is a bigger crowd for Nitro than for Mayhem the night before. They're certainly a hotter crowd, at least. Jamie and Evan show up with a ladder. Chavo pins Shannon with a brainbuster. Some cool moves from 2 Count, I guess.

TO THE BACK. Prime Time again hits on Ms. Jones. Cat will beat his little ass. Lance shows up and hits Cat with a chair. Fuck yo pride.

Show run down. Tony said they were going to run down the rest of the show, but instead he talked about Steiner winning the title and threw it to Gene in the ring. Lying fucking asshole.

Mean Gene brings out the new champion, Scott Steiner.


Scott wants everyone to kiss his asshole. He fucked a whole bunch of bitches after he won the title. Sexual sanctuary! There is no one left for Steiner to face. Booker and Sting are out, he already beat the shit out of Goldberg. Ric Flair comes out. He admits that Scott is the man and WCW will be built around him. But he can't call his own shots. Flair has someone on a jet who will face Steiner at Starrcade. Lol, Steiner says he can't fight Andre the Giant because he's dead, can't fight Steve Austin because Steiner kicked his ass when he was in WCW, and can't fight The Rock because Rock doesn't have the balls to show up if ya smelllalalal what he's cooking. Flair says the man he's got is in the same class as Austin and Rock. Well, that's setting the crowd up for a disappointment. Stevie Ray comes out, but Ric holds him back. Scott agrees to put his title on the line against Stevie's career.

BK talk to Kronik. Disco keeps spending all of Alex's money. They can't afford what Kronik wants. Paula is with MIA. Hugh is going to fuck Bam Bam up for his big SWERVE last night.

Yang vs Lance Storm

Leia was giving Kwang the business before the match. Lance says he isn't done with MIA. Yes, he is. That was the stipulation of the match. No more matches between them. Krang gets his face kicked off. Lol, USA chants. Yang is supposed to be from Japan. I'm sure no one knew he was a true blue redneck, but still. Clang is getting a lot of offense. Cradle piledriver. YAK FIGHT! Cat comes out and hits a really awkward cartwheel Vandaminator since Lance dropped the chair, then picked it up and stood there to wait for the move. Chang wins! Rang wins!


. Lance confronts Duggan for not being out there to help. Stevie is on the phone with someone. He's got this sucka. Boogie Knights ask the Harris Brothers for help. All they charge is 2 drinks and 2 sandwiches. They didn't even want to be back on TV when asked. Lol. Guys don't even want to get booked because they're so embarrassed to work for WCW.

Lex Luger comes to the ring. He's there to announce the end of Goldberg's streak and career. He says that Goldberg should have been DQ'd last night for spearing the ref and Lex has made his appeal to Flair.


TO THE BACK. A limo arrives. BUT WHO IS LIMO?!


. Gene asks Jeff Jarrett about his match with Rey Jr. tonight. The Filthy Animals start throwing eggs at Jeff during the interview, which pisses Gene off. The lights flash for some reason. Vito and his sister arrive. Reno walks off with her.

Knoble and Karagias (get it?) vs Alex Wright/A Harris Brother

Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? Why can't this just be Alex vs Jamie? Alex is awesome. Claudio should totally bring him in as his mentor. Alex can dance while Claudio does his double pump. H Bomb to Jamie. Alex makes the pin. The Harris Brothers provided a much better and much cheaper service than Kronik.

The Insiders head to the ring. Another promo for Glacier! The limo is still there.

TO JACK TUNNEY'S OFFICE. Ric Flair will not retroactively disqualify Goldberg. Goldberg and Lex will meet again at Starrcade.


The Insiders come to the ring. "Why is Page wearing a leather mask?" Lol. More cheap Scott Hall heat. Nash is such an asshole. DDP talks about managing Hall and teaming with Nash in the Vegas Connection. They just go out of their way to get Hall his job back after I'm sure they are told over and over to not talk about Scott Hall. The Wolfpac music hits, but it was the NBT. I feel bad for Sanders to get his big break and start going bald immediately. The Insiders vs Jindrak/O'Haire for Starrcade.

The Insiders vs Jindrak/O'Haire

Or right now. Why not. DDP is a deceptively big guy. "Is it possible..." Ancient Aliens on Nitro? God, I wish. DDP is so loud and obvious with his spot calling. What the fuck. He doesn't even try to be subtle about it. He just looks straight at a dude and yells what he wants to do next. Kanyon Cutter! Sanders pulls the ref out of the ring. Nash went for a jackknife on the floor, but the rest of the Thrillers attack. Perfect Event walk off with the belts. No contest I suppose.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Stevie Ray.

Reno vs Goldberg

Reno has a JHV of Rollin. I guess that kind of makes sense considering his name and move names, but they really had a dude with a JHV of a current WWF guy's music. Another squash. Reno almost got the Roll of the Dice, but it was reversed into a powerslam. Spear. Jackhammer. Win. I believe this is 26 wins in the streak. Luger attacks with a chair after the match. Torture Rack!


