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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle

March WrassleGAF |SHOW-T| Pointing to Signs, Overcoming Odds

Bootaaay, I've been told through a personal friend of mine (who doesn't lurk GAF but sees your PWG gifs around the internet) that you are doing god's work, especially for giffing the "dick chop"

That one's not mine actually, I giffed Roddy's sick knee lift/vertical suplex backbreaker combo instead ;)


Ah, what the hell, I'll make it anyway - here's Roderick Strong chopping Adam Cole in the dick;

he should use that more often

in fact, he should use any kind of slam or powerbomb or whatever

everything EXCEPT a hurricanrana

he's done it twice now, and it was actually WORSE the second time

actually, here's the question of the hour. Which is worse, Cena's hurricanrana or Miz's figure four?

Miz is worse, no contest. Cena is at least messing up at something fairly difficult, especially given his size. Something that requires athleticism and coordination. Miz is fucking up a hold that kids can and do replicate after seeing once with no problem.



WCW Thunder 1/17/2001

Well, Nitro was fucking awful. Observer notes said that Bischoff thought this taping of Thunder was particularly bad and was very upset over it. The same Eric Bischoff who was allegedly in charge of the company again, but never officially bought the company, so he wasn't really in any power to say shit.

Commissioner Cat and Ms. Jones start out the show in the ring. More power struggles. How great. Cat is going to clean WCW up. I think a CEO out powers a commissioner. Always and forever. Totally Buffed come out. Don't fucking tell me they are going to do another half hour promo. Lex says Ric is the president. He's the CEO. They are about to attack Cat when Kronik come out. You'd think Thunder would be as wrestling heavy as possible after Nitro. Cat books Totally Buffed vs Kronik. Thankfully this only went on for 7 minutes.

Kwee Wee vs Rick Steiner


Angry Allen ain't playing. He won't even kiss Paisley. He made an open challenge. Rick accepted. Now, Kwee Wee is a face. He's been beaten down by all of the members of Flair's group and they didn't want him in their group. Rick has returned specifically to fight off Flair's group. So why would Rick come out and beat up Kwee Wee? They should be on the same side. This is pretty much a squash. Rick no sells his offense any time he gets some. This is really dickish for a face on face squash. Top rope bulldog for the win. Rick does a short promo after the match.

Bam Bam Big Yellow vs Meng WCW Hardcore Championship

This is going to be awful. Bam Bam is bad and as much as I like Meng no selling, he wasn't particularly good in the ring by this point. They fight over to the table early on. I don't like Tony and Tenay being the only two out there. They don't really get along and don't have any chemistry. So when it is just the two of them, it's really cold and uninteresting. Fuck. This sucks. They're both in slow motion and blown up just from chokeholds. Meng wins with a Superfly Splash. That's nice and all, but this match was awful. It would have been a fun match on Prime Time Wrestling in 1989.


Glacier hype video. This is like some Brodus Clay shit where they play hype videos for months.

TO THE BACK. Norman gets his fan letter back. He's pumped.


Team Canada arrives with Awesome's new hair cut. MIA meeting. They agree to stop protecting Chavo. Scott Hudson is with the Harris Brothers. One is in a neck brace. He says he can't wrestle again and his head can literally fall off his neck. Ron Harris decides to embark on a singles career. Fucking seriously? Norman challenges him and shit talks because he knows Glacier is on his side. Ric Flair arrives with some YAKS. Animal is there to greet him. Steiner and Midajah were also in the limo. How does she feel about Steiner having 4 extra women tonight?

Norman Smiley vs Ron Harris

Sid was able to leave the hospital by Wednesday. How crazy is that? Doctors had even said he could put pressure on his leg with in a month. If you've seen that injury, and I'm sure most people reading this have, that's fucking crazy. A long Harris Brother singles match. No wonder Bischoff thought this show was terrible. I would have fired everyone who agreed this would be a good match to book. I like Norman a lot, but this isn't what I want to see him in for 10 minutes. Twin magic scores "Ron" the win. Why didn't Glacier help?

Totally Buffed vs Kronik

Why can't TB enter as a team? They're best friends, they have an official team name. They should probably come out together. For real, who booked this fucking show? Another match where Buff is the best wrestler. Jarrett comes out and smashes a guitar on Wrath. Buff wins. DDP shows up OUTTA NOWHERE and fights them all off. Flair comes out and calls DDP a wannabe. He said that with Jeff Jarrett standing next to him? JJ vs DDP will now be the main event.

