WCW Thunder 11/29/2000
SID! SID IS BACK! I've been DYING for some god damn fist bumps.
CEO Ric Flair starts the show in the ring. He keeps saying WCW is getting back on top. I don't know, though. He's booked Buff vs Steiner for the championship tonight! He also brings out Sid. Sid has his FULL curly mullet back and is also wearing a turtleneck and vest.
He has video of being forced to relinquish his championship back in April. That's why he's been gone. So what about the 2-3 weeks after that and the random return he had ON the side of the guys who stripped him of his title? Oh well. Don't worry about it. SID! Sid talks about the Wright Brothers making history and how he will rewrite history at Starrcade. I don't see the connection.
TO THE BACK. Paula is with Shane and Torrie. Shane says he's an addict. That's a SHOOT! He wants gold.
Team Canada vs Jung Dragons
Duggan and Lance are giving each other dirty looks. The Dragons do impressions.
Rope walk rana from Prime Time. Prime Time also hit a sweet butterfly superplex. YAK FIGHT! Kaz hits a brainbustahh and the Dragons do a combo splash/senton from the top for the win. Cat came out and stopped Duggan from interfering.
TO THE BACK. Lance argues with Duggan again. Lance will take care of Cat. Gene is with MIA.
Lex Luger vs Norman Smiley.
Norman is finally back to actual wrestling gear. It's been like a year since he wore trunks in the ring. Too bad it is against Lex. Lex is terrible, but Norman is awesome. Sweet arm drags, lariatooos, and the Smiley Slam. Big Wiggle! Low blow. What a dick. Lex uses his metal plate to set up for the Torture Rack for the win. Goldberg runs out, Lex bails into the crowd.
TO THE BACK. Gene is with Bam Bam. Bam Bam was born hardcore and will fuck Wall up tonight. Not a thing about Bam Bam is hard. Crowbar is getting a massage from some of the Nitro YAKs. He gets a package. It was a gold monkey wrench. What?
Paula is with Reno and Marie. Marie is Reno's sister! Reno and Vito are brothers? Kronik have a new deal they're making. Gene is with Double J. His partners tonight are the Harris Brothers, eating sandwiches. Gene says he just had lunch. It would be like 9 at night. Who has lunch that late?
Crowbar vs David Flair WCW Hardcore Championship
I don't know why they don't give Crowbar some time off considering he has a torn abdominal muscle and a high risk, high impact style. Just give him a couple weeks off to recover and have him in angles. David slams Crowbar on a trash can that was set up on two open chairs. Must have been some botching as they cut to a shot of the crowd making stupid faces during a sequence. Crowbar wins after hitting David in the back of the neck with the monkey wrench. Stacy comes down to check on David.
TO THE BACK. Trainer and Stacy check on David some more.
Shane Douglas vs General Rection WCW US Championship
I don't understand why Shane is getting a title shot. He lost at the PPV to the Cat. You know what, Buff lost at the PPV and he's getting a title shot, too. I thought wins and loses mattered, Ric? Shane attacks the knee right away and controls most of the match. Hugh makes a come back, but Torrie jumps on his back. She gets CRUSHED in the corner. Broken spine for sure. The match comes to a screeching halt. Chavo tries to push her out of the ring and insists the match needs to continue. Lash and Wall pull him off. Trainers and EMTs come out for Torrie. Chavo leaves. Tony is also checking on her.
TO THE BACK. Shane, EMTs, and refs wheel Torrie out. Chavo gives Hugh shit for NOT continuing the match. MIA were supposed to have a new attitude. I think Chavo just quit the MIA.
Jeff Jarret/Harris Brothers vs Filthy Animals
Bleh. I hate the Animals, I hate the Harris Brothers, and I usually hate Jeff. This is a good encapsulation of WCW. At the beginning of the year, Kidman was poised to be the next big star and Jeff was forcefully raping the top of the cards. At the end of the year, Kidman is back in a mid card stable and Jeff is back with the Harris Brothers, not even going for the US Championship. Jeff wins with a guitar shot on Kidman.
TO THE BACK. Gene is with Buff. Buff claims he's never had a chance in WCW and has always been held back. What? Dude was consistently pushed for 8 fucking years. Crowbar walks with his YAKs when Daffney returns. She's been sending him the packages. Apparently she and Ozzie broke up. Obviously, since Ozzie was back as a random security guard.
TO THE INTERVIEW. Tenay talked with Straight Shooting Stevie Ray. "Sometimes that's just the way the old mop flops." Well said. Stevie might become an owner of a drag racing team. He thanks the fans for all the love and support he's had through out his career.
Bam Bam Big Yellow vs Sgt. AWALL Hardcore Tables Match
What is the difference between a tables match and a hardcore tables match? Bam Bam does a belly to back through a table, but it is called as both men going through at the same time, so the match continues. Mike Awesome pops out of the crowd the lay Bam Bam out with a chair. Wall chokeslams Bam Bam through a table to win.
TO THE BACK. Gene talks with Awesome. He wants Bam Bam at Starrcade. This is a match I would have wanted to see in 1998 in WCW. Not in 2000 in WCW.
Buff Bagwell vs Scott Steiner WCW Championship
Scott gives Buff the "appertunity" to walk away. Buff agrees to walk away but SWERVES the champ! Madden has gone from Tommy Rich impressions to Superstar Billy Graham impressions whenever Steiner is around. Steiner dominates most of it. Buff gets his comeback, but doesn't matter. Sid's head appears on the ThunderVision like fucking Oz or something. Buff hits the Blockbuster, but Midajah breaks up the pin. Steiner Recliner and Steiner retains. Sid and Steiner have a stare down after the match.