Gene is with the Animals. Gene says he almost soiled himself earlier. Rey is clearly stoned. His eyes, lol.

Bam Bam Big Yellow vs General Rection WCW US Championship

I wonder how reckless Bam Bam will be tonight. Dude has been outright dangerous since he came back. God, this sucks. Bam Bam is in terrible shape. But then he powerbombs Hugh, so I don't know what to think. Bam Bam sets up a table, but Wall moves it. This distracts Bam Bam. Hugh hits the moonsault for the win. Another match where he gets beat the entire match only to hit the moonsault for the win. And he would have lost if Wall hadn't been out there. That's how you book a strong face champion.

TO THE BACK. Gene stops Steiner and his YAK. Scott is ending more careers tonight. Scott makes the camera man follow him to the limo. In the limo are a bunch of YAKs. "Who are all these ugly bitches?" Lol. SMOOV says it is his limo that Flair wanted. Steiner beats him up.

Jeff Jarrett vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

The most annoying, shit head faces against the most annoying, shit head heel. Makes sense to me that the most homophobic group of all time would throw eggs at the first openly gay heel.


Copious amount of interference from the face stable that hates gay people. I'm actually rooting for Jeff Jarrett. BA*. DANGEROUS POWABOMMBBAA!!!


Jeff hits he Stroke, but the Animals pull him out. This is ridiculous. There should never be a match where you want to cheer Jeff Jarrett over Rey Mysterio. Jeff hits Rey with a guitar off a spring board. That's a DQ, but the rest of the Animals interfering ever 30 seconds wasn't.

TO THE BACK. Paula is with Jeff. Jeff tells her to shut her hole and he's got a 6 man tag for the Animals on Thunder.

Stevie Ray vs Scott Steiner WCW Championship/Stevie Ray's Career

Steiner heads to the ring. A NEW limo arrives. BUT WHO IS LIMO?!?!?

Back to the entrances, Stevie attacks right away on the floor. Midajah hits Stevie with the pipe, but it isn't a DQ because they haven't made it in the ring yet. Stevie hits a STIFF clothesline to the back of the head that stunned Scott. Stevie Ray hits a Book End! Slap Jack! Stevie is SO blown up. A lot of YAK interference. Steiner locks on the Recliner. Scott retains and Stevie Ray's career is over. The lights go out and...IT'S SID! SID HAS RETURNED! Remember how he was pushed as Goldberg's replacement for the first four months of the year, and then the New Blood thing happened and he vanished after the second week? Then he showed up months later on RUSSO's side in a shocking SWERVE, then vanished again for months with no mention? I do. But he's back as a face.


On one hand, I like that they've already scheduled a number of matches for Starrcade. Steiner/Sid, Lex/Goldberg, Insiders/NBT. Usually WCW doesn't start building for matches until the week of a PPV. Here, they're not only building but scheduling matches the night after the previous PPV. On the other hand, I'm not interested in those matches. Maybe Sid/Steiner, but definitely not the other two.
Holy shit at that spear. Goldberg did not fuck around.

Stupid ass Swagger. What would make someone do that shit while they're getting such a push. Oh well. I don't feel bad for him at all, but I'm definitely disappointed that this might be it for him, but hopefully not.


So the racist, Southern heel gets in legal hot water right before the big match against a Mexican legend, and ends up with a nine month run as champion.

2004 or 2013?



Oh god.

Swagger is a huge idiot. At least RVD already won the title before he got busted, he at least had a moment of glory. Maybe they could twist it to, "the cops are focusing on me instead of the real problem, illegals!" It would be a disaster to drop Swagger randomly, but this is a huge screw up.


Oh god.

Swagger is a huge idiot. At least RVD already won the title before he got busted, he at least had a moment of glory. Maybe they could twist it to, "the cops are focusing on me instead of the real problem, illegals!" It would be a disaster to drop Swagger randomly, but this is a huge screw up.

Have Swagger lose on Raw against Santino, Zeb says he needs a real, strong American and gets Zack Ryder to take his place.


Curt Hawkings got some new ring gear, I guess:


It's pretty nice. His hair looks dumb and he should have a beard, though. Maybe he should replace Swagger!


First one to talk gets to stay on the aircraft!
Am I the only one who thinks WWE could just look at the attention Swagger was already getting, just say fuck it, and keep on pushing him? I mean it's not like they haven't ignored stuff like this before, and it's not like he was going to win anyway.

Soup Bar

Swagger getting arrested is obviously an angle. ADR planted drugs in his car and called the police. The People will get their revenge and win at Wrestlemania. WE THE PEOPLE
Swagger getting arrested is obviously an angle. ADR planted drugs in his car and called the police. The People will get their revenge and win at Wrestlemania. WE THE PEOPLE
Nope. You have to release him and get someone with talent involved. Will probably end up with someone like Bo Dallas or Husky Harris instead.