Mike Awesome vs Kidman


Mulletless Mike Awesome. Lance breaks the immersion that these are seperate shows. Kidman can wrestle, even though earlier in the night on Nitro he wasn't allowed. Not only that, they tape the shows back to back and this match was supposed to be the original hair vs hair match. Kidman does a SSP off the apron. With injured ribs.


He hasn't done a SSP for 8 months and the first time he tries it is while he has taped up ribs? Awesome misses a frog splash. Even Mike Awesome can't powerbomb Kidman. He eventually hits the running Awesome bomb for the win. I don't know what the point of having Awesome lose to Konnan and then beat a hurt Kidman was. They try to cut Kidman's hair, but the Animals fight him off. Konnan tries to cut Gunn's hair, which was of course not allowed to be shown on TBS.

Scott Hudson talks with Chavo. He's going to prove his way is the right way.

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs General Rection

This has a chance to be decent with a sneaky quick heel and angry big face. They do a triangle/powerbomb kind of spot. Kind of odd. Tornado DDT for a 2 count. Hugh had a bunch of concussions and brain damage. Of course, Chavo is actually on offense most of the match. Who has been booking Hugh's matches for the past few months? They're trying to make him a big star, but he got dominated in all the matches with Lance and since then he has lost every match like a total loser. Hugh hits a sit out powerbomb and goes for the moonsault. Wall SWERVES him and chokeslams him. Chavo wins. God damn, Hugh is such a putz. He loses every match and all his friends turn on him. If Twitter was around in 2001, he'd be the Zack Ryder of WCW.

TO THE BACK. Hudson is with Chavo and Wall.

DDP vs Jeff Jarrett

They better save the show. "Listen up you Hoosier-nuts!" Considering this is Jarrett in a WCW main event while in a big heel stable that says they will blatantly interfere in every match, I don't expect much out of this. Tony says DDP is one of the best hitters ever. Is that like Taker being the best pure striker ever? What is a pure striker, exactly? Are hitters and strikers the same thing? Half the match is a sleeper. Why, all of Flair's group come out? You don't say. Kronik, Nash, Steiner, and Cat come out as well. The same fucking way they ended Nitro in the same fucking building on the same fucking night? How lazy is that?


Bischoff had good reason to be upset at this show. It is literally one of the worst possible cards WCW could put on at the time. A 10 minute Harris brother singles match. Totally Buffed vs Kronik. Rick Steiner in anything. Bam Bam vs Meng. A Hugh/Chavo match where Chavo is on offense most of the time. And then ending with the same ending that Nitro had just 2 hours earlier. Gross.

Nice review man, sounds like there was a lot to enjoy on this show. The more I see of AIW, the more impressed I am with Gary Jay. He's definitely the least awful of the Submission Squad. Colt & Pierre vs The Business sounds like a ton of fun, can't wait to see that one (if ACW ever get more MP4s out - the last one available is from August). Not surprised that Jacobs had a great match with Vega. Jimmy's pretty under appreciated, imo, and seems to have great matches wherever he goes. Also, I've been very impressed with Vega lately. He had a great match with Josh Alexander in AIW.


Gary Jay is becoming one of my favorite guys in the company...and that's saying something in ACW. He worked sooooo well with Barrett Brown.

I don't know what you mean by "he's definitely the least awful of the Submission Squad," because from what I've seen, the Submission Squad doesn't really have anyone awful in it. That whole "The Submission Squad is awful" is just Chikara fan bullshit. Like if you aren't good in Chikara, you aren't good. From the members of the squad I've seen: Davy Vega is flat-out awesome as you say. He's an ace-level worker. The only knock against him is his physique. Athena is one of the best women in the world, IMO. Gay Jay is just below Vega's work level, but better than Vega on the mic. And Gelistico and Pierre are good in the ring but great in other areas (Gelistico's psychology and promos, Pierre's comedy.)

Yeah, the Colt/Pierre/JoJo/Angel match is definitely worth checking out, if you like the funny.

There's a lot of behind-the-scenes changes going on at ACW. Obviously, Rachel leaving left them with a lot of holes to fill. You identified a major problem.

From what I've heard, one of the issues they're trying to address is the slow pace of video post-production. I personally wonder how much money they leave on the table because they can't get videos out to SMV's download service faster. As a fan, it's frustrating to come home from a show all excited, tell people like you guys on GAF about what was good, and then know that most everyone will completely forget the recommendation after months and months of waiting for the video.
Monthly Report - June 2001!

WCW Balance: £8.3m
- Most of the money was lost in May 2001 when several stays were fired and received a payoff.
- For the month of June 2001, WCW lost $68k in total.
- Savings could probably be made on production costs (cut back on number of PPVS) and another roster cut.

