Tre, you were a LV20 who topped out in Valkurm in an English only beta in which 99% of the players were crap (myself included) as a Warrior looking to sub DRK in the future.
My point? You had absolutely no idea how to play the game, what you did play, like almost everyone else from beta, you played it poorly. Not that it's your fault, beta had SHIT documentation, and we had nothing online to refrence.
But, that doesn't change my opinion that a lot of your little "impressions" are totally off the mark, nor should you be consulted about the game. Your little bit about FFXI tanking is totally complete steaming bullshit. Shouta's a fuckin' Paladin, is he not? He should be bitching you out, not me.
"Its not like you do anything different on level 70, 60, 50, 40 compared to level 20, you do the same shit over and over again so I dont see how you couldnt comment on gameplay just because youre at the lower levels..."
That's a pretty big load.
"My biggest complaint is there isn't enough variety in the game. From types of monsters, to unique class roles, appearances and what not."
Agreed, big time, espically on monsters. God...
Anyhow, yeah, there's a lot to knock like any game in existance. And despite it BEING my favorite game, there's a lot I'd like to see changed/added, but I'm going to occasionally still call bullshit on things here and there.
The "impressions" of FFXI, which were mostly utterly retarded in most cases close to PC launch, are still basicly the same, that's sad to see.
You really should consider studying up, then giving it another shot if you ever get free time Tre', I dunno if I'd ever convince you to really, really enjoy it, but I'd bet you'd have a fuckload more fun if you gave it a harder shot sometime. It is something you have to really commit to though, heh, so I don't think you'll ever take me up
My point? You had absolutely no idea how to play the game, what you did play, like almost everyone else from beta, you played it poorly. Not that it's your fault, beta had SHIT documentation, and we had nothing online to refrence.
But, that doesn't change my opinion that a lot of your little "impressions" are totally off the mark, nor should you be consulted about the game. Your little bit about FFXI tanking is totally complete steaming bullshit. Shouta's a fuckin' Paladin, is he not? He should be bitching you out, not me.
"Its not like you do anything different on level 70, 60, 50, 40 compared to level 20, you do the same shit over and over again so I dont see how you couldnt comment on gameplay just because youre at the lower levels..."
That's a pretty big load.
"My biggest complaint is there isn't enough variety in the game. From types of monsters, to unique class roles, appearances and what not."
Agreed, big time, espically on monsters. God...
Anyhow, yeah, there's a lot to knock like any game in existance. And despite it BEING my favorite game, there's a lot I'd like to see changed/added, but I'm going to occasionally still call bullshit on things here and there.
The "impressions" of FFXI, which were mostly utterly retarded in most cases close to PC launch, are still basicly the same, that's sad to see.
You really should consider studying up, then giving it another shot if you ever get free time Tre', I dunno if I'd ever convince you to really, really enjoy it, but I'd bet you'd have a fuckload more fun if you gave it a harder shot sometime. It is something you have to really commit to though, heh, so I don't think you'll ever take me up