Swagger and Husky have talent. But now that you mention it, Bray Wyatt would probably be an awesome fit for this angle. He and Zeb start a cult. Zeb has the patriot stuff, Bray has the weird religious stuff. WAKE UP OR WACO!


No confirmed word yet on what kind of actions, if any, WWE will take against Jack Swagger after his arrest on Tuesday night. The only thing we've heard is that they were considering "booking changes" which can't be good for Swagger.

Uh oh for Swagger. They need to replace him with Chris Hero. He is ready and his look fits the gimmick.

One-half of the NXT Tag Team Champions Oliver Grey was injured at the February 17th NXT live event in Brooksville, Florida. Grey was teaming with partner Adrian Neville against Luke Harper and Bray Wyatt. About 5 minutes into the match, Grey appeared to blow his knee out. The match stopped, he laid on his side in extreme pain and the "X" was thrown up by the referee. Grey was helped to the back. A knee injury has been confirmed but there's no word yet on how serious it is.

Well it looks like Pac needs a new tag team partner now. Sucks for Oliver Grey.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I believe WWE -has- to give him, at the minimum, a 30 day suspension. He can make it back in time for Mania...but...


When will he ever get to wear that stuff?

He just started wrestling again on the 9th after getting pulled because Tyler Reks quit and a bad knee injury. If I had to guess, it would be pretty soon? I dunno, maybe they send him out on world tours.

Hawkings is a pretty decent wrestler so it would suck to see him released. But lets face it, WWE has so many guys they absolutely don't need and a bunch of arguably more talented new talent in NXT and those unsigned just waiting for their time to shine that people like Hawkings will probably be first to be cut.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
They've delayed suspensions before, but never for that long as far as I know.

Either they come up with a good replacement, quickly, as Zeb is the most over guy of the two and there's nothing lost there. Or they suspend him ASAP to get him free for Mania and leave Zeb to keep the heat on Swagger, which will be very tough but not impossible.


Uh oh for Swagger. They need to replace him with Chris Hero. He is ready and his look fits the gimmick.

Well it looks like Pac needs a new tag team partner now. Sucks for Oliver Grey.

That really sucks, they were getting a big push and were getting over in a big way.
So lets say Swagger's out. Who do we plug in at his place. I think Chris Hero is a good suggestion actually. He can speak with Zeb and he'll have some initial heat thanks to Zeb, easiest way to get him introduced and already be a big deal come mania.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So lets say Swagger's out. Who do we plug in at his place. I think Chris Hero is a good suggestion actually. He can speak with Zeb and he'll have some initial heat thanks to Zeb, easiest way to get him introduced and already be a big deal come mania.

Hero has the speaking ability to cut it easy, and the wrestling ability. Hell, maybe it's how they should have gone in the first place. But let's pretend they want an established star.



looks like Punk has nothing going...?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You kidding? This whole thing is a slow build to Revived!SES-vs-Swagger at Summerslam.

Give the title to Henry. Better than the Khali feud they have planned.

Ugh, I forgot about that. LET KHALI GO HOME VINCE


You kidding? This whole thing is a slow build to Revived!SES-vs-Swagger at Summerslam.

Give the title to Henry. Better than the Khali feud they have planned.
If they drop Swagger/Zeb from the main event, they'll probably do a 4-way main event with Del Rio, Henry, Jericho, and Orton.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hey Sunflower. Planetside 2 on PS4 thread over at gaming side.

Guess you were right :)

It's going to make the battles on PS2 so goddamn huge, I can't wait. The biggest issue I have with current PS2 is that there's only about 2-3 huge battles going on at once. Seeing it populated with hopefully thousands more? Feed me MORE!

Because, unlike Jack Swagger, Bo Dallas is a true American role model, living the dream and winning the hearts & minds of the WWE Universe™ in the process.

Ready for Zeb Coulter to kill the New Deal and get some Zebanomics up in this piece.


It's going to make the battles on PS2 so goddamn huge, I can't wait. The biggest issue I have with current PS2 is that there's only about 2-3 huge battles going on at once. Seeing it populated with hopefully thousands more? Feed me MORE!

Will it really be Dualshock 4 vs Keyboard+Mouse warriors though?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Will it really be Dualshock 4 vs Keyboard+Mouse warriors though?

Hey, I can play with either, I don't care - my battle rank keeps rising and I keep spending real money on Planetside 2 so...I'm ready to coordinate some insanity.


Best case scenario is they let the Swagger-Zeb angle play out organically. Book him to lose in the opening match of Mania. Forfeit his WrestleMania payday. Suspend and Evan Bourne him afterwards. Have Zeb and Bray Wyatt form an alliance and take this angle to the next level. Go Right to Censor with it and have them brainwash some popular American and caucasian faces into becoming minions (Ryback needs to be the big name they win over). Feud with Cena during 6 months of his 15+ month title reign so Cena can no-sell and bury them before Thrice in a Lifetime at Mania 30.
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