Sandow cuts a promo on NeoGAF:
This is not actually Sandow, but done in his style
I was reading it in his voice and then scrolled down to the picture, perfection.
Sandow cuts a promo on NeoGAF:
This is not actually Sandow, but done in his style
God this is weird.
BTW I got a PM from our pal Laserfrog, he's alive and kickin' and taking care of his homeless friend. So he'll be around soon.
No PMs from Soulplaya.![]()
He staying away for a few months. When he comes back he'll better than ever and have a super-offensive gimmick. I can't wait.
Sandow cuts a promo on NeoGAF:
This is not actually Sandow, but done in his style
That is why I aspire to have a body similar to Bryan.
Thick and just strong as fuck.
Dem traps!
I wish I could just pay Batista to turn me into a fitness God, much like himself.
I wish he could turn me into the best bro.
Seriously though, Batista is a beast. If I were to go the super big guy build, I would want someone similar to Michael Elgin.
Unfair picture! Personally though I want to LOOK strong and not BE strong. I mean, I've always been strong, I just don't see the point because I'm all about looks for it.
I once threw my brother THROUGH a wall in the house when we were teens. Good times. Many apologies to my mother.
If I may ask, what is your ideal build? Pics plz.
And I remember when I first started lifting, I wanted to just look like a beast and didn't care how much I really could lift. Now, my philosophies have shifted to where I want to be super strong and don't mind if I don't look as big. As summer approaches, I am putting more focus on leaning out and getting bigger but the goal for me remains the same.
Why would you want to take steroids?
Why would you want to take steroids?
For bigger gains than I'd get naturally.
Meh, fair enough. I suppose I haven't gotten to the point where I care about getting bigger again and I'm not sure that I will. I'd really be perfectly content to just be built like Punk which I'm getting fairly close to, just need more work on my chest and arms.
I couldn't be happy with that - I want to look like someone who just runs through brick walls.
There's realistic expectations and there's ridiculous expectations.
Realistic and not tough at all:
When I don't have a full time job and can do whatever I want all day and do nutrition 100% right and get my anabolic steroids and use them right:
Those heel-era Batista pecs are godlike.
I'm fortunate that I have the genetics and frame to carry a ton of muscle, and I'll probably end up going that route since my body is attuned to it. Thank god I'm a monster height-wise, if I was little I wouldn't take myself seriously.
Why would you want to take steroids?
Meh, fair enough. I suppose I haven't gotten to the point where I care about getting bigger again and I'm not sure that I will. I'd really be perfectly content to just be built like Punk, which I'm getting fairly close to, just need more work on my chest and arms.
I couldn't be happy with that - I want to look like someone who just runs through brick walls.
Yeah, same here. I just can't get behind a Punk build. I want something more. I think if I really had it my way, Cesaro would be it. Although Devitt is super sexy as well. It would be fun to have that build for a bit but man, I wouldn't like being that skinny. Even if I was lean as fuck.
Cesaro seems like a good goal. I don't ever really plan on scaling back my workouts so feasibly I could get there, but I just sort hate the idea of putting weight back on as I first started working out due to weight-related problems
I'm currently finishing up this weekend eating anything that has carbs in my house as I restock with fatty meats and cheeses and such so I can do about 2 months ketosis, maybe 3 if I'm not satisfied. Then...
There's only one correct answer here.
Well this is the best thing I have seen today.
Also wouldn't mind looking like dbry or Orton
Well this is the best thing I have seen today.
Also wouldn't mind looking like dbry or Orton
When aliens show up to pass judgment on humanity, and we demonstrate all the merits of our species, this will be the counterpoint that gets us wiped out.
About the best I can do is modern day Rey Mysterio. I have shitty genetics. I'm a little taller than him, but my frame is stocky and my whole family has terrible issues with torso fat. I have a cousin that does triathalons and occasinally ultra marathons who is a veggie and eats right and he has a gut and love handles with the calves of Bully Ray. My sister has literally been in sports since she was old enough, year round for 15 years now, but she can't get rid of her belly fat or love handles.
I am much the same way. Maybe I should just get a mask and pretend I'm an old lucha guy. No one would question my odd frame.
My ideal is to look like Scott Steiner, though. Because HOLLAR!
The sad thing is, this could actually happen.Well this is the best thing I have seen today.
Also wouldn't mind looking like dbry or Orton
This old news from 11 years ago is amazing:
Iron Sheik was supposed to be on Opie & Anthony last week, but he got detained at the airport in Canada because they thought he was a terrorist. They made him take off his boots to prove he didnt have any explosives in there. I was going to write I hope he wasnt wearing his hooked-toe wrestling boots in the airport, but as it turns out he was. He was wearing his entire Iron Sheik costume at the AIRPORT. I thought Id heard a lot of stupid things from people in wrestling, but that deserves a prize of some sort. Its probably a good thing he had to miss the show, because he was scheduled for the Luscious Lesbians segment.
Sheik may have missed that opportunity, but he has pissed his pants and started crying on the show before. Off the deep end doesn't even begin to describe Iron Sheik.