Heading into July 2001 WCW are considered still have some prestige (B-), but are lacking any real momentum (E-).

Since WCW re-emerged in May 2001 the company has seen a loss of popularity across 4 regions in North American. The rest of North America has remained steady.

Great Lakes - B- to C+
Mid Atlantic B+ to B
Mid South B to B-
South East B+ to B


The Main Storylines since WCW started again in May have been:

WCW World Heavyweight Title

Booker T v Scott Steiner for the WCW Heavyweight Title. Booker T announced that he was proud to lead WCW into a new dawn on the first WCW Saturday Night Show. Booker said he would be a fighting champion, and defend the WCW title, and it's honor, against anyone who was worthy. No longer would the WCW Title be held up by egos. He held his first fight against Mike Awesome, who he believed was one of the unsung heroes of WCW before it closed (Awesome hasn't really been seen since this strangely enough).

Next week Scott Steiner challenged Booker T, but Booker failed to appear. Steiner started to bad mouth Booker T. Jim Duggan decided he had had enough of Steiner's tirad and attempted to silence Steiner. This led to Scott Steiner destroying Duggan in the ring, until Lex Luger came out to save him.

At The Great American Bash it became clear that Rick Steiner had attacked Booker T backstage, which was why Booker never appeared to answer Scott Steiner's rant on WCW Saturday Night. At The Great American Bash a match was arranged for The Steiner Brothers to face Booker T and Lex Luger. Booker T managed to pin Rick Steiner for the victory. A beatdown happened after the match, when Rick Steiner managed to grapple Booker T out of the ring, leaving Lex Luger alone in the ring with Scott Steiner (who applied the Steiner Recliner). The PPV ended with a lone image of Sting watching from above.

On WCW Saturday Night the feud continued, with Scott Steiner calling out Booker T again. Steiner was tired of Booker ducking and diving every challenge. Booker said he'd be happy to fight anyone who deserved it, but Steiner didn't deserve a title shot. Booker said Lex Luger had deserved his shot, but said whoever won the match - fairly - on WCW Saturday Night before Bash at the Beach would get a title shot on the PPV the following day.

US Title

Booker T handed over the US Title to Eric Bischoff on the first WCW Saturday Night. That night Bischoff announced a 'Fight for the Gold' challenge to crown a new US Champion at The Great American Bash. Billy Kidman defeated Chavo Guererro, while Lance Storm defeated Johnny Swinger. At The Great American Bash Billy Kidman faced off against Lance Storm for the US Title. Billy Kidman won to become the new US Champion. However, after each Kidman match a familiar colourful mask would appear on the screen briefly.

On WCW Saturday Night Buff Bagwell challenged Billy Kidman to a match, claiming that the belt was too big for Kidman (suggesting that Kidman was 'too small'). Kidman said that Bagwell wouldn't be able to just talk himself into a title shot. If he wanted the US Title he'd have to prove himself in the ring, like everyone else. Just as Kidman finished, the colourful mask appeared on the screen again, this time with music and 1 word 'Soon...'.

The next week on WCW Saturday Night Buff Bagwell faced off against Johnny Swinger. Before the match Bagwell sarcastically dedicated the match to Billy Kidman, who was commentating on the match. Bagwell was winning the match comfortably, but stopped to pose and mock Billy Kidman, which led to Johnny Swinger winning via a quick roll up!

WCW World Tag Titles

The Tag Titles have featured lightly so far on WCW. They're still held by The Natural Born Thrillers, who seem to be in an on and off feud with KroniK. However, during a WCW Saturday Night show Team Amazement (Norman Smiley & Alex Wright) attempted to show their dance moves in the ring. This led to The Natural Born Killers storming the ring to attack them. KroniK attempted the save.

WCW Cruiserweight Title

Currently held by Gregory Helms. The Cruiserweight division has simply attempted to put on the best matches of the night each and every show. A small feud seems to have developed with Shannon Moore, who seems to be becoming increasingly frustrated with the other Cruiserweights. Moore believes they're getting in the way of him winning the title.

Eric Bischoff & The New WCW

Ever since WCW returned to the screens, Eric Bischoff has been sure to tell everyone that 'this time things will be different'. He's promised. It's a new start for WCW and the same mistakes won't be made again. He fired several 'egos' - Jeff Jarrett, Vince Russo, Mike Sanders & Kevin Nash. However, Nash appeared on WCW Saturday Night, claiming he had been invited. He launched into a rant about Eric Bischoff being the same old same old. Bischoff ordered security to escort Nash out of the arena. He publicly declared Kevin Nash a Free Agent, but Nash claimed it wasn't Bischoff who had invited him to WCW this time around. As Nash was forced out he said he'd tell the 'other guy' about this.

