Mock said:
Well, to be honest, I think you could make a similiar argument for most other MMOs there. You start a new character in EQ and your reputation resets, meaning you have to persue certain mobs again and kill them so you can still visit other towns and not be killed by NPCs. EQ has fame, just handled differently. I do kind of wish there were playable evil races/alignments, but it'd screw up the Conquest at this point.
I fully disagree about restrictions on your choices, though. You're talking more about the social consequence of picking an unconventional race and job combo. A Galka Mage and a Taru Dragoon can make it 75, its just that the American audience is weened on EQ and afraid to step out of traditional party molds. Also, I think the social connections you make in this game will pay off in the long run. I'm a Taru DRG/WHM - that's all I really want to be right now because I like the challenge of it.
Unlike a lot of people who play, I don't see a checkered flag at level 75 and the only real reward is AF3 at that point or hunting HNMs. But that's not the end-all/Be-all of the game for me. I get more satisfaction in helping other players get their keys and advanced jobs than I do levelling and getting stuff. And I think some of those people will return the favor when I go out for my AFs.
Tonight, I just helped an LS buddy get Carbuncle's Ruby and for me, that was enough.
Yes, you could make a similar argument for most MMOs and It's something I'd like to see changed. I like making new toons, but I shouldn't be punished for doing so.
Concerning the restrictions, I have to give you major credit for being a Taru drg/whm. Very impressive. Are you in a big LS? because it must be very difficult to get pickup groups. I disagree about the american audience though. They wanted to pick the odd job combos (at least my friends did) , but eventually had to change due to pressure from the higher ranks.
Social connections are a big deal. Too big of a deal. The be all end all of FFXI is the set party, and I think that's very wrong because it isolates people. I loved playing in pickup groups. They are unpredictable and can be very fun. Unfortunately, I made lots of friends, but either outleveled them, or they outleveled me. I guess the reason it bothers me so much is that you can't play FFXI as a casual player, it requires a commitment that becomes more apparent every level you gain. Again, this isn't a problem exclusive to FFXI, it's a problem with almost all MMOs and I begin to lose interest in a game when I reach that point.
I'm playing CoH now, at least until WoW comes out. I'm sure I'll get about 6 months out of WoW and be done for exactly the same reasons I left FFXI. CoH is addictive and fun, but doesn't offer enough to keep you long term, although it is fun to make a new toon.
Be nice If someone would try something radically different.