"I've been here for 40 years. I seen young guys like you come and go. Some of you stay - become lifers. Some people move on. The thing is, don't make being a lifer make it your life. Keep your life. Let the life of the road be your life, not the life you lead. Lead the life, don't let the life lead you."
Tommy Gunn: [as Rocky goes back into the bar] Hey. Hey! I'm not done talking to you yet.
Rocky Balboa: Listen, Tommy. I've got notin' else to say to you okay?
George W. Duke: Rocky Balboa. Tommy Gunn wants to fight you in his next match. Do you, or do you not accept Tommy's challenge?
Rocky Balboa: [to Tommy] Listen, Tommy. This guy wants us to fight in the ring. When we were together, we were like, like brothers.
[Tommy shrugs to Duke in disgust at Rocky]
Rocky Balboa: You see, Tommy Duke wants us to fight, get us to fight in the ring. He don't care about you Tommy, he don't care about me either.
Paulie: C'mon Rock. Get out of here.
[Turns to Tommy]
Paulie: Tommy, you're a peice of garbage, you know that?
Tommy Gunn: Hey, stay out of it.
Paulie: No, you listen okay? Rocky, Rocky, he's the real champion, you're just a goddamn joke.
[Paulie pshes back Tommy and Tommy punches him back, Rocky comes back to console Paulie]
Paulie: [to Rocky] Yous hould've left him on streets where you found him.
Rocky Balboa: [to Tommy] Hey! You knock him down how 'bout tryin' knockin' *me* down.
George W. Duke: No, no. In the ring. In the ring. Tommy only fights in the ring.
Rocky Balboa: My ring's outside.