As Sting's appearances started to increase, it looked as if he was unsure about the 'new' WCW. Eric Bischoff made a public apology to Sting on WCW Saturday Night and left an open invitation for his return.


The top 2 guys on the roster right now, in terms of name value, are Scott Steiner and Bill Goldberg. The next teir: Booker T, DDP, Kevin Nash, Ric Flair, Sid Vicious & Sting.

Sid Vicious is still recovering from his Broken Leg and isn't expected to return for at least 18 months. If WCW need to save money by cutting the roster, it could be Sid's contract that takes the hit.

Buff Bagwell's contract is due to end soon, and there are no plans to renew it. He's currently earning at least $14k p/m.

There are no plans to recruit extra stars to the already bloated roster, but 5 names have been sounded out over the last month: The Sandman, John Cena, Ludvig Borga, Steve Corino & Dixie. There was an initial approach for Steve Corino in May, but talks broke down due to Corino's desire to only work short term deals. He's currently working for Zero-ONE in Japan.

There are currently 4 active titles within the company.
Main Event - WCW World Heavyweight Title (Prestige C+)
Midcard - WCW United States Heavyweight Title (Prestige D+)
Undercard - WCW Cruiserweight Title (Prestige E)
Floating - WCW World Tag Team (Prestige D-)

There is a chance the WCW United States Heavyweight Title will be renamed to WCW United States Title, as the 'heavyweight' tag and weight limit seem excessive (and limits who can win it).

Backstage area is currently between 60%-70% 'happy', with Buff Bagwell, Cash & Kevin Nash the most notable negative influences over locker room morale.
DDP is emerging as a Locker Room Leader, and considers Johnny Swinger his protege. Potential storyline with that one.


WWF is still the #1 Company in the World.

Their current feuds are:

HHH & Test v Chris Jericho & Al Snow
Chris Benoit v Kurt Angle
Kane v Steve Austin
The Rock v The Big Show
The Undertaker v Edge

Chris Benoit won the 2001 King of the Ring.

The Bushwackers returned, as did Greg Valentine (Road Agent), Jake Roberts (Occassional Wrestler), Glen Ruth (wrestler), Leatherface (as Corporal Kreschner), Nelson Knight, Curt Henning (Road Agent), Barry Windham (Road Agent) & Samu (Wrestler).
They also signed Tommy Dreamer.
Dave Taylor, D'Lo Brown, Brock Lesnar & Slash were called up from development.

Their top guys right now are: Steve Austin, The Rock & HHH.
The next teir include: Mick Foley & The Undertaker.

All of those guys are miles above the top WCW guys in terms of their ability to draw.

In comparison the guys who are on the same level as WCW's top guys (Scott Steiner & Bill Goldberg) right now are: Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Kane, Kurt Angle & Vince McMahon

Will Sting return to WCW after Bischoff's open invitation?
Can Eric Bischoff be trusted? He promises he's a changed man!
Who will next week on WCW Saturday Night to face Booker T at Bash at the Beach; Scott Steiner or Lex Luger?
No, that's why Sting is coming back.

Bill is playing along! :D

If anyone wants an update any thing in particular, I'll try my best to do so. The game is currently up to July 2001.

WCW Schedule

WCW Saturday Night
WCW Great American Bash
I don't know what you mean by "he's definitely the least awful of the Submission Squad," because from what I've seen, the Submission Squad doesn't really have anyone awful in it. That whole "The Submission Squad is awful" is just Chikara fan bullshit. Like if you aren't good in Chikara, you aren't good. From the members of the squad I've seen: Davy Vega is flat-out awesome as you say. He's an ace-level worker. The only knock against him is his physique. Athena is one of the best women in the world, IMO. Gay Jay is just below Vega's work level, but better than Vega on the mic. And Gelistico and Pierre are good in the ring but great in other areas (Gelistico's psychology and promos, Pierre's comedy.)

I was pretty much talking about Pierre & Gelistico, but most of what I've seen of them has been in AIW - I enjoyed the comedy aspects, but a couple of their matches really dragged. The most recent AIW show was a better outing for the Squad, and Gary Jay was much more heavily featured. I forgot Vega was a member, tbh, as he's a singles guy in AIW. And Athena's Athena. No way anyone watching one of her matches thinks she's anything less than a top talent in women's wrestling currently.

Pristine_Condition said:
As a fan, it's frustrating to come home from a show all excited, tell people like you guys on GAF about what was good, and then know that most everyone will completely forget the recommendation after months and months of waiting for the video.

