the disheveled hair and sleepy eyes so hard to resist!
Yeah, but October...
Reposted for new page:
#NoGameNoLife - Shiro
10-2014, 11000 JPY
Love dat rainbow hair.
#NoGameNoLife - Shiro
10-2014, 11000 JPY
Love dat rainbow hair.
what's wrong with october?
Ugh, I absolutely love the look of Shiro, and the anime has been very entertaining. But that price...
Damn it. Another figure that I would have otherwise ordered had it been cheaper. ;_;
In figure collecting, now and then you end up with a "death" month. A month so packed with releases you can't possibly buy everything you want. Usually it's every third month (March, June, etc.), but not always.
But...I could get three Nendos for that price...
Why only get three nendos when you could get three nendos and a Shiro?
I need an intervention >_
Why only get three nendos when you could get three nendos and a Shiro?
I need an intervention >_
I feel pretty great about resisting thus far.Oh man. If I haven't ordered her. You guys have no excuse.
That price is absurd and she's tiny.
I feel pretty great about resisting thus far.
I am getting stronger!
But the color, the stocking, the amazing base, the sleepy look, the wavy rainbow hair.
She just feel so unique compare to all the figures I saw out there.
Cajun are you ok? Tell us if you're okay! Cajun? CAJUNNNNN!
And here I thought I was going to have a nice October.![]()
At the moment I just have Shiro, Kirigiri, and Honoka all on different months.
and nanami...
And here I thought I was going to have a nice October.I ordered her as well T-T
Did I? Cause my wallet says otherwise.You finally did the right thing.
DontBelieveItsLies.jpgDid I? Cause my wallet says otherwise.
Did I? Cause my wallet says otherwise.
Money is just a means to buy cute things.
The way I see it, if you can afford it, buy it. Enjoy life. Take from it what you can, when you can.
if you make a deep enough hole in your wallet, i'm sure you could fit all your figures in it for transportation.
that's how the universe works right?
Steph or Jibril figure plz
Only $63isn't so bad right?a month
#NoGameNoLife - Shiro
10-2014, 11000 JPY
Love dat rainbow hair.
Dammit...I am gonna end up with this ordered I just know it...
I caved in. Even if its cheaper later I dont want to let this one go.
Its waaaaay too appealing. The colors are so beautiful. Shes so cute. I cant.
I like the show too...and it's bad that I don't think the price is terrible. I guess I came in after the prices starting rising so I am just used to it.
I spent a stupid amount trying to get some "holy grails" when I first started collecting, so the 100$ mark isnt too much to me. Some Alter figures are certainly worth it and I would gladly pay it for a Kotobukiya or GSC. Some lesser companies I wouldnt want to pay tha kind of money but if the figure seems good quality or at least looks very appealing I will make exceptions. the only company so faR I have been "bitten" is Griffon and we all know to be wary of them. They did ok with Kurumi though.
Oh so they are a good company to rely on? You just sealed the deal, time to see what I have ordered for October lol.