I just thought of something. Can someone do this better for me?
things were going well, until brodus took off his pants.
So the rumor is that the next Xbox will not only have always-online DRM for everything, but will not play used games.
This brought out the usual corporate heels to talk about how we should be happy about it, and the righteous defenders of justice like myself to stand up for the little guy.
Top 5 Non-WWE or TNA Talents
What about yours?
5) Kevin Steen
4) Brian Cage
3) Shinsuke Nakamura
2) Adam Cole
1) Kazuchika Okada
I think I'm finally starting to get onboard Team Mad Ox. What have you guys done to me!?
So many gamers are horrendous consumers. I don't know if it's because they're young or naive, but they tend to develop an obsessive attachment to their favorite gaming company. They end up supporting them, even to spite themselves. They support conglomerates that don't care about them. I can understand wanting to buy their games new, but how does it benefit you to take away the option of buying used games? Why would you not want your fellow consumer to have that option?So the rumor is that the next Xbox will not only have always-online DRM for everything, but will not play used games.
This brought out the usual corporate heels to talk about how we should be happy about it, and the righteous defenders of justice like myself to stand up for the little guy.
So many gamers are horrendous consumers. I don't know if it's because they're young or naive, but they tend to develop an obsessive attachment to their favorite gaming company. They end up supporting them, even to spite themselves. They support conglomerates that don't care about them. I can understand wanting to buy their games new, but how does it benefit you to take away the option of buying used games? Why would you not want your fellow consumer to have that option?
You get onboard the worst teams. S'wrong witchu?
Yeah, it's publishers and rising budgets that are killing developers, not used game sales. I mean, it's ridiculous. We've always had used games. Hell, I used to rent all of my games as a kid, and companies flourished then. I try to buy new when I can, but if you take away the used option, it doesn't mean that I'll buy new, it just means that I won't buy. Plus, now I won't be able to sell my old games, and use that money to buy a new game.if you buy used you kill developers!
I actually got into an argument with my friend over this a week or two ago. He blamed GameStop for THQ, and I said GS had nothing to do with it. Two days later Jason Rubin comes out and says why the company failed. It was exactly what I told my friend.
funny how the blame has been put on GameStop and everyone eats it up. GameStop is shitty for a lot of reasons, killing the industry is not one of them.
Del Rio isn't really a face haha. Big Show always comes off as the honest, truthful, face while his opponents are the lying, angry, heels.
He has good hair, dawg.
Yeah, it's publishers and rising budgets that are killing developers, not used game sales. I mean, it's ridiculous. We've always had used games. Hell, I used to rent all of my games as a kid, and companies flourished then. I try to buy new when I can, but if you take away the used option, it doesn't mean that I'll buy new, it just means that I won't buy. Plus, now I won't be able to sell my old games, and use that money to buy a new game.
The problem now is that AAA game makers have hit a brick wall and can't manage to expand the gaming public to justify these high budgets and costs. Instead, they're trying to find new ways to squeeze more money out of the gamers that they do have through DLC, online passes, etc. It's an old tactic in profit mongering, but it'll just drive people away.
Yeah, it's publishers and rising budgets that are killing developers, not used game sales. I mean, it's ridiculous. We've always had used games. Hell, I used to rent all of my games as a kid, and companies flourished then. I try to buy new when I can, but if you take away the used option, it doesn't mean that I'll buy new, it just means that I won't buy. Plus, now I won't be able to sell my old games, and use that money to buy a new game.
The problem now is that AAA game makers have hit a brick wall and can't manage to expand the gaming public to justify these high budgets and costs. Instead, they're trying to find new ways to squeeze more money out of the gamers that they do have through DLC, online passes, etc. It's an old tactic in profit mongering, but it'll just drive people away.
A crash is imminent. I mean, you could already see it coming considering the absurdly high number of devs that were forced to close down this gen, but god damn. Today brought me closer to that realization than ever before.
A crash is imminent. I mean, you could already see it coming considering the absurdly high number of devs that were forced to close down this gen, but god damn. Today brought me closer to that realization than ever before.
there still going to be indie developers making games like Minecraft & Path of Exile
at least I hope. If not, oh well. I'm 23, by the time the market crashes I'll probably have kids to eat up most of my free time.
there still going to be indie developers making games like Minecraft & Path of Exile
at least I hope. If not, oh well. I'm 23, by the time the market crashes I'll probably have kids to eat up most of my free time.
You know what isn't dumb?
House of Cards....that is an awesome series.
Is that a PS Vita?
No, that's just a burning house.
*holds his Vita, knowing it was stupid to get one but not regretting it*
You know what isn't dumb?
House of Cards....that is an awesome series.
I just quit watching X-Files in season 8 or whatever season it is where Mulder is pretty much not in the show anymore except for a few episodes. Someone in this thread told me to watch a sci-fi series but now I forget which series they said. It was bootay or sandman I think. Help me out here guys.
I just quit watching X-Files in season 8 or whatever season it is where Mulder is pretty much not in the show anymore except for a few episodes. Someone in this thread told me to watch a sci-fi series but now I forget which series they said. It was bootay or sandman I think. Help me out here guys.
I just quit watching X-Files in season 8 or whatever season it is where Mulder is pretty much not in the show anymore except for a few episodes. Someone in this thread told me to watch a sci-fi series but now I forget which series they said. It was bootay or sandman I think. Help me out here guys.
I just quit watching X-Files in season 8 or whatever season it is where Mulder is pretty much not in the show anymore except for a few episodes. Someone in this thread told me to watch a sci-fi series but now I forget which series they said. It was bootay or sandman I think. Help me out here guys.
You should watch the rest of X-Files. On a recent re-watch I actually enjoyed the later seasons.
also Fringe (I do not know if this was the series suggested).
Someone suggested I should watch DS9 too.
Someone suggested I should watch DS9
Top 5 Non-WWE or TNA Talents
What about yours?
5) Kevin Steen
4) Brian Cage
3) Shinsuke Nakamura
2) Adam Cole
1) Kazuchika Okada