Awesome Animals

Right. Nothing wrong with that...
EDIT: Haha. Guy quits in the 90' when I'm up 4-0 and FIFA can't determine the outcome. WTH?
Yes and it is always going on sale.
Playing UT online gold cup, can't believe the weirdness this game still has. First match won 2-0, had 30 (!) shots on goal, 20-some on target - opponent had one shot on goal for the entire match. Next match I can't do a damn thing with the ball. None of my players are in their correct positions for goal kicks etc. Take ridiculous first touches, lifeless off the ball leaving acres of space and when the AI does decide to do something they over-commit and leave gaps everywhere. Can't press for the ball at all, opponent seems invincible and wins nearly every air ball, and every defensive clearance they make from my attacks goes straight to one of their players in a good position. How the game can make these hard swings between being in control one match to being utterly useless the next is baffling. I don't want to be dominating matches - I want to feel like I'm playing a fair game.
One player is awarded a far superior connection, which is pretty much awarding the win before the match even starts. It's a simple as that. I can beat any 5-star team online using York City (1/2 star team) when I know I'm locked into a good connection. I've done it countless times.
And while I'm here, EA must think we are fucking stupid with all the 45th min/90th min goals that 'happen' in this game. They claim no scripting. I claim BULL. SHIT.
still waiting to get my first in form from the gold packs. 70+ packs later, still nothing. Tips ?
Stop buying packs. Seriously.
I am in a game right now which is extremely laggy, is there a quit penalty as such? I dont mind losing thats already happened.
You can quit before the 5 minute mark on the in-game clock except in Ultimate Team.
I'm going to need to get a macro for the amount of times I explain UT fundamentals. Haha. Next time I'm on a computer and not my iPad ill get a write up posted for you. Stick with a theme of nation or league for a team purchase players in the proper formation and position and you'll be at 100% in no time.
Haha thanks man - I'f it's easier I could search for your last write up - I generally had a look online for advice but because I'm so new to it I kinda want to just buy good players which I find for cheap and jam them into my team rather than focus on chemistry lol. I already know that's wrong though!
Thanks for the write up - I am getting some clarity on things now!
That post does raise questions about the formation I should be using though - I currently play a 4-3-3 but actually 4-1-2-1-2 looks very similar if not slightly better - is there an easy way to test out different formations and see what works well? I'm guessing the only way is to play friendly games and edit a teams formation till I get to try everything out?
There don't seem to be preset practise modes I can use?
God damnit. Just got a hot ZERO coins for beating the Bundesliga TOTS 2-0 on ultimate. How has this still not been fixed.
God damnit. Just got a hot ZERO coins for beating the Bundesliga TOTS 2-0 on ultimate. How has this still not been fixed.
Oh many should this be worth? More than a usual match?
wow that must be as annoying as it gets!
I kinda quit UT about a month ago, still thinking about going back!
Yeah you get a reward based on the difficulty you take on - ultimate should have given me an extra 1000 coins on top of the ~500 coins for the match itself.
Did you quit for any particular reason? I keep going back to it every week because it's such an easy thing to pick up and play, but I almost always end up regretting it due to some dumb problem.
No. Fitness only goes up if the player is in your squad but not playing in an active match
Just a quick note to say: fuck this game and the laggy online controls and ridiculous button memory.
I thank you.
How can anyone say there isn't scripting in this game. How many times have there been goals scored in the 45th and 90th minutes vs all other times. How many games have you played where your team is scrambling around like jackasses while other games they are sharp and crisp. It's so obvious man.
Okay this is frustrating but HOW do I play an offline match? Like just a friendly match.
It should be in the main menu and is called EAs FC Match Day or something along that line...
So, now you're allowed to guess which side I was (-_-) - translation should not be necessary:
Also: my goalie = Neuer, his goalie = Wiese... He had, except of the Bundesliga GK a full Italian squad...