Yeah, it's not an ideal situation, but hopefully they can improve the editing times - once the latest CHIKARA shows are up on SMV I was going to order the August 19th ACW show to check out that Davey Vega vs Barrett Brown match. Oh, and Mojo Bravado vs Team Havin' Fun!

I remember getting tape of that back in the day, and just flipping over and over in my mind, one thought..."why the fuck is Jun Kasai working for this fucking company?"

CZW did have a partnership of sorts with BJW where they were the big invaders for a year or two, so perhaps Kasai working CZW was part of that deal. Still, Kasai was doing some pretty insane shit in BJW as it was, like that infamous flaming log spot, as well as getting absolutely shit canned by the veterans workers like Shadow WX & Ryuji Yamakawa, which seemed to be par for the course with BJW's younger guys. Both Kasai and Tomoaki Honma got absolutely destroyed over and over before they found any success in BJW.


(if you click on this John Cena comes through your screen)

John Cena thinks that's a great idea!


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVeih_Gqakc - Gets his Star Treks mixed up. Stupid John Cena.

Is it wrong that I thought Crowbar was actually OK during those horrible times in WCW? :\

No, since Crowbar was one of the best guys when had got to do more than hardcore matches. Towards the end of 2000 and the beginning of 2001 he was giving awesome intense promos and was probably the most enjoyable guy for a few weeks at least.


Bo Dallas.

whatever happened to him? I guess WWE watched his promo and said he sucks back to nxt for you!

edit: Raw Breakdown:

The show opened strong with the Vince McMahon segment with Paul Heyman, Brock Lesnar and HHH doing a 3.6 quarter. We only have estimates on the gains and losses. Ryback vs. Dolph Ziggler lost about 285,000 viewers. The C.M. Punk promo and trailer for “The Call” gained about 420,000 viewers which is huge for that time slot. Mark Henry vs. Great Khali lost about 285,000 viewers.

The 9 p.m. in-ring with Jack Swagger, Zeb Colter and Alberto Del Rio gained about 285,000 viewers and did a strong 3.7 quarter. Randy Orton vs. Antonio Cesaro lost about 430,000 viewers. R-Truth vs. Cody Rhodes stayed even. Daniel Bryan & Kane vs. Prime Time Players with Bryan blindfolded and Kane having his hand tied behind his back lost another 285,000 viewers. The Shield promo at 10 p.m. with Randy Orton and Sheamus involved gained about 285,000 viewers to a 3.4. Jack Swagger vs. The Miz was the big drop losing 450,000 viewers. The John Cena promo gained 140,000 viewers. And John Cena vs. C.M. Punk gained about 1,002,000 viewers and finished with a 3.9 overrun. That’s a huge success.

Basically, Brock vs HHH, CM Punk, Racism, Shield, and that match are draws.
Hyuuuuuuuuge gain for Punk/Cena there. May hopefully mean longer main events in the future.

Glad that WE THE PEOPLE WE THE PEOPLE WEEEE THE PEOPLE got an increase too. Miz remains a black hole of entertainment.
Shit, you're right. I think that was on the table.

Well...let's go then, Bean Breath.

March Wrasslin |OT| When you lose you're a can, when you win you're unstoppable

No, I meant the winning WRESTLER, not the winning Gaf member. I'm almost certain that we all agreed that the winning wrestler would have a reference in the March title.

March Wrasslin |OT| Sporting that Big Show look, smelling what Rock cook, and feeling legit shook
Just watched the Punk/Cena match. It was pretty good. Despite it being WWE, it had great storytelling. And yeah, we knew you know who was going to win, but the way it unfolded with Punk getting STF a few times, the five-knuckle shuffle and Attitude Adjustment, it placed the out come in doubt. And despite all the crying, the WWE kept Punk strong with him going the distance with Cena for 30 minutes.

I don't think the Rock and Cena will be a four or five-star match. Punk is definitely a solid worker.
I actually think Hawkins will get released he was on Saturday Morning Slam a couple of weeks ago and my god he got really fat. He has short hair now too so he looks really bad. Matt Hardy sick fat bad.

Also how is JTG still employed fire him or use him as a weekly jobber stop paying him for doing nothing
That's The Rock's training partner.

I think Rock trained with Joe Hennig(who should actually get another chance) this time around but man Hawkins looked like he's just given up in that saturday match. He was pretty overweight but his fat plus his body language was a guy who just didn't care and didn't want to be there. I don't blame him though he's been there for a long time now and hasn't really done anything besides be an Edgehead. At least Ryder still cares enough to complain and stays in shape.

Bourne is still with the company somehow too. He's been injured for like 2 years already
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