I'll chime in on the "fuck preorders" side as I have before. Out of the last few times I preordered, at different stores, three of them did not honor that preorder when it was supposed to arrive. In all three cases I was able to walk into Best Buy and buy the game that same day. I ended up doing so and cancelling the preorder each time.
Now, regardless of what reason might lie behind the failure of each one, be it shipping error or whatever, here is the sequence of events that unfolded before my consumer eyes:
- Sales clerks push preorders. This isn't just for these particular cases, it happens all the time. If I call asking about a release date or stop in the store and ask about a game, I'm told that I should put money down on a preorder to guarantee my copy at launch. If I decline, I'm warned that "you won't be able to get it when it releases if you don't preorder, it's going to sell out and you won't be able to find a copy anywhere." I've been told this for big name releases as well as niche games. If it's a huge release, it'll sell out. If it's a niche game, not many will be shipped and it will be impossible to find. Only a preorder can save the day!
- On the day given to me by the store as the day of release, I call up/arrive at the store, only to be told that they didn't get enough copies to fill all their preorders, so I'll have to wait for the second shipment in a few weeks, or that the truck will be here tomorrow, or maybe the next day.
- I stop by Best Buy THE SAME DAY and see dozens of copies on the shelf. I buy one.
- I go back to the game shop and cancel my preorder.
So what's happened here is that the specialty retailers have pushed preorders with all kinds of talk about guarantees and warnings about unavailability if I don't preorder, only to not deliver the game when promised. When I put my money down, my preorder is guaranteed at launch, but at launch, they don't have enough to cover their preorders? What the?
As a consumer that sure makes me feel like EB & Gamespot are really happy to rack me up as a guaranteed sale on their books ahead of time, but aren't all that fucking interested in honoring the guarantee they promised ME. Meanwhile, other non-specialty retailers have the game in mass quantities. I guess all that stuff about sold out and hard to find games was bullshit. This only serves to reinforce my impression that the game stores just feed me a line of garbage to get me to commit to a sale, then slack off on holding up their end of the transaction.
I don't give a damn about shipping problems, reduced shipments, inventory glitches, or what have you. Keeping that crap under control is their job. If it's such a big problem, then DO NOT GUARANTEE THE CUSTOMER SOMETHING YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY GUARANTEE. Lying to your customers is NOT how you keep them.
So to hell with them. I haven't preordered since, nor even shopped at their stores, and amazingly enough, I've still had no trouble finding the games I want.
Fuck preorders.