BUMP! I want to play again! I miss you guys :lol How about we play this weekend if no one can play in the week?
If you guys are still looking for new players, I would like to join the team.
OriginID : LFMartins
I normally play more on the left flank but I don´t mind playing a more defensive role.
I blame Cola and League of Legends 100%.
Im open to a hurrah this weekend perhaps, see if we can get some games going
i've been forced to play drop in with noobs, tis' not a good show
Well, at least you're still used to playing with people at my skill level then.
I keep getting kicked before it starts. I think there must be something wrong with my connection
That's it for me I think.
edit: yeah I'm done.
Sorry. Try again another time yeah?
Hope you guys didn't mind me bringing my friend on!
dovakhin was pretty good, we had a vote and he's gonna be replacing you up front quiche
no hard feelings man
anyone still got that gif with the keeper?
me, shaunharvey and declanxs ended up getting relegated back to div 7
its where we belong to be honest
sometimes drop in matches aren't too different from our games lol
holy crap that gif blew my pc up D:
wp invid
now now i refuse to believe it
Im not sure if my absence this weekend was reported by those who read the britgaf thread, i half assumed some of you knew but im fucking ill at the moment and spending most my day trying not to throw up :[. Id love to continue doing clubs and ill try to be online as much as i can next week.
now now i refuse to believe it
Im not sure if my absence this weekend was reported by those who read the britgaf thread, i half assumed some of you knew but im fucking ill at the moment and spending most my day trying not to throw up :[. Id love to continue doing clubs and ill try to be online as much as i can next week.
drink some calpol, its just liquid sugar but im sure it does something or other
hope we can get this thing rolling again, it was, and still is really fun
does anyone know if this has a two player mode on pc? looking to get some controllers for this game and hook it up to my tv.
Guys. Saturday after the late kick off, we play again! I got a new hard drive so I can record all our gamesAlso I want to play FIFA again.