Neither is my country /sigh
Guess I'll be sticking with the proxy route still.
super sonico is that thing i shouldn't like but oh boy
All you boat people out there, Meshi previews Movic's Kongou (aka the shitty version) on the Amiami blog.
kahotan's blog seems way better, and it's not just because the pictures on amiami blog won't load for me
Meshi said:Before we dock her, though, take a look the craftsmanship put into her equipment. Ravaged as they may be the period correct cannons stand at full attention, just like ole Admiral Meshi.
But can it surpass such passionate, nay, awe-inspiring prose such as this:
Top 7:
01. alisa_ilinichina_amiell... (6)
Now that I have a steady job, I can finally become a member of figuregaf soon
Also, for those interested in Ciel Alencon [God Eater 2], prepare yourself. She's been announced as having a price of...wait for it...15,556 yen.
Nice figure, but for that thanks.
Seriously, these higher prices are making my goal to cut back on purchases so much easier than I thought it would be.
Nice, is this the first time we have a specific character as number 1?
Now that I have a steady job, I can finally become a member of figuregaf soon
kahotan's blog seems way better, and it's not just because the pictures on amiami blog won't load for me
Lineage II - Kamael 1/7 Complete Figure
Unit price 9,400 JPY x 1 unit(s) = 9,400 JPY
Subtotal: 9,400 JPY
Shipping: 1,580 JPY
Grand total: 10,980 JPY
Anyone know of good vendors on Amazon? I want to have more options the next time I buy a figure.
Got this set of cheap figures today:
Not really good, but not that many good Ayu Tsukimiya figures to get to begin with.
You need to step your game up and buy more so you can be a member of Amiami Platinum for that premium service.I haven't received my notification email yet and I'm sure I pre-ordered months before you did. So much for first come first serve :/
The sole Akiko Minase figure is worth any price.
You need to step your game up and buy more so you can be a member of Amiami Platinum for that premium service.
That's why you're the OP.
New Morrrigan sculpt from Capcom.
That's why you're the OP.
New Morrrigan sculpt from Capcom.
Nishimura kinu × CFB creators model morrigan Dojo, Takeshi Hamasaki's live!
Capcom figure Builder built a fighting game era "the vampire series popular anime"morrigan".
Illustration Illustrator with the main Visual of the former Street Fighter series, with many fans Nishimura kinu said. In addition we also contributes under the supervision of Nishimura's own figures.
Sculptor responsible Hamasaki gang ever Nishimura illustration many figures and, always getting higher ratings. Nishimura kinu publishing maximizes the bewitching charm of morrigan drawn down this figure for Mr. Takeshi Hamasaki, the three-dimensional prototype. Near at hand painted prototype completed!
"Nishimura kinu x Takeshi Hamasaki" that stay tuned for send the strongest lineup with exquisite!
Feather the longest of width approximately 240 mm, right elbow-toe of approximately 270 mm
That's why you're the OP.
New Morrrigan sculpt from Capcom.
I hope the areoles are exposed
...that's an oddly specific thing to wish for.
That's why you're the OP.
New Morrrigan sculpt from Capcom
...that's an oddly specific thing to wish for.
She looks pretty good. We'll see what she looks like painted. And then DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN. Pricing!
She looks pretty good. We'll see what she looks like painted. And then DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN. Pricing!
That's why you're the OP.
New Morrrigan sculpt from Capcom.
You guys actually like the pose of the Morrigan? It's so weird and unnatural.
9200yen. I'm more concerned about the quality than anything else. The only other human figures that Capcom has done are Chris Redfield and Leon Kennedy. I think both ended up being worse than the prototype by a fair margin.
Pricing's been confirmed for 9200 yen since it was announced. Step up, Senpai.
You guys actually like the pose of the Morrigan? It's so weird and unnatural.
Who actually handles the manufacturing?
You guys actually like the pose of the Morrigan? It's so weird and unnatural.
You guys actually like the pose of the Morrigan? It's so weird and unnatural.
Now we just need nendos.
You guys actually like the pose of the Morrigan? It's so weird and unnatural.
Because a succubus is natural and not weird at all. She's elegant and graceful. Exactly what you'd expect of someone who survives by fucking people to death.
Oh please. She looks like she's partaking in a Track and Field jumping event.
Oh please. She looks like she's partaking in a Track and Field jumping event.
Final version of Morrigan will look good and you will all want it.
Final version of Morrigan will look good and you will all want it.