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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


They kept going on about how portly El Local was on commentary, and he really did have RR's figure. So I'm pretty sure it was him.

Super late I guess, but I am just now watching the Feb 20 NXT. The El Local that wrestled on NXT is definitely RR. You can see his horrible tattoos.

El Local


No idea who the fit El Local is, where did that image come from? Old Smackdown taping or what?
I hope Miz and Maryse don't end like most Wrestler's Marriages, where Miz either leaves WWE or they get divorced.

I still can't believe Miz got Maryse, guess Miz really is "AWESOME"


Miz's wedding
Ric Flair best man(even though he's barely known him?)
Hot ass Maryse
John Morisson is probably there somewhere
'Does anyone object?'
Back in the old WWF days, they would run a skit where Cesaro crashes the eventual wedding, lays out JoMo with an uppercut and swings The Miz by his legs into his own wedding cake while Maryse breaks down in tears on-camera in a very revealing wedding dress.
Back in the old WWF days, they would run a skit where Cesaro crashes the eventual wedding, lays out JoMo with an uppercut and swings The Miz by his legs into his own wedding cake while Maryse in a very revealing wedding dress swoons at the Adonis of a man that is Cesaro, SWERVE.

Just wanted to make it more authentic.


It's happening! Weed The People vs. Show Me Your Papers!

Or....maybe not. Damn it Orton!

You know this was taped before Jack Swagger got caught high on pot driving? He was caught driving from this show. So he got baked sometime after this show ended and when he decided to leave the building.


No One Remembers

? / Luger / MVP(?) / Jericho / XPac / Bagwell ? / Sid / Barret / ? / Michaels
Eddie / Angle / ? / Booker T / Kaitlyn / ? / Steiner / Riley / ? / ? / Sunny(?)
O'Haire / ? / Andre / Daniels / Nash / Hall / Hardy / Kong / ? / Laser / Billy Gunn
? / Flair / ? / Sandman(?) / ? / Jannetty / Big Shoe / Neidhart / Austin / ? / Meth Hardy
? / Lita / Kanyon / ? / ? / ? / ? / Test / ? / Swagger / ?
Dibiase/ Luger / MVP(?) / Jericho / XPac / Bagwell ? / Sid / Barret / ? / Michaels
Eddie / Angle / Vito / Booker T / Kaitlyn / ? / Steiner / Riley / ? / ? / Sunny(?)
O'Haire / Shane Helms / Andre / Daniels / Nash / Hall / Hardy / Kong / ? / Laser / Billy Gunn
? / Flair / ? / Sandman(?) / ? / Jannetty / Big Shoe / Neidhart / Austin / ? / Meth Hardy
? / Lita / Kanyon / ? / ? / ? / Jillian Hall? / Test / ? / Swagger / ?

Damn, Satana is pretty awesome - she scored a win over the debuting Jessie Belle from OVW in a great match with the Shining Star Press (handspring off the ropes into a SSP).

Also, SHIMMER 53 will be live on iPPV at WrestleCon over Mania weekend! Saraya Knight (c) vs Cheerleader Melissa - Cage Match! Awesome Kong vs Mia Yim! Ayako Hamada vs Athena!

Finally, the debuting TV star for SHINE 7 tonight was Angelina Love;


Looks like Swagger is safe. But this promo is half in-character and half not, making it really confusing.

Wrestlemania 29

Main event

Jack Swagger w/ Zeb Colter vs Alberto Del Rio

A wild back and forth match results in a ref bump. Swagger instructs Zeb to get the title belt. As Zeb passes the title to Swagger, Ricardo dives as at Zeb and takes him and the belt down to the ground. As Swagger is distracted, Del Rio gets to his feet. The crowd is electric as Swagger turns round and Del Rio jumps up, hooks his legs round Swagger and locks in the Armbar. Swagger taps out but there's no ref. Suddenly the lights go out. On the Titantron, the following video and song plays

Beck walks down to the ring. The crowd are booing and throwing garbage at him. He gets in the ring and kicks Del Rio in the head. Zeb has got to his feet and won the battle with Ricardo. He passes the title belt to Glen Beck, who hits Del Rio with it. Beck runs backstage, as the crowd yell insults he screams "DEAL WITH IT, LIBERALS". A ref comes down and counts the three. Your winner and new World Heavyweight Champion, Jack Swagger, goodnight everybody!
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