Wow, really great post pkm. Very apt summary of my experiences with 13 as well.
Rapidly getting bored and frustrated with Seasons.
Does it match you against people that are as shit as you are or just matches teams that have a similar star level?
I've said before, I'm not good at this game, that I am acutely aware of. I played 4 games in my career mode last night and had one 2-0 and 3 0-0 on Semi Pro.
In seasons so far I've played 9 games, 2W/1D/6L. One of those was against Real Madrid, 5 were against Juventus.
Rapidly getting bored and frustrated with Seasons.
Does it match you against people that are as shit as you are or just matches teams that have a similar star level?
I've said before, I'm not good at this game, that I am acutely aware of. I played 4 games in my career mode last night and had one 2-0 and 3 0-0 on Semi Pro.
In seasons so far I've played 9 games, 2W/1D/6L. One of those was against Real Madrid, 5 were against Juventus.
In the last game against Real Madrid after 40 minutes and being down 3-0 with the guy walking around me in circles I just stopped playing aside from to take kickoffs/goal kicks/throw ins. Somehow he managed to only score 2 more goals, proving that my team are actually better off without me lol.
4 or 4.5 star teams are my favorite. Too bad Messi is nerfed or I'd love to pick them.
Messi isn't nerfed, you just suck.
Playing as Newcastle in seasons is fun, playing as QPR too.
9. Lastly, prepare for some unseen forces dictating how the game will go. You have no control over it. One game your players will be amazing and you can win or have a chance, the next game everythign you do will be a clusterfuck of stupidty with players on your team making it seem like they want you to lose. Your 80+ rated CAM will have the touch and passing of a U-8 child, your keeper will defect balls headed out of bounds to opponents to score on you, and your defenders will watch the ball and be pushed around by guys a foot smaller and 100 lbs lighter.
Hey quick question, y'all: I haven't played FIFA in a few years but I bought the iOS version on a whim yesterday and I haven't been able to put it down since. I LOVE FUT especially. I'm really thinking about picking up a console version now, probably PS3. My question is this, is there any kind of connectivity at all? It would be really cool if it were the same FUT team between the two or something. Google isn't helping. I have a feeling the answer is no, but figured I'd ask.
when i play seasons, often times i will get someone that is playing as the same team. is there a way to prevent this?
when i play seasons, often times i will get someone that is playing as the same team. is there a way to prevent this?
No. It is bullshit. I keep an eye out for it and quit if I see it.
If you're playing with RM then it's your own damn fault
I hate when that happens, but it rarely happens unless you play with RM, or Brazil/Spain in 'match my type'.
Am I the only one who can't get further than Division 6 in Seasons mode online? I really don't suck.
Oh also, it sucks that I can't play against others than Real, Barca, Bayern, City, Spain or Germany in Seasons - that's bad. I have been a long term Real Madrid supporter for more than a decade and not because of the stars or super marketing etc.
Fuck this game. Fuck everything about it. Fuck the developers who made it and put momentum in it.
And people think shooters make you aggressive.
Fuck this game. Fuck everything about it. Fuck the developers who made it and put momentum in it.
And people think shooters make you aggressive.
Fuck this game. Fuck everything about it. Fuck the developers who made it and put momentum in it.
And people think shooters make you aggressive.
It sounds like we should start a support group to get rid of the game![]()
some questions guys.. can you help? new to all this.
1.) how do i get more money if im an MLS team to sign an big /expensive player? can i ever become very wealthy in career mode?
3.) can someone explain transfer budget and wages budget and the money coming in? is the money coming in set and will never change? is transfer budget money that just accumulates over time so i can use that money to purchase players? and is that money used for scouting or is that differrent?
some questions guys.. can you help? new to all this.
1.) how do i get more money if im an MLS team to sign an big /expensive player? can i ever become very wealthy in career mode?
2.) where is Clint Dempsey in the game? i dont see him on the spurs or fulham
3.) can someone explain transfer budget and wages budget and the money coming in? is the money coming in set and will never change? is transfer budget money that just accumulates over time so i can use that money to purchase players? and is that money used for scouting or is that differrent?
This game drives me crazy. Most of the people that beat me are significantly worse at the game than I am. It's just bullshit.
Lol. I got rid of my copy of FIFA 13 a couple of days ago and now feel GREAT. I needed to get it out of the house so that I wouldn't fool myself into thinking "this time, THIS TIME, it's going to be responsive and slick, my opponent isn't going to quit, and my team won't act like lobotomised zombies wading through treacle".
Removing the game from my possession was the only way I'd stop playing it, and stopping playing it was the only way to preserve my sanity and lower my blood pressure.
FIFA is a fucking hateful experience online. I am now free.
Seriously: I was so close to just taking the disc out and breaking it in half. I really think it's the only way. This game is fucking poison, worse than any drug. I'm seriously considering getting rid of it.
One question: Am I going completely insane or does the game feel different the last couple of days? I was one win away from winning the div 1 title last time I played (1-2 weeks ago) and this week I've lost like 10-15 games in a row and dropped to div 3. Something feels extremely off (more than usual). Anyone notice this?
Seriously: I was so close to just taking the disc out and breaking it in half. I really think it's the only way. This game is fucking poison, worse than any drug. I'm seriously considering getting rid of it.
One question: Am I going completely insane or does the game feel different the last couple of days? I was one win away from winning the div 1 title last time I played (1-2 weeks ago) and this week I've lost like 10-15 games in a row and dropped to div 3. Something feels extremely off (more than usual). Anyone notice this?