Gonna get
Their head whipped
Gonna get
Their head whipped

Holy shit. I remember thinking he landed fucked up. It looked more like a brain buster than a suplex. The officials did run over to him on the floor. He was much slower after that.Damnit Miz, stick to bad Figure Four's wouldya?
All natural, baby.
Saw this one Facebook.
Rock Vader would be one hell of a gimmick.
"Finally...Rock Vader...has come back to"
"IT DOESN'T MATTER if you underestimate the power of the dark side!"
"If you smellalalalalalalalalell....what the"
And Rock dropped a significant amount of size when he stopped wrestling. That first picture was after he leaned out by 20-30 pounds from wrestling days. The second picture is from the set of a movie where he's a body builder on steroids.
Such a Method Actor, our Rock.
I can't wait to see the WrassleGAF Rumble list.
It's a surprise but I have theme music done for probably 37/40 entrants. A couple...yeah.
But I've put a lot of time into their entrance music to make sure if you know that dude, you know that music.
Sirens or 'Enough'?
Even worse - high energy era
I am happy to say everyone's picks are represented, with Aiii's exception - but his alternate is very usable.
I'm not mad, he never had bad entrance music.
ACtually while we're talking WWE 13 CAW, is there anyway to stream music from the PC, or do you have to copy over every track to the xbox?
Had to copy every single one TO A CD - I know - to the Xbox. Fucking digital rights...
Had to copy every single one TO A CD - I know - to the Xbox. Fucking digital rights...
You could just have their theme ready to play on a Youtube background or an MP3 player. It'd be much simpler.
Sandow figure
Holy fuck, I saw my first 10 minutes of Honey Boo Boo. I've never felt more uncomfortable watching television. Or ashamed of my country. It makes pro wrestling look positively high class entertainment.
It's like all the worst stereotypes that Americans don't want the world to know about all rolled into one show and extremely popular. Genuinely uncomfortable to watch.
When I first came to your country I will admit I was shocked how relatively normal you folk were.
My alternative was possible Sun?
Yessir. Rumble is complete. Got a rough time estimate for it. Kinda...well, scared.
What was the entrant Aiii wanted at first?
AJ - I tried to get the hacked female wrestler template over so she could compete with males, but I couldn't get it to work :/
BTW I hope you all are ready for Batista avatars monday night!
We will all have the greatest masked wrestler as our avatar, I am confident of my chances.
WrassleGAF Did You Know?
Even after being told nobody selected Cena as WrassleGAF's official mascot, WrassleGAF -continued- to not pick Cena, so you won't see him in the Rumble at all!
The Rumble filled to an EXACT 40 selections. Perfection!
Someone call Heavy's mom to see if he's okay.
WrassleGAF Did You Know?
Even after being told nobody selected Cena as WrassleGAF's official mascot, WrassleGAF -continued- to not pick Cena, so you won't see him in the Rumble at all!