Deckard Cain
Wait what? Please tell me basedmonster is gonna get in on this.
Exposing himself? Is it Banana Dick all over again?
Wait what? Please tell me basedmonster is gonna get in on this.
Wait what? Please tell me basedmonster is gonna get in on this.
He is afraid people will use this to humiliate him.
He fears making this video will put the empire in jeopardy and HES NOT HURTING THE EMPIRE AGAIN
apparently yipes not feeling the emp these days so triforce can't ask him to talk the steam co out of this.
triforce tries to bait a response from steam co but the fool realizes he's streaming on twitch. (so much for not hurting emps image)
Wait was Sean from 3S always Brazilian free & we just never knew it? I think it's starts at 21:50
courtesy of Kappa this is what happened
can someone please Q-up my avatar? extra points if you leave the dollar bill hanging
Are you suggesting that he should have come back to NYC to up his NLBC attendance in order to make his spot in this exhibition that didn't exist when he was in France more legit?
I doubt he was thinking about NLBC at all. The point is that Justin could have gone every single week and he didn't, Dieminion could not, that is what it boils down to at its simplest.
So who else confirmed tonight at WNF besides Smug?
Is Jwong on the WNF team?
This is a fact. Everybody acting like they don't remember the Arturo, Sanford, Dieminion top 3s smhDieminion is a bigger part of next level history than jwong is for WNF imo.
Looks like a 9:30 start for WNF
This is a fact. Everybody acting like they don't remember the Arturo, Sanford, Dieminion top 3s smh
WNF is just too late for me. Guess I'll catch the archives
nobody knows. Art said the teams get announced on Friday.
This is such a lose-lose match for NLBC.
Basically if they win or they beat a bunch of nobodies (except for Snake Eyez) they lose.... LOL.
Looks like a 9:30 start for WNF
WNF got some nice players. Marq Teddy, Filipino Man, velicoraptor etc. add Snake Eyes to that it's a stacked team
lol no way, if the WNF team is anything like the wishlist their team is really solid.
Filipinoman / Snake Eyes / Marq Teddy / Chris / Online Tony edit: forgot about Velocirator
Hopefully its because they have a packed house, still by the time they get started its going to be 12 here.
And who on earth would expect that lineup to beat either Smug or Dieminion?
Hey listen old man. You don't get to come around once a year and be a regular! You have to troll with us all year, and endure all of YAM'S post to a regular!
And how many people outside the regular in this thread know who the fuck those guys are?
You know the EVO thread is filled with a bunch of randoms like the Super Bowl, and World Cup threads right?
And who on earth would expect that lineup to beat either Smug or Dieminion?
You gonna give me even odds for this shit?
Hey listen old man. You don't get to come around once a year and be a regular! You have to troll with us all year, and endure all of YAM'S post to a regular!
I don't know why but when I see Rog play his marvel team it feels so perfect to his bully play style. When I see JWong play his marvel team it feels like he forces it to work through pure will and talent.
Hey listen old man. You don't get to come around once a year and be a regular! You have to troll with us all year, and endure all of YAM'S post to a regular!
The old wnf is back, marvel and sf4 together again.
Shake I think it's starts at 21:50
courtesy of Kappa this is what happened
filipino man, marq teddy or snake eyes all could do well against smug. Die's kinda falling off imo, but he's still a bigger threat than smug. Dudley is very volatile.
You know, I wonder if you could get a Smash player a Smashburger sponsorship.
Valle needs to get Daigo to Super.. Renew the rivalry
hm, well If Dieminion isn't allowed on the NLBC team Jwong certainly shouldnt be allowed on the WNF team. I dont know why everyones focusing on dieminion while no one says a word about Jwong potentially getting a spot.
Why does west coast have negative personality